12 Stepping through the Holidays With Recovery Pioneer Karen Casey

12 Stepping through the Holidays With Recovery Pioneer Karen Casey

Karen Casey has developed 12 different exercises that will assist those in recovery to get through the holidays clean and sober.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) November 25, 2008

Recovery pioneer, Karen Casey, has developed a series of 12 exercises to help folks in recovery get through the holidays clean and sober.

1. Make a plan for maintaining balance in your life through the holidays. And be-yond. Take a few minutes every day to sit in silence, praying or meditating or just listen-ing to the stillness of the moment. Make a plan for eating healthier and smaller meals every few hours throughout the day. Make exercise a regular part of your daily regimen. Make a call to at least one other person who shares your spiritual journey every day. Acknowledge with a smile someone who is in line in front of you or the clerk waiting on you at the grocery. Any connection with another human being begins the process of healing that we all deserve.

2. Make a gratitude list. I find that making a gratitude list, at the end of each day, kick-starts the next day too. When I see the very concrete evidence of "the good in my life" on paper in front of me, my expectations are heightened. For instance, how many peo-ple did I have a chance to show support for today? In what way did I show it? What un-expected pleasures were showered on me? Perhaps I received a call from a friend, a bouquet of flowers from a loved one, or a simple smile from a stranger. All are worthy of being on a gratitude list, and treasured as preparation for tomorrow.

3. Make a plan for making the holidays better for some one else, a family perhaps who is struggling. There are dozens of tiny ways to help others in the holiday season. Donating your extra canned goods at the local food bank or neighborhood church is a simple contribution. Baking cookies and distributing them at a nursing home in your area is a way of bringing smiles to many who may feel forgotten. Taking a meal to a lo-cal homeless shelter is an easy way to reach out, too. Making a financial donation might be the easiest for some, and the Salvation Army bell ringers you see around the holi-days make that easily possible. "Adopting" a family through your church and anony-mously shopping for them is a way to touch the lives of many, yours included. There are as many opportunities as you can imagine. Be creative. And be committed.

4. Practice the sacredness of the moment, and then write a very brief reaction to one or two specific experiences you have had. Fully appreciating the sacred "now" takes will-ingness and intentional focus, but the gifts offered are immense. Watching two dogs at play out my study window fills me with joy every day; they have not a care in the world. And hearing the giggles of a small child as she chases after the monarch butterfly who has landed on her sweater takes your breath away, doesn't it? But even more special is seeing the elderly gentleman helping his wife get into the car after an outing at the gro-cery. Their loving glance speaks volumes, and you have been blessed by it. In the mo-ment, all is sacred. What are you seeing? How deep is your appreciation?

5. Reflect on the evidence of your Higher Power's presence, or intervention, so to speak, in your past journey. This will make the next "leg" of it even more exciting. I was saved from suicide, more than once, because my work had not been completed. I understand this completely now. And my higher power provided the words I needed when I was defending my dissertation. I cannot doubt that's how it worked and I am do-ing what I have been called to do right at this very moment as the result of that interven-tion. What evidence exists for you that the God of your understanding has always been present? He has, you know.

6. Make a plan for reaching out to others from the past--to say thank you, perhaps. Or I'm sorry. Or let's get together and catch up. Mending the fences or simply re-connecting is a wonderful way to end one year and begin another. It keeps all parties humble and helpful and leads to our healing. We help others heal too, in the process, because healing doesn't happen in isolation--it requires connection. Ending one year and beginning the next making important connections will enhance the potential for peace in all of our lives.

7. List some examples for doing volunteer work in the coming year. Too many of us say we want to be more involved in helping others but then fail to do it. We don't have to over-extend ourselves. Just reach out a few hours a month. Call the local big brothers and big sisters organization and see what you can do. Contact schools in your neigh-borhood and tutor the children who are struggling to keep up. Even one afternoon a month will make a difference to the child you get to know. Make visits to nursing homes. The "unvisited" need to know they are remembered by someone. Let that someone be you.

