Miss Mystique 2006 Aimee Rickards Appears on Savvy. com - Happy to be a Fantasy Sex Symbol

Miss Mystique 2006 Aimee Rickards Appears on Savvy. com - Happy to be a Fantasy Sex Symbol

Aimee is Miss January in Mystique’s Exposed 2007 Calendar and beat more than 3,800 other models to become “Miss Mystique 2006”. Typically shy, Amiee came out of her shell during her interview. “I don’t mind if men fantasize about being with me when they look at my pictures."

Tracy, CA (PRWEB) July 4, 2006

England’s Amiee Rickards doesn’t mind being a sex symbol one bit. This fan favorite makes her second appearance in Mystique Magazine and Savvy. com, posing for master lensman Mark Daughn in an old west poker game scene.

We sure as hell would be distracted from our card game if a lass as appealing as Amiee were disrobing beside the table. Speaking of disrobing, Aimee is Miss January in Mystique’s Exposed 2007 Calendar and beat more than 3,800 other models to become “Miss Mystique 2006”.

Typically shy, Amiee came out of her shell during her interview with Savvy. com.

“I don’t mind if men fantasize about being with me when they look at my pictures,” she said.

“That’s my job. I aim to please and that sort of thing doesn’t bother me. It’s a turn-on knowing that couples might look at my photos and admire my face and body. I would be out of pocket unless I made people happy.”

So you don’t mind being someone’s “inspiration”? “Not at all. What I like about Mystique is that it isn’t Penthouse. It is arousing but in a beautiful way.

“I also have a coffee table book, called Mystical Sirens, coming out with Mystique in September and I am the cover girl. The books are so beautiful and classy. You can leave them on the coffee table for your grandparents to look at."

Other men's magazines and websites present models in a manner than viewers say to themselves, “Well, I could have sex with her” and that’s it. I will only pose totally nude for Mystique, for as long as they want to use me, because they are the best company to work for, the pictures are amazing every time and the videos are very classy. It is sensual but isn’t porn. It is art."

Speaking of fantasies, who is your own fantasy material? “Johnny Depp, from Pirates of the Caribbean, although my brother looks like him so much that that would be sick in real life so I would have to say... Jose Marunio, the Chelsea football club manager.”

“What else is good? The sun gets me hot and bothered and horny. Also, playing Jamie Foxx, having a glass of red wine, making some spaghetti Bolognaise and getting it all down me. (Laughs) That’s the only thing I cook really well.”

Aimee believes that you have to keep the spark alive in a relationship. “Sometimes it is fun to dress up. I’m sure all men fantasize about their girl dressing up as a police officer or a nurse. I like to wear my Stilettos and nothing else around the house. My boyfriend and I aren’t wild or weird. We just have fun. “

Now moving into acting, Aimee is learning the tools of the acting trade. “I have been studying, reading books, etc. on how to progress as a better actress. I’m auditioning and starting an acting workshop to get more practice in.”

Is it true you are really shy? “You would not think that since I pose nude, but sometimes I really don’t like people taking notice of me. My family took me to an Italian restaurant for my 20th birthday meal last night and when we arrived, the lights went down and music started blaring. Out came the cake and people clapping. I really wanted the ground to swallow me.”

About Mystique

Mystique publishes a monthly digital magazine through Zinio. com, as well as a bi-monthly hardcover book version called Mystical Sirens. Mystique also produces and licenses a range of branded collectibles, including posters, DVDs, and wall calendars. Posters are available through Scorpio Posters and Starmakers Rising in stores such as Spencer Gifts and Tower Records. Mystique’s DVDs are available directly from its Sirens catalog division, and select titles are distributed by Image Entertainment to stores such as Wherehouse, Tower Records and Borders. Mystique’s award-winning calendars can be found in the Sirens catalog and in Calendar Club stores.

Mystique also produces original programming, such as its ‘Mystical Journeys’ and ‘Behind The Fantasy’ series. Mystique regularly provides programming to the nation’s top Pay Per View networks, such as TVN, On Command, LodgeNet, inDemand and Dish Network, and on IPTV (video over broadband) services such as Akimbo. In 2005, Mystique began filming exclusively in 1080i HD to supply HD networks such as inHD and Voom. Mystique also supplies stills and video content to some of the leading Mobile Phone networks, including through industry leader Brickhouse Mobile.

Mystique content is also one of the top-rated and most popular showcase features (you can watch for free) at one of the leading video-entertainment destinations on the web, iFilm. Mystique and its models are regularly featured in the mainstream national and worldwide media, including on shows such as Inside Edition, Extra, E!’s Wild On, Travel Channel, Howard Stern, Fox, Telemundo, RTL (Germany), TechTV, Celebrity Justice, Poorman’s Bikini Beach (and more) as well as radio stations from coast to coast.

Mystique Magazine and Sirens Catalog are privately owned by Infinity Studios, Inc. and is based in Austin, Texas.

About Savvy

Savvy. com men’s lifestyle portal is rapidly becoming a favorite destination on the Web, with over 400,000 daily unique visitors and 52 million monthly page views. Savvy is now the No. 2 men’s lifestyle site online – passing magazine sites such as Maxim, FHM, Stuff and Loaded during 2005.

At zero cost to readers, Savvy offers quality photo shoots and news, sports and entertainment updates every 15 minutes, 24/7. Plus more than 50,000 articles onsite and a fast-growing social networking Friends community where readers can blog, post video-blogs, join forums and groups and message other members; and thousands of videos on just as many topics of interest to men.

Savvy’s original columnists and experts write insightful (and sometimes irreverent) features on women, dating, entertainment, sports, celebrities, fashion, health, relationships, games, gadgets, auto and rides, careers, money, odd stories, and humor. The site also features tasteful, non-nude pictorials and full length interviews with some of the world's most beautiful and talented young models and actresses, as well as the 'the girls next door'. Featured models have included Supermodel/Actress Amber Smith, sports newscaster and Sideline Correspondent Bonnie-Jill Laflin, calendar bombshell Vida Guerra, sisters C. J. and Raquel Gibson, and Model/Actors Nikki Ziering, Gabrielle Tuite, Bobbie Sue Luther, and Camille Anderson. Savvy. com is privately owned by Tri-Media Corp. and is based in California.
