"Parenting" and "Difficult" Are Not Synonymous

"Parenting" and "Difficult" Are Not Synonymous

Randy Rolfe, author of "The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents," reveals the "easy ways" to parent on Internet Radio's "Full Power Living," hosted by Ilene Dillon, on Thursday, September 7, 2006.

El Sobrante, CA (PRWEB) September 2, 2006

Randy Rolfe, author of "The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents," reveals the "easy ways" to parent on Internet Radio's "Full Power Living," hosted by Ilene Dillon, on Thursday, September 7, 2006.

Do your children fight -- a lot? Does your son or daughter have frequent “stomach aches” that cause lost school days? How do you deal with a dying pet and a sensitive child? What do you do about homework, problems at school, children who don’t seem to want to apply themselves? Sometimes parenting seems bewildering., especially when it comes to determining what needs attention and where you can offer support only. Family Therapist Randy Rolfe has effective ideas from her book, "The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents." She appears on “Full Power Living,” Internet Radio’s program, hosted by Ilene Dillon, M. S.W. , on Thursday, September 7, 2006.

Most children get an average of only 8 minutes of face-to-face interaction with a parent in one day. Yet face-to-face interaction is vital to your child. How do parents “find time,” “know what to say,” or develop “faith” in their child’s ability to “work it out?” Rolfe encourages the efforts of parents everywhere to be effective, share their love, and succeed in their job as parent. You will not want to miss this program.

Randy Rolfe, J. D., M. A., has been married over 30 years and, together with her husband, has raised two adult children. She is a long-time family therapist, an attorney, home-schooler, and natural health advocate. Author of five books, including "The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents," Randy has been a frequent guest on such shows as Sally, Geraldo, Gordon, Montel, Maury and Ricki. She has appeared on hundreds of radio programs and in print.

Full Power Living is dedicated to “awakening the world to the power and importance of human emotions.” Aired weekly on worldtalkradio dot com, Dillon interviews a variety of guests as she explores the role of emotions in every aspect of human life. Past guests have included relationships guru Harville Hendrix, Ph. D., Swami Beyondananda, Dennis Bakke, “Rejection Queen” Dr. Elayne Savage, Gregg Braden and Love and Logic Parenting Institute founder Jim Fay.

Even the hard parts of parenting can become easier when you apply the Seven Secrets of Successful Parents. Listen to Randy Rolfe on Thursday, September 7, 2006 when she appears on Full Power Living, heard on World Talk Radio on the Internet. Learn to have faith in yourself and in your children.