8. Share with at least one other person three changes that have occurred in your life. Being ever-conscious of the ways our lives are changing makes us hopeful that "the good" will continue. I no longer live in constant dread that something bad will hap-pen. I am not expecting to be rejected by friends any longer. And I am certain that my life is on a trajectory that's perfect for me and I am connecting with the people who are supposed to be meeting me, too. How has your life changed?

9. Create a "God box" for yourself and make one as a gift for a good friend who seems to be struggling with their life. A God box is a special decorated little box for tucking away our handwritten prayers so we can let go of our worries. It's a wonderful exercise in letting go that has served me well over the years. It's a guarantee that our worries will be handled if we release them to God. The action we take is the key. Try it.

10. List the best choices you made in the last year and imagine how they are going to influence the next year. Perhaps you left a job or took a new one. How might this im-pact the next few months? Maybe you left a relationship that had been hurting you for years. What doors might this open up? Or the creative writing class you always wanted to take that finally got your attention? Dream big. Where can this take you?

11. Begin laying the groundwork for the first goal to be accomplished in 2009. What one thing might you need to change right now for this to become a reality? We all have goals and they need not be gigantic ones. Maybe you want to learn how to play bridge or tennis, or get a book club started in your neighborhood. First, you have to make some decisions. Maybe you want to cut down on desserts to one a week. Decide which day is dessert day. Maybe you want to get involved in a mentorship program so you can have an impact on the life of a young man or woman. Is there some thing you will need to "let go of" to free up time? Or maybe you want to begin writing your memoir for the offspring in your family or just for fun, to see where you have been so you can chart where you might want to go next. Take a few minutes every day to write. Just a few will get the "juices" flowing.

12. List 6 reasons for having hope about the year ahead, based on particular happen-ings or observations from the past year. Remember: Hope can be influenced by the tiny happenings as well as the big experiences. Observing children at play, seeing two strangers helping each other walk down a flight of stairs, or overcoming a conflict we'd been discouraged by are all signs that our world can be a hopeful and loving place. Get-ting a particular job or being relieved of a job we didn't like can free us to believe that the "journey" we are on is intentional--the perfect reason for remaining hopeful. I am constantly filled with hope when I reflect on the intention of my life; all the past turmoil and pain brought me to this peaceful existence. Making a practice of prayer and medita-tion when troubled in any way opens a space for hope to enter in.


Karen Casey is the author of 19 books, including the recently released Codependence and the Power of Detachment. Her book Each Day a New Beginning has sold more than 3 million copies and she is a sought-after speaker at recovery and spirituality con-ferences throughout the country. She conducts Change Your Mind workshops, based on her best selling Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow.

For other recovery titles, please visit www. conari. com.


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Greylock Partners Israel Leads a $10 Million Investment Round in Webcollage

Greylock Partners Israel Leads a $10 Million Investment Round in Webcollage

WebCollage, a leading content exchange for manufacturers and their business partners, today announced that the company has secured $10 million in new financing. The proceeds will accelerate expansion of product platform and global growth.

New York, NY (Vocus) March 24, 2008 –-

WebCollage, a leading content exchange for manufacturers and their business partners, today announced that the company has secured $10 million in new financing. This round was lead by new investor Greylock Partners Israel with participation from existing investors Sierra Ventures, Cedar Fund and Gilde IT Fund and brings the total investment in the company to more than $45 million. WebCollage will use the capital to accelerate the development of its on-demand service and to expand globally.

"During the past year we have seen a rapid increase in the number of manufacturers eager to extend the breadth and depth of their online marketing reach and interaction with customers. WebCollage’s patented solution enables manufacturers to increase sales by 6% -15% by automating the exchange of Web marketing with business partners while uniquely addressing manufacturers’ requirements for ensuring brand consistency and providing richer, more interactive online merchandising experiences for their end customers," said Yuda Doron, CEO of WebCollage.

"As we looked at whether to self-fund or accelerate our growth with new investment, we chose to go with Greylock -- a partner with an impressive track record of building successful companies and whose investment will enable WebCollage to immediately take full advantage of all available product line extensions and market growth opportunities," Doron continued.

