Jenkins to Appear at AARP Candidates Forum

Jenkins to Appear at AARP Candidates Forum

Independent Accepts Invitation for October 27th Candidates Forum

Plano, TX (PRWEB) October 1, 2004

Paul Jenkins, running as an independent this November for the US House of Representatives in TexasÂ’ 3rd District, has agreed to participate in a candidatesÂ’ forum sponsored by the Plano Chapter of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).

The forum will take place at 1:00pm on October 27th at the Plano Senior Center, 401 W. 16th St in Plano, Texas.

In announcing the forum acceptance, Mr. Jenkins said, “I am glad to see groups such as the AARP so interested in hearing from the candidates this election season. I believe that the 3rd District voters deserve an opportunity to hear the views of those running for Congress unfiltered by the media and in response to direct questions they have. I appreciate the AARP extending this invitation to me, and hope that the incumbent accepts so that we can have a healthy debate on the issues.”

Jenkins went on to say “I believe that the 3rd District needs a fiscally conservative, socially moderate choice this November, not a career politician. They want fresh ideas on how to solve our problems without the partisanship that has come to define politics and my opponent. I represent the clear choice this November to lead true reform in the federal government, because I'm not tied to political party ideology or power structures. The Republicans have failed to provide true reform in federal spending, and have grown the size and scope of the federal system when they had pledged to cut it. I will provide the leadership that my opponent can not in pushing for real cuts and reforms.”

Mr. Jenkins has been a Plano resident for more than 10 years and owns and operates a consulting firm advising clients on technology and management issues. He graduated with a degree in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Jenkins is married with three children.

The election for US Congress will be held November 2, 2004.

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