Peak fitness has never been easier to achieve

Peak fitness has never been easier to achieve

With the perfect fusion of print and web, Fightign Fit magazine gives you the 24/7 coach you never thought you could afford.

(PRWEB) September 10, 2004

Staying fit is never easy. Work commitments, distractions, a busy lifestyle, no time, lack of energy and the vagaries of weather all conspire against us. To stay on track we need constant encouragement, sensible advice, expert guidance and a non-judgemental voice to help us stay focussed.

This is where Fighting Fit magazine comes in. More than just another magazine on fitness it is put together by journalists active in the martial arts and sports industry with a very practical application in mind.

Fully interactive with weblinks, hyperlinks and live email addresses it is a complete training coach and health & fitness adviser, all wrapped in one digital, interactive issue.

“We wanted to create something which would be of immediate practical value,” says Associate Editor, David Amerland, “a magazine which would offer sensible, practical advice from the moment you open the page. Pooling knowledge and resources from every sports and martial arts discipline we have created the next best thing to having your own personal coach at hand.”

The digital format of Fighting Fit is ideal not just for reaching a global audience of martial arts and fitness enthusiasts but also of making the most of the power of the web. “It is like an origami sculpture,” says David, “the hyperlinks and weblinks allow the magazine to posses far greater depth and interactivity than would have otherwise been possible.”

The magazine is divided into three distinct sections: Fighting Fit, for those who feel they are on top of their game and want to focus on specific aspects of fitness, Staying Fit, for anyone interested in fitness maintenance and staying in shape and Getting Fit which is useful for everyone whoÂ’s getting back into fitness training after a long lay off or injury.

“The idea is that you can use just one section or you can pick and mix, depending on your circumstances,” says David, “flexibility is the key and you, the reader, make all the decisions.”

Fighting Fit is martial arts based but looks at fitness as a lifestyle choice. “We started from a martial arts point of view because it is a huge arena with a tremendous number of people active in it and it lacks a cohesive look at fitness. There are a great many myths out there about the fitness of martial artists and it was time to launch a magazine that took a long, hard look at the latest research and addressed the subject with the seriousness it deserves,” explains David, “of course, from a fitness point of view, what works for one sports discipline can work for another. If you’re interested, for instance, in increasing your overall body speed our ten-week long training programme will benefit you irrespective of whether you do martial arts or not.”

Similarly, the Health Clinic, Nutrition and up-to-date fitness advice is aimed squarely at the lifestyle fitness enthusiast as well as the martial artist looking for fitness tips. “There are a great many magazines out there covering the martial arts scene from a historical or self-referential point of view. We didn’t feel we could add anything to their debate. There are also a few magazines looking at fitness from a man’s or a woman’s point of view. But fitness, true fitness is all about understanding the fundamentals and then adapting them to whatever your particular requirements and circumstances are. For that you usually need a personal coach. Now, there’s also Fighting Fit.”