"At a time when online marketing and advertising programs are rapidly proliferating, WebCollage offers a unique, transformative solution that allows manufacturers to engage with their customers directly at the point of product research and purchase," said Yoram Snir, Partner at Greylock Partners Israel and new WebCollage Board Member. "Moreover, we believe that with its proven ROI, its rapidly growing network of 750 top ecommerce sites and its more than 75 leading global brand clients, WebCollage is poised to become the premier online content exchange for online marketing and sales programs."

With this new investment, Yoram Snir will join WebCollage’s Board of Directors and Laurel Bowden, a London-based Partner with Greylock Partners Israel, will help guide WebCollage’s European expansion.

As a SaaS marketing solution, there is no software for WebCollage clients to install or maintain in order to exchange marketing content with business partners. WebCollage’s solution opens an automated pipeline, between manufacturers’ websites and their business partners’ websites, through which Web marketing and advertising are seamlessly delivered. As manufacturers update and change their marketing messages, WebCollage keeps partners’ websites synchronized -- driving measurable increases in online and offline sales and ensuring that customers have access to the most up-to-date and accurate marketing information no matter where they research and buy goods.

Forrester Research’s recent February 2008 report: B2B CMO Investment Priorities for 2008 included four recommended investment priorities for marketing executives, one of which was to "give partners new ways to hook into your online systems." Forrester states that B2B CMOs should, "automate data exchange between partner ecosystems to keep distributors, resellers, and suppliers on message and to reduce wasted sales time and sales costs. Technology that offers lightweight integration, like WebCollage’s content syndication software service, is faster and cheaper to implement than full-blown content management systems."

About Greylock Partners

Founded in 1965, Greylock Partners is one of the world's leading venture capital firms. Over the past 43 years, Greylock has funded and helped build several hundred successful companies. The Greylock approach uniquely puts the entrepreneur first, with Greylock working as an "invited guest" in a highly supportive yet consultative way to help entrepreneurs build market-leading companies. Companies Greylock has funded include Ascend Communications, Continental Cable, Data Domain, Decru, DoubleClick, Internet Security Systems, Legato, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Openwave, Red Hat, RightNow, Tellabs, Trilogy and Wily Technology.. Companies Greylock has funded in Israel include Imperva, PortAuthority, Red Bend, Siliquent Technologies, Aeroscout, Camero, MySuprmarket. com, Celeno and Zend Technologies. Greylock's offices are located in Silicon Valley, the Boston area, Israel and India. For more information, please visit www. greylock. com.

About Sierra Ventures

Sierra Ventures, founded in 1982, is a privately held venture capital firm focused on investments across all areas of the Information Technology sector from semiconductors to enterprise software. Sierra Ventures has managed nine venture capital partnerships and currently has more than $1.5 billion of capital under management. Some of the firm’s investments include 360Commerce (acquired by Oracle), Active Software (acquired by WebMethods), AmeriGroup (AGP), Authentec (AUTH),Centex (acquired by WorldCom), ConvergeNet (acquired by Dell), FatBrain (acquired by Barnes & Noble), Frontbridge (acquired by Microsoft), Healtheon (merged with WebMD), Interact Commerce (acquired by Sage), Intuit (INTU), Micromuse (acquired by IBM), OnAssignment (ASGN), OnLink (acquired by Siebel), Quinta (acquired by Seagate), StrataCom (acquired by Cisco), Sourcefire (FIRE), Sychip (acquired by Murata Manufacturing) and Teradata (acquired by NCR). More information is available at http://www. sierraventures. com (http://www. sierraventures. com).

About Cedar Fund

Cedar Fund is a venture capital firm, investing in high technology companies. Cedar Fund seeks to invest in outstanding entrepreneurs pursuing high growth markets with distinguished technologies in the telecommunications, networking, Internet-infrastructure and enterprise software areas. While the fund invests in all stages, it specializes in early stage, Israel-related situations, including Pre-Seed®, seed and first round, where it believes its strategy and capabilities offer the greatest potential. With its quality investment track record and over $225 million under management, Cedar Fund is among the largest and most notable venture capital firms focusing on Israel-related, early stage investments.

