27-Year-Old Self-Made Millionaire Dubbed Next Generation Personal and Professional Development Superstar

27-Year-Old Self-Made Millionaire Dubbed Next Generation Personal and Professional Development Superstar

Jordan Wirsz presents the Ultimate Sales Summit, April 29th Las Vegas. First time ever Jordan is selling tickets for $49.

Las Vegas, NV (Vocus) March 25, 2010

Jordan Wirsz, a young 27-year-old seasoned entrepreneur started his first business before he was even a teenager. Now, he is a retired Millionaire who has dedicated his life to helping others achieve extraordinary wealth, health, and happiness. By the age of 14, Jordan was brokering helicopters, and by the age of 18, a commercially licensed pilot, at which time he sold his first company in the aviation industry, which was a full service aircraft brokerage and pilot supplies e-commerce business, with more than 1,000 products available online. After building and selling nearly a half dozen companies, Jordan is one of the few, if not the only, next generation speaker and author who has actually lived the success he speaks about, including his passion for being one of the youngest Aerobatic Air-Show pilots in the country, flying the world's most high performance airplanes "for fun."

Featured on CNBC's Donny Deutch "The Big Idea", Fox News affiliates, NBC Miami and affiliates, The Rolanda Watts Show, and more, Jordan is already changing lives by the tens of thousands. Jordan's personal development journey started 21 years ago when he picked up Tony Robbins' tapes off of his mother's countertop, and as a lonely child growing up on the brink of poverty, Jordan began, and remains to this day, a student of human performance and business philosophy. From 6 years old on, everything that Jordan's 6 year old mind could comprehend he soaked up like a sponge. After studying NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), NAC (Neuro Associative Conditioning), and even Hypnosis, Jordan has become known as a personal performance expert. Now, Jordan works with Hollywood celebrities, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even Billionaires as both a personal and professional mentor/coach. "I try to stay away from the term "coach", Wirsz says. "The term "coach" has become a stereotypical term with the world becoming saturated with new and up and coming "coaches." Truthfully, being a life coach or business coach at a very high level takes decades of work, dedication, and studying. I take it very seriously, since I don't believe you can "practice" being a coach with anyone's life...Life quality is too profoundly important to learn on new clients." Jordan's clients are among the elite, and they pay top dollar for his expertise and the results that Jordan Wirsz generates.

But it doesn't take a fortune to learn what has made this 27 year old entrepreneur and philosopher and self-made success story that he is today. Jordan is on the speaking circuit around the U. S. and around the globe. Jordan has a number of business revolution and personal development seminars that start at only $49 per person. With events from coast-to-coast, it is easy for almost anyone to achieve an amazing life-changing experience by joining him at one of his events, reading one of his books, or listening to one of his audio series. Also hired as a Keynote speaker and presenter at events across the Globe, Jordan is currently scheduled to speak in Norway, Australia, Jamaica, New Zealand, London, and Egypt, among many cities in the U. S. in 2010.

To view a summary of Wirsz's story and mission, go to www. becomeincredible. com If you are interested in booking Jordan Wirsz on your radio or television show, call Rachael Campbell, Director of Public Relations at rachael(at)jordanwirsz(dot)com or call 702 465 4861.

Rachael Campbell

Director of Public Relations

702 465 4861

Www. JordanWirsz. com

Www. BecomeIncredible. com
