A New Dimension to Celebrating Father's Day--Helping Men To Be Better Dads

A New Dimension to Celebrating Father's Day--Helping Men To Be Better Dads

(PRWEB) June 12, 2000

Washington, D. CÂ….Father's Day takes on a new dimension this year as several organizations work to raise the visibility of fatherhood issues and to help put information in the hands of men. In an effort to help men be better dads, organizations are hosting events that will provide information, resources, training and awareness for dads and male caregivers. The campaign, spearheaded by Parenting Coalition International, Inc. (PCI) is a national initiative to encourage fathers to be actively engaged in the lives of their children. Research shows that when fathers are involved, their children learn more, perform better in school, and exhibit healthier behavior. Even when fathers do not share a home with their children, their active involvement can have a lasting and positive impact. Launched on the heels of The Fathers Count Act of 1999 adopted by the U. S. House of Representatives and at a time that the Senate is considering the "Responsible Fatherhood" bill (S.1364) sponsored by Senator Bayh (D-Ind), this campaign raises additional awareness of the latest research and the need to keep fathers connected to their children.

"Our goals are to mobilize entire communities to address the issue of fatherhood in America and to disseminate information about the support, outreach and skills building programs that are available locally and nationally," said Belinda Rollins, President of PCI. "This is not a one-day event, but a process to provide the knowledge, tools, and resources to help dads to be better dads. We are working with the office of National Drug Control Policy's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the U. S. Department of Education's Partnership for Family Involvement in Education to provide tried, true and research-based materials."

The first event is scheduled for June 11 in Detroit, Michigan with "Gathering of Men" where men will celebrate their accomplishments as well as address their pain, fears and insecurities that affect their careers, families and relationships. On June 17, the Washington Urban League will host a Male Only Conference with workshops and lunch at the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W.C. A. in Washington, D. C. Other events taking place on June 17 are being hosted by, The Waterbury Chapter of PCI, Waterbury, Connecticut; Tennessee Parents First, Nashville, Tennessee; The Jones Center for Families, Springdale, Arkansas and Hawaii Coalition for Dads. On June 22nd, the Indianapolis Center for Family, School and Community Partnership will host an event. Jammin 95.7 Radio Station in Philadelphia, PA is hosting a live remote, exhibits and workshops, July 15 and The Parental Assistance Program of Flemingsburg, Kentucky will host the Second Annual Parent Conference on September 9. The Illinois Fatherhood Initiative hosted a Spring Fatherhood Festival in May and will be holding its annual Dinner Celebration on June 16 in Chicago, Illinois.

Parenting Coalition International, Inc., a national not-for-profit organization works to strengthen families by creating, promoting and making accessible, resources, tools and knowledge to enhance the skills and attitudes for raising healthy, successful and responsible children. PCI spearheads the annual observance of National Parents' Day in July and National Parent Involvement Day in November and publishes the ABC's of Parent Involvement in Education. Supporters of this campaign include The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The AFL-CIO and Blockbuster Video. For more information call (202) 530-0849 or visit www. parentingcoalition. org.