About Gilde IT Fund

Gilde IT Fund is an international venture capital fund, focused on providing world-wide funding and support to software, communications and internet companies in various stages of development. With more than 100 investments in the IT industry in Europe, the U. S. and Israel, Gilde IT Fund has distinguished itself among other venture capital firms with its entrepreneurial and long-standing track-record in building leading international IT enterprises. Past investments include No Wires Needed, Cambridge Silicon Radio, Docent, MatrixOne, Seagull, and Skybernet. More information is available at www. gilde. nl.

About WebCollage, Inc.

WebCollage is the leading Web content exchange for manufacturers and their business partners. Using WebCollage's patented, turnkey solution, manufacturers can extend their Web product marketing content to all of their business partners and address the challenge of how to optimize the selling and marketing of products via the Web. WebCollage benefits manufacturers and business partners alike with measurable bottom-line results including higher conversion rates and larger overall order sizes. Founded in 2000, WebCollage is a privately-held company headquartered in New York, NY, and backed by Sierra Ventures, Cedar Fund, GSI Commerce, Inc., and Gilde IT Fund. For more information, please visit: www. webcollage. com or call 1.212.563.2112.

Media Contact:

Dennis O’Connor (for WebCollage)

Paradigm Communications

Phone: (781) 530-3700

Cell: (781) 883-5109

Dennis. oconnor @ paradigmshiftpr. com


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Datalogic Mobile Partners with Summit for Enterprise-Class Wi-Fi

Datalogic Mobile Partners with Summit for Enterprise-Class Wi-Fi

New strategic alliance ensures that Datalogic mobile computers offer industry-leading wireless networking capabilities.

Bologna, Italy (Vocus) March 30, 2009

Datalogic Mobile today announced that it has forged a strategic alliance with Summit Data Communications, the leading provider of wireless LAN radio modules and cards for business-critical mobile devices. The partnership brings Summit embedded Wi-Fi® solutions to Datalogic Mobile computers, ensuring that these computers support secure and reliable wireless network connections, even in the most challenging environments.

“Our customers demand high quality and reliability from our products,” said Datalogic Mobile Vice President and General Manager Francesco Montanari. “Summit understands the requirements of our customers. By incorporating Summit embedded Wi-Fi solutions in our mobile computers, we meet and even exceed our customers’ expectations for secure and reliable wireless networking.”

Security has been the hottest topic in the Wi-Fi industry since the initial Wi-Fi standards were approved nearly a decade ago. The top industry standard for Wi-Fi security – known as the Enterprise version of Wi-Fi Protected Access™ 2, or WPA2-Enterprise – provides strong authentication and strong encryption to protect sensitive data that resides on enterprise networks or is transmitted between those networks and Wi-Fi devices. By offering the WPA2-Enterprise technology, Datalogic Mobile places itself at the top of the professional Wi-Fi mobile computer market.

“With Summit Wi-Fi inside, Datalogic Mobile computers support WPA2-Enterprise with a broad range of options, including all the popular authentication types,” said Ron Seide, Summit’s president. “It is easy to configure Datalogic Mobile computers for even the most secure networks, including those that are compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).”

Another differentiator for Summit embedded Wi-Fi solutions is support for Cisco Compatible Extensions, or CCX. All Summit solutions have been certified for CCX Version 4, the highest level of compatibility supported on mobile computers. By leveraging Summit’s CCX support, Datalogic Mobile has achieved CCX V4 compliance on its products.

“By supporting all CCX V4 features, Datalogic Mobile computers support the latest industry standards and innovations for key capabilities such as security, mobility, quality of service, and management,” said Tom Burke, Director of World Wide Product Marketing for Datalogic Mobile. “CCX V4 testing ensures that those capabilities are supported with both autonomous and controller-based wireless infrastructures. With this certification, Datalogic Mobile provides our business partners a strategic advantage in winning business in the most widely used wireless LAN infrastructures worldwide.”

Click here (http://www. mobile. datalogic. com/news. aspx? idnews=1310) for the Datalogic announcement. Information regarding Datalogic Mobile can be found at www. mobile. datalogic. com. Information about Summit can be found at www. summitdatacom. com.

