Baseball Players Susceptible to Foot Problems

Baseball Players Susceptible to Foot Problems

Like other athletes, baseball players place a lot of demands on their feet. Xenna Corporation CEO C. J. Buck says proper care of feet is critical to both agility and concentration. Whether professional or amateur, athletes no longer need to put up with unsightly toenails or rough, dry hands and feet.

Princeton, NJ (PRWEB) May 24, 2005

Baseball has been "America's Favorite Pastime" since the 1800's, when New Yorker Alexander Cartwright invented the modern baseball field, and members of his New York Knickerbocker Base Ball Club devised the first rules and regulations for the modern game. But it's a demanding, vigorous sport, and players from Little Leaguers to senior citizens need to be cautious about injuries that can result from improper preparation and technique, poorly fitted shoes and other factors such as unseen holes, sticks or stones on the playing field.

Because baseball involves quick starts and stops, even children need to do some stretching and warm-up before getting into the game. In an interview with Foot. com, Oakland A's pitcher Barry Zito said, "I do a lot of stretching, yoga, I ride the bike a lot, even before I pitch to get warmed up."

Parents should be aware of the fact that many adult foot problems have their origin in childhood as the result of a sports injury, and that children often won't complain about pain associated with their sport of choice. Those older than 40, who are diabetic, smoke or have any type of physical disability should see a physician before picking up the sport again. People who already know they have foot problems should see a podiatrist, who can assess the risks involved.

Like other athletes, baseball players place a lot of demands on their feet. In baseball, foot injuries often occur as the result of sliding into base, when the foot or ankle gets caught. Thickened, rough areas or dry, cracked heels another common problem.

Xenna Corporation, based in Princeton, New Jersey (www. xenna. com) distributes podiatrist-recommended foot care products. CEO C. J. Buck says, "In order to perform at their peak, athletes must start with hands and feet that are in great shape and keep them that way. However, because of the demands placed on them, it's common for athletes and those with active lifestyles to develop rough, cracked heels. Xenna's CalleX® Dry Heel Ointment is acid-free and uses natural enzymes to exfoliate, thin and soften thick areas while it moisturizes dry, cracked heels."

The exfoliating enzymes in CalleX Dry Heel Ointment are selective to areas of skin that are thick or flaky. According to podiatrist David Tsui, "CalleX Ointment works very well. I have used it on my patients and on myself. You see a real difference in one week." A gentle rubbing action with a wet, soapy washcloth is sufficient to gradually exfoliate and thin thick, flaky areas of skin.

Toenails also take a beating from sports like baseball. Older players often have toenails that look yellow and brown. According to Buck, "It's common for athletes and those with active lifestyles to see their once clear, healthy-looking nails become yellow, dark or discolored over time."

Xenna's patented NonyX® Nail Gel for yellow, dark or discolored nails is recommended by many podiatrists, and is being used by professional and amateur athletes alike. Buck says, "NonyX Nail Gel is a topical, easy-to-use gel that softens, breaks down and removes yellow, discolored or thick keratin debris buildup under nails - the actual source of nail discoloration. Once keratin debris is removed, NonyX Gel keeps nails looking clear and attractive with regular use."

A recent clinical study confirmed NonyX Nail Gel significantly improves toenail color and clarity by exfoliating yellowing keratin debris from under the nail. To view a recent TV news release on use of NonyX Gel featuring podiatrist Dr. Bret Ribotsky's comments, go to http://easylink. playstream. com/networknewssource/nonyx/nonyx. wvx (http://easylink. playstream. com/networknewssource/nonyx/nonyx. wvx)

Buck says, "Baseball players depend on their hand/eye coordination and jack-rabbit speed to score and catch, and proper care of their feet is critical to both agility and concentration. Whether professional or recreational, athletes no longer need to put up with unsightly toenails or dry, cracked heels and feet."

NonyX Nail Gel can be purchased in the foot care section of Walgreen's, Rite Aid, Longs, Drug Emporium, Brooks and most Medicine Shoppe drugstores. It is also available from podiatric physicians, independent pharmacies and online at www. drugstore. com and www. xenna. com. CalleX Dry Heel Ointment is now available in the foot care section at Longs Drugs, from podiatric physicians and online at www. drugstore. com and www. xenna. com.

Xenna Corporation is a privately-held company which develops and distributes natural personal care products for skin, hair and nails.


C. J. Buck


Xenna Corporation

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