Three Bands Lead the Pack in MusicDish's BandWars Battle Royale!!!

Three Bands Lead the Pack in MusicDish's BandWars Battle Royale!!!

(PRWEB) February 24, 2001

Initial Results Show Christina Fasano, Marina and Los Straitjackets in the Lead...

February 22, 2001 -- New York, NY -- MusicDish's BandWars

Battle Royale competition is heating up at the end of its

First week (of three) of competition. With over 800 votes

Casts so far, who will win is anybody's guess! BandWars Battle

Royale is a 3 week competition between all previous

Champions of MusicDish's BandWars - 16 bands all together.

Over $3,500 in band prizes will be given away from a list of

Great sponsors including: Crystal Clear Disc & Tape,

Bandwear. com, cdstreet. com, Chris Standring (A&R Online),

Muska & Lipman, Soundartist, The Buzz Factor and Moses Avalon.

The results so far:

The leading contenders are...

Christina Fasano's "It's Just A Funk Thang" - 17.14% of the vote

Marina's "Leaving" - 17.01% of the vote

Los Straitjackets' "Kawanga!" - 16.39% of the vote

And not far behind...

God The Band's "#6" - 8.94% of the vote

Coven 13's "Carnival Ride" - 7.82%

Rockenfield/Speer's "Seven Devils" - 6.95%

Kharma Zhu's "Live To Die" - 6.70%

There is still two weeks left.

Listen to the track...Vote for the best band!

Http://www. musicdish. com/bandwars/vote/ (http://www. musicdish. com/bandwars/vote/)


"Carnival Ride" by COVEN 13

A concept album that reminds me heavily of things like

Savatage's rock operas and Metallica without the metal part.

The lead voice is so strong you expect the music to be the

Kill yourself kind, but it ain't. -- Ben Ohmart

"Weird" by CHIN HO!

This is a band that is perfect for taking advantage of

Today's digital online marketing opportunities. They are

Ready for the next step and just need the right push and a

Hefty budget so they can keep the bus filled with the right

Colored M&M's. -- Cowboy Surfer

"Alright Now" by EBONY RUN

20 minutes and 6 songs. Reminds me of Hootie a little - esp.