About Datalogic

Datalogic Mobile, part of the Datalogic Group, is a global player in the Rugged Mobile Computers market, offering a full range of products, dedicated to the main target application fields: warehousing solutions, field-force automation, and retail in-store.

Enterprise Business Solutions, Datalogic Mobile Business Unit, is a leader in the development of complete Self-Shopping solutions and Consumer Relationship Technologies for the retail world with the Shopevolution™ offer.

With a strong presence in EMEA, Americas, and Asia/Pacific and a powerful network of partners all over the world, Datalogic Mobile has been able to show an impressive track record of growth, permitting it to be one of the fastest growing companies in the industry and to be positioned among the worldwide market leaders.

Datalogic Group is a world-class producer of bar code readers, data collection mobile computers, RFID systems, and photoelectric sensors for the industrial automation sector. The Group offers innovative solutions for many industrial applications, from manufacturing to transportation & logistics and retail.

Datalogic S. p.A. has been listed on the STAR segment of the Italian stock exchange since 2001 as DAL. MI, with headquarters located in Lippo di Calderara di Reno (Bologna). Datalogic has over 2000 employees worldwide in 30 countries, in Europe, Asia, the United States, and the Pacific Rim.

The Group invests about €30 million per year in Research and Development and has a large and growing portfolio of more than 850 patents in the world.

In 2008, the Datalogic Group achieved revenues for more than 379 million Euro with a net profit in excess of €17 million Euro.

About Summit

Summit Data Communications, Inc. is the mobile in today’s mobile computers and other business-critical mobile devices. Summit’s embedded Wi-Fi solutions provide secure, reliable connections in the challenging environments in which business-critical mobile devices operate, including factories, warehouses, ports, hospitals, and retail stores.

Wi-Fi® is a registered trademark and Wi-Fi Protected Access and Wi-Fi CERTIFIED are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Cisco® and Cisco Systems® are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc..


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TriMark Publications Announces TriMark Cancer Biomarkers Conference 2008 in New York City on June 16th

TriMark Publications Announces TriMark Cancer Biomarkers Conference 2008 in New York City on June 16th

TriMark Publications, a global leader in biotechnology, healthcare and life sciences publishing, announces the TriMark Cancer Biomarkers Conference 2008.

New York, NY (PRWEB) March 31, 2008

TriMark Publications (http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/ (http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/)), a global leader in biotechnology, healthcare and life sciences publishing, announces the TriMark Cancer Biomarkers Conference 2008 entitled:

“Cancer Biomarkers Development and Clinical Use”

The Conference will be a gathering of global companies leading the way in cancer biomarkers research and technology and will include presentations from industry experts such as:

Keynote Speaker Martin Fleisher, Ph. D.

Chair, Dept. of Clinical Laboratories, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center discussing:

"Current Recommendations for Cancer Assays"

 What is a biomarker and how is it used?  Validating biomarkers for clinical use.  Biomarkers as prognostic indicators of cancer recurrence.  Biomarkers as surrogate endpoints for monitoring therapy. Harry Rittenhouse, Ph. D.

Senior Director Cancer Program, Gen-Probe, Inc. discussing:

“How Genetics and Molecular Assays Will Change the Diagnosis and Management of Prostate Cancer”

 Most highly over-expressed gene in prostate cancer.  PCA3 molecular urine test independent mechanism from PSA blood test.  Early studies show a high potential for PCA3 to complement PSA testing for prostate cancer management.  TMPRSS2 is a prostate-specific gene turned on in the presence of androgen.  ETS family of genes.  TMPRSS2:ETS gene fusions. W. Jeffrey Allard, Ph. D.

Vice President, Clinical Affairs & Business Development, Fujirebio, Inc. discussing:

"Evaluation of Multiple Biomarker Assays to Estimate Risk of Ovarian Cancer in Patients Presenting with a Pelvic Mass"

 Pelvic mass and the dilemma of appropriate triage.  Current practice and guidelines.  Pilot studies.  FDI03 pivotal trial.  Clinical implementation of multi-biomarker algorithm. Antonius Schuh, Ph. D.

