Take Charge of Your Health with the Comprehensive Guide to CAM Therapies

Take Charge of Your Health with the Comprehensive Guide to CAM Therapies

With over 300 detailed therapy listings, Alan E. Smith's new book "UnBreak Your Health: The Complete Guide to Complementary and Alternative Therapies" is the most inclusive book on CAM therapies ever published.

Plano, TX (PRWEB) January 28, 2008

With over 300 detailed therapy listings, Alan E. Smith's new book "UnBreak Your Health: The Complete Guide to Complementary and Alternative Therapies" is the most inclusive book on CAM therapies ever published.

Alan Smith is no doctor, but maybe that's why people like his book so much. Like millions of other people worldwide, he's simply a patient who visited too many doctors for too many problems for too long, never finding a solution for his digestive problems -- even after a trip to one of the world's best medical facilities.

Smith finally found relief in Rob Williams' PSYCH-K process, a complementary and alternative therapy based on the mind-body connection. PSYCH-K and 299 other proven CAM therapies are described in detail--with testimonials - - in Smith's new health book "UnBreak Your Health: the Complete Guide to Complementary and Alternative Therapies" (ISBN 9781932690, Loving Healing Press, 2007).

According to the National Institute of Health, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) includes a wide variety of medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. CAM therapies include everything from ancient healing techniques, such as acupuncture, to cutting-edge advancements, such as cold laser technology.

"UnBreak Your Health" offers hope to those who have run out options in the realm of conventional medicine. The guide introduces readers to holistic therapies that treat the source -- not just the symptoms -- of the problem, by healing the mind and spirit along with the body. Smith adamantly believes that when it comes to personal health, people need to take responsibility to learn what works for their own unique bodies and ailments.

"I know people are looking for quick, easy answers but that's not how our health works," Smith says. For this reason, "UnBreak Your Health" doesn't include a disease listing in the index, because while everything in the book will work for someone, nothing in the book is guaranteed to work for everyone. Smith is quick to remind those skeptical about CAM that many of these therapies exist today because they've survived trial and error over thousands of years.

For anyone interested in starting the journey toward better health, "UnBreak Your Health" offers an exciting world of possibilities that have the potential to restore your health, bring peace of mind and create an incredible sense of well-being.

About the Author

Alan E. Smith resides in Plano, Texas. A former journalist, he put his reporting skills to work to research and write "UnBreak Your Health." Smith says he enjoys the best health he's had in decades thanks to CAM therapies.

"UnBreak Your Health: the Complete Guide to Complementary and Alternative Therapies" (ISBN 9781932690, Loving Healing Press, 2007) can be purchased through local and online bookstores. For more information, including links to each therapy listed in the book, visit www. unbreakyourhealth. com. Publicity contact: www. readerviews. com. Review copies available upon request.