The bang up vocals that shout into 'Alright Now.' The cool,

Twisting guitar work at Least equals these lead vocals for

Entertainment value and supremacy. -- Ben Ohmart

"Cease To Be" by HAVEN

Take Eddie Vedder's passion, mix it with Nirvana's grunge,

Add a little of the Toadie's guitar and you've got the

Sounds of Myrtle Beach-based rock band Haven. Their debut

CD, "Cease To Be," is an amazing mix of tricky guitar

Playing and layers of sounds which create a unique blend

That really brings you into the midst of their songs. --

Daina Kazmaier

"Battle of Legends" by CHIVALRA

48 minutes of keyboard delight from David Flook, who calls

His one-man band Chivalra. The first thing that will strike

Your mind when listening to the first track is that you're

Playing a King's Quest game. -- Ben Ohmart

"Live To Die" by KHARMA ZHU

Awfully good EP with 5 songs and a strange intro. They are

Simply great players and Danny Marcus' voice is strong

Enough to carry such good stuff far. I like his overdubs as

Well. -- Ben Ohmart

"It's Just A Funk Thang" by CHRISTINA FASANO

Bass and horn and wah guitar build by layering vocals and

Party atmosphere. Of course the fact that words winding it

Up contain 'funk me, funk you, everybody sing / it's just a

Funk thang' help UH good. -- Ben Ohmart

"Volume" by GRÃœVIS MALT

Tons of people come together to produce a family explosion

Like this, and it shows on the carpet. Sprinkling a healthy

Supply of old record scratches, instrumental breaks, live

Tracks and rap, there's something for everyone here, if

You're on the soul side. -- Ben Ohmart

"Leaving" by MARINA

Her voice and mode of composition is much like Madonna in

The Erotica and Ray of Lights years, when she was sometimes

Given basically just a piano to work with. Gothic and

Beautiful. -- Ben Ohmart 

"Pacific Ocean" by PAL SHAZAR

Pal female leads the alternative, personal rock album with

Lots of self-insights, memories and mistakes and joys she's

Collected through life. She also manages to get sex into

Everything. Her sexual mode of vocals can turn an ordinarily

Innocent phrase into an insinuation full of breath and

Regretted promise. -- Ben Ohmart


High energy and plenty of soul here from Vegas-based quartet

"Epstein's Mother." Sounding a little like Matchbox 20

(specifically the vocals) meets the Goo Goo Dolls, this band

Is tight and put together perfectly. -- Daina Kazmaier


Every tune on this entire album deserves recognition, and I

Actually can't pick out the best. The band is consistently

Tight with their instrumentals, the music is always upbeat,

And all in all, Los Straitjackets are just seeping with

Energy. They don't need lyrics to get their feelings across,

It's all in the music! -- Daina Kazmaier

"Welcome to Hip Hop Country" by GEORGE LEE JR. & THE CRAZED COWBOYS

I don't know if the first thing I think of when listening to

This is hip hop, but it shore is country. You see, these

Crazed guys replace beat for twang, and I think that's the

Key to understanding. -- Ben Ohmart

"Appreciate" by TOM MARSHALL & CO.

This here's the lyricist for Phish, one of the oddest bands

Around really. Their cover of the entire Beatles' White

Album is still a cult classic oft-bootlegged. Well, in the

Closet with another backing band, Tom comes up with 16 songs

Of varying spots and colors. No, the cd isn't sick, just

Diseased from mainstream ignorance. -- Ben Ohmart

"#6" by GOD THE BAND

I believe they call themselves psychedelia, and of course

There's a huge chunk of 60s in there, but it also moves into

Progressive music, because the formula of what they produce

Is much more complex (and interesting) than most rock songs

Which keep to a more recognized mode of creation. I love

This group!! -- Ben Ohmart


Smooth, kick-ass, full of wonder (especially things like

'River of No Return'), electronic, surreal craft, busy

Beauty: in mostly 4+ minute songs, allowing you to get your

Head right around the entire musical landscape, as it's

Painted for you. Sweet, sweet music, well suited to your

Adventure game, or some great blue sky day when you only

Have the time to listen. -- Ben Ohmart

Listen to the track...Vote for the best band!

Http://www. musicdish. com/bandwars/vote/ (http://www. musicdish. com/bandwars/vote/)


Crystal Clear Disc & Tape http://www. crystalclear. com (http://www. crystalclear. com)

bandwear. com http://www. bandwear. com (http://www. bandwear. com)

cdstreet. com http://www. cdstreet. com (http://www. cdstreet. com)

Chris Standring - "So You Think You Want a Record Deal?" http://www. cdstreet. com/cgi-bin/artisthome_db. cgi?359625 (http://www. cdstreet. com/cgi-bin/artisthome_db. cgi?359625)

Moses Avalon - "Confessions of a Record Producer" http://www. mosesavalon. com (http://www. mosesavalon. com)

Muska & Lipman - "MP3 FYI" http://www. muskalipman. com (http://www. muskalipman. com)

Soundartist http://www. soundartist. com (http://www. soundartist. com)

The Buzz Factor - "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook" http://www. thebuzzfactor. com (http://www. thebuzzfactor. com)

Music industry news Network http://www. mi2n. com (http://www. mi2n. com)

A complete list of Sponsors & Prizes can be found at

Http://musicdish. com/bandwars/battleroyale. php3 (http://musicdish. com/bandwars/battleroyale. php3)

For rules on the competition, visit

Http://musicdish. com/bandwars/bandwarsrules. php3 (http://musicdish. com/bandwars/bandwarsrules. php3)

About BandWars

BandWars (http://www. musicdish. com/bandwars/ (http://www. musicdish. com/bandwars/)) was launched

In MusicDish in October 1999 as a competition to highlight the best

Independent bands featured in the MusicDish e-Journal. Since then,

There have been 16 BandWars champions, many of whom are among

The premier indie bands of the Internet in terms of fan following

And promotional success.

About MusicDish

MusicDish (http://www. musicdish. com (http://www. musicdish. com)) is an e-journal that tackles

The emerging issues facing the online music industry as it

Enters the digital era. Reknowned for its analysis by

Industry experts and audio interviews with leaders in the

New industry, the publications also features one of the

Largest indie review sections and columns on succeeding in

This controversial & precedent setting industry.

MusicDish is part of a network of innovative music sites

Published by Tag It, (www. taggin. com) a New Media firm

Founded in 1997, and consist of Mi2N (www. mi2n. com), the

Largest online industry newswire, 'LA'Ritmo. com

(www. laritmo. com), a Latin music magazine, and Black Hole

(www. yourblackhole. com), an urban music & culture site.

For more information on MusicDish BandWars:

Sounni de Fontenay

Editor-in-Chief, MusicDish

Tel: 718-803-9075

Email: editor@musicdish. com