Revised Manuscript Urges People of the World to Follow the ‘Golden Rule’

Revised Manuscript Urges People of the World to Follow the ‘Golden Rule’

“God’s 8 Laws Are the Eight Major Laws of the World: An Open Door to Healing,” Mary Ann Thomas’ revised manuscript, is the revelation describing the empowerment to an individual who follows the universal law (the Golden Rule) to use Divine Energy for healing, a subject she has taught for many years through her “The Essence of Healing” workshops in Colorado.

Denver, CO (PRWEB) April 14, 2005

After more than 20 years teaching energy transference healing through her trademarked “The Essence of Healing” workshops, Mary Ann Thomas has put her spiritual lessons into manuscript form, with a forward that calls on the world’s population to follow the “Golden Rule.”

“God’s 8 Laws are the 8 Major Laws of the World: An Open Door to Healing,” is meant as a spiritual awakening for people of all religions to unite for world peace, says Thomas. “There has never been a more perfect time, or ‘Golden Opportunity,’ for the people of the world to come together as one body and practice the ‘Golden Rule’ of their respective religions,” she says.

Prophets from the eight major religions of the world have all taught some version of the ‘Golden Rule,’ which Thomas calls God’s 8 Major Laws of the World. Followers of Christianity, Brahmanism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Confucianism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism have all been taught to “Do unto others what you would have done unto yourself.”

“If all the people of the world would follow these simple rules, the world would be a much happier and healthier place to live,” Thomas says in her 123-page manuscript, now available at www. gods8laws. com. “God’s plan would be fulfilled with peaceful, compassionate people.”

Thomas is releasing her manuscript now to urge all the people of the world to spread the healing energy of peace by praying and/or thinking that all the hatred, bitterness and anger that have brought war, terrorism and famine be ended.

“If people were living by the teachings of the prophets, there wouldn’t be the problems that we are having today," she said.

Thomas is an expert in Divine energy transference healing by laying on of hands. She has studied in the fields of religion and ethics for more than 35 years and began teaching classes in “The Essence of Healing” in 1979. She no longer offers the four-day classes; instead she has created the manuscript for those interested in working with Divine Energy effectively.

“The manuscript is the class in print,” she says, and teaches anyone about the healing energy found inside all God’s creatures. “When we hurt, what do we do? We put our hands where we hurt. It’s instinct. We automatically put our hands where it hurts. This is The Essence of Healing.”

After taking Thomas’ workshops in 1986, John McGee of Boulder, Colo., said his life had been changed. “I experienced a complete shift in my energies to the positive and have a general feeling of well-being that I cannot attribute to anything else,” he said. “I now see the God energy in people rather than the negative, and I have a clearer understanding of life itself. One of the miracles is that my ex-mother-in-law is now speaking to me after 43 years of silence.” McGee died in 2002.

“I don't believe that God ever intended anyone to be without the knowledge of energy transference healing,” she says. “We all have God's energy flowing through us. All you have to do is learn how to use it effectively.

“We are all healers.”

The manuscript is available for $29 at http://www. the8laws. com (http://www. the8laws. com) or http://www. TheEssenceofHealing. com (http://www. TheEssenceofHealing. com).


Mary Ann Thomas

1-303 980-1562

1-888-237-0190 (toll free in U. S.)

Fax: (303) 980-1582

P. O. Box 27944

Denver, CO 80227

Www. gods8laws. com

Www. the8laws. com

Http://www. TheEssenceofHealing. com (http://www. TheEssenceofHealing. com)

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