Southern California Based Technology Leadership Political Action Committee Names Alvaka Networks' CEO, Oli Thordarson as their Chairman

Southern California Based Technology Leadership Political Action Committee Names Alvaka Networks' CEO, Oli Thordarson as their Chairman.

On February 22nd, Orange County's newly formed Technology Leadership Political Action Committee (TLPAC) named Oli Thordarson their Chairman. Mr. Thordarson, CEO and Founder of 25 year old Information Technology company Alvaka Networks, and a long standing vocal member of the technology industry, was honored to accept this leading role in an organization that he believes will revolutionize how Orange County and Southern California are viewed by the global technology industry.

Irvine (PRWEB) March 13, 2008

At their inaugural event on February 22nd, Orange County's newly formed Technology Leadership Political Action Committee (TLPAC) named Oli Thordarson their Chairman. Mr. Thordarson, CEO and Founder of 25 year old Information Technology company Alvaka Networks, and a long standing vocal member of the technology industry, was honored to accept this leading role in an organization that he believes will revolutionize how Orange County and Southern California are viewed by the global technology industry. The goal of the TLPAC is to increase the recognition, through local and state legislative support of the technology industry here in Orange County. It's an industry that provides 96% of the number of jobs as the famed Silicon Valley technology industry, but has a political clout negatively disproportionate to its contribution to the local job market and economy. The TLPAC, with Mr. Thordarson at the helm, plans to change all that.

"In a couple years, with legislative support, we want to see our SoCal tech jobs overtake NorCal. Then, I will consider my chairmanship a job well done," says Thordarson. It's a lofty goal, especially considering that it will be a full-time job for the TLPAC just to keep up with educating elected officials. Many of those officials are more and more frequently sponsoring and voting on bills that impact technologies they may not fully understand, or even know exist before they are asked to weigh in on legislation. As technology becomes increasingly ingrained in our day to day existence, and the likelihood of government regulation increases, it will become ever more imperative that legislators have resources to turn to on these issues. The TLPAC intends to be that leading resource.

"The prosperity of the local technology industry is a key component to the overall health of the local economy," says TLPAC Executive Director Tim Jemal. "Oli Thordarson has been a fervent messenger of that fact, and a passionate advocate for getting our local technology industry out of NorCal's shadow for years." And it's this steadfast commitment and drive that stands to make the new TLPAC's leader and his organization a force to be reckoned with.

Oli Thordarson has been an advocate for the technology industry, and especially Information Technology, since the early 1980's. The founder and CEO of one of the country's leaders in IT Managed Services, Alvaka Networks, Thordarson has spent the last 25 years living and doing business in Orange County. He's seen his business and its locale change drastically over the years. What hasn't changed over the years is his conviction that technology advocacy is required to ensuring our continued global competitiveness, and local industry prosperity. In addition to his new chairmanship, Mr. Thordarson is also a board member and volunteer for The Discovery Science Center, a CompTIA National Board Member, and local AEA Executive Council Member. His Chairmanship of the TLPAC is really just a next logical step in what has been a career's worth of advocacy for technology and technology education.

The TLPAC, with Chairman Oli Thordarson, is a group to watch as they enter their first election season as a local political force. Anyone interested in learning more about TLPAC, or their current legislative initiative, should visit their website at www. tlpac. org.