Chief Executive Officer, AviaraDx, Inc. discussing:

"New Biomarkers for Breast Cancer Risk Stratification - H/I and MGI"

 H/I (HoxB13:IL17BR Index) and MGI (Molecular Grade Index) independently evaluate distinct biological pathways.  H/I is a two-gene ratio that stratifies ER-positive breast cancer into low or high risk of recurrence and is predictive of benefit from endocrine therapy.  MGI is a five-gene index that provides quantitative and objective molecular assessment of tumor grade and proliferation status, stratifies breast cancers in low or high risk of recurrence, and identifies tumors like to be responsive to chemotherapy. Eric Fung, Ph. D.

Vice President and CSO, Vermillion, Inc. discussing:

"Development of High-Value Diagnostic Assays in Ovarian Cancer and Peripheral Arterial Disease"

 Study design strategies for biomarker discovery.  Pitfalls in statistical analysis for genomics and proteomics.  Novel biomarkers for ovarian tumor triage and peripheral arterial disease.  Rsk stratification in patient management. Anthony Shuber, Ph. D.

Chief Technical Officer, Predictive Biosciences, Inc. discussing:

"Utilizing Urinary Protein Biomarkers for Cancer Management"

 The clinical dilemma facing non-invasive biomarker assays.  The value of non-invasive biomarkers assays.  Working within the existing clinical environment.  Making “good” biomarkers “great”. Walt Carney, Ph. D.

Head, Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics, Oncogene Science Biomarker Group discussing:

"Monitoring Circulating HER-2/neu Levels in MBC Patients Treated with HER-2/neu Inhibitors"

 Linking circulating biomarkers in treatment of metastatic breast cancer.  The rise and fall of serum HER-2/neu levels parallel the clinical course of breast cancer.  Integrating serum HER-2/neu DX with management of metastatic breast cancer. Kaiser J. Aziz, Ph. D., FACB, FACS

Director, KJ Biomedical Consulting, LLC discussing:

"Biomarkers: Discovery, Development and Clinical Applications"

 Development of biomarkers.  Clinical study design.  Product review.  FDA’s quality system requirements.  Risk management and quality monitoring. The Conference will be held on Monday, June 16, 2008 at the Yale Club of New York City located at 50 Vanderbilt Avenue in New York City. Registration details at http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/ (http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/).

Top Five Reasons to Attend the TriMark Conference:

 Discover the cancer biomarkers sectors with the greatest prospective growth, ensuring you can successfully align your future strategies with predicted success.  Evaluate the competitive dynamics of the cancer biomarkers market and understand the changing relationship between IVD companies and the cancer diagnostics testing sector.  Identify the key players in the cancer biomarkers market, recognize lucrative partnering opportunities and benchmark your strategies against the leading players.  Assess opportunities and challenges faced by diagnostic companies in gaining acceptance of innovative technologies by payers, regulators and users.  Understand the factors driving growth of the cancer biomarkers market.

Registration Fees for the Conference:

 Early-Bird Registration Fee is $295 until April 30, 2008.  Standard Registration Fee is $395 on and after May 1, 2008.  At-the-Door Fee $500 on June 16, 2008 (subject to seating availability).

Register at http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/ (http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/)

About TriMark Publications, LLC

Based in New York City, TriMark Publications is a global leader in biotechnology, healthcare and life sciences publishing. For more information, please visit http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/ (http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/).

Important Notice

The statements contained in this news release that are forward-looking are based on current expectations that are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks, and actual results may differ materially.


TriMark Publications, LLC


Www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/ (http://www. trimarkpublications. com/conferences/)

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Annette Hoggs-Jackson Joins Delores "Queen of Promotion" Thornton and the Marguerite Press Family

Annette Hoggs-Jackson Joins Delores "Queen of Promotion" Thornton and the Marguerite Press Family

Annette Hoggs-Jackson, author of "Poems From The Heart", is taking her literary journey to another level. The author's words are divinely inspired and are being widely received around the country.

Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) June 29, 2006

Annette Hoggs-Jackson, author of "Poems From The Heart", is taking her literary journey to another level. The author's words are divinely inspired and are being widely received around the country.

Annette Hoggs-Jackson graduated from San Jose State University. She has twenty years of Mental Health Counseling. Hoggs-Jackson's counseling is a part of God's destiny in the ministry. God gave her divine words to write, a book to share with others.

"These poems were written as an inspiration from God after observing circumstances and tribulations many people have experienced in their lives. God gave me the desire to write this book, Poems from the Heart, to help people with problems and circumstances they are struggling with," said Hoggs-Jackson.

Hoggs-Jackson enjoys expressing words through poetry, a gift to her from God. She and her husban Sammy are in the ministry together. Their organization is called Christians Merging Together (CMT). Hoggs-Jackson resides in Daytona Beach, Florida, with her husband Sammy, her son Tyrell, and stepson Samuel Jackson.

Hoggs-Jackson, a much sought after motivational speaker and workshop presenter, is available for print, radio and televison interviews.


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Garnet Health Teams With NEMC Physicians

Garnet Health Teams With NEMC Physicians

Garnet Health and Insurance Services (Garnet) has reached an agreement with the New England Healthcare Foundation, Inc to provide application completion and provider enrollment services for it over 400 physicians.

Hampton, NH (PRWEB) April 14, 2005

Garnet Health and Insurance Services (Garnet) has reached an agreement with the New England Healthcare Foundation, Inc to provide application completion and provider enrollment services for it over 400 physicians. Garnet is a medical malpractice insurance broker and physician services firm located in Hampton, NH with clients throughout the Northeastern United States. The New England Healthcare Foundation, Inc is an affiliate of the Tufts-New England Medical Center (NEMC).

Garnet uses its proprietary CredNet system to collect and maintain provider data and reproduce it as needed in the formats required by health insurance companies. The carriers then review the physicianÂ’s credentials before approving him for participation in their plans. Credentialing is a key part of the process doctors go through in order to be eligible to receive payments from many health plans for their services. Generally, each health plan requires its own format, and further require that physicians re-submit their data regularly in order to recertify credentials and remain in good standing with the health plan.

Garnet Health and Insurance Services provides a range of custom services to healthcare professionals in addition to its application completion service, including a medical malpractice insurance brokerage and provider enrollment and IT consulting. For further information, contact Mike Jeresaty at 603-926-1157 x1400.


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RBM of Atlanta-North in Alpharetta Joins Forces with the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research

RBM of Atlanta-North in Alpharetta Joins Forces with the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research

Alpharetta Mercedes-Benz dealership provides financial support and vehicles for Fashion Funds the Cure Event

Alpharetta, GA (PRWEB) March 31, 2010

RBM of Atlanta-North, a Mercedes-Benz dealership located in Alpharetta, GA, joined one of their customers, Curtis Lofton of the Atlanta Falcons, the Rally Foundation, and several others to put on a very special fashion show to raise funds for childhood cancer research.

Topping off an evening of a live and silent auction, delicious food from top area restaurants, and private shopping was a very special fashion show featuring, as models, young children battling cancer.

According to RBM of Atlanta-North General Manager Randy Powell, the fashion show was much more than the introduction of the latest trends. “For these kids, the opportunity to walk down the runway along with professional models is a memory of a lifetime. These children truly redefine style and beauty, and the look of joy on their faces made the evening memorable for the hundreds of people who attended the event."

Proceeds from Fashion Funds the Cure directly benefit children battling cancer at Aflac Cancer Center & Blood Disorders Service of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. The Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research and Pediatric Cancer Foundation helps fund cutting-edge research and clinical trials.

RBM of Atlanta-North supplied a fleet of Mercedes-Benz vehicles as part of a day of pampering the young runway stars. Added Mr. Powell, “We know how important and fun this event was for the kids and their families, and wanted to give them the star treatment they truly deserve. It was an absolute privilege to be a part of this very special evening and we are extremely pleased that it was such a success for everyone who participated in the event.”

For more information about the Rally Foundation, visit (www. rallyfoundation. org).

About Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research

Rally Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, through volunteer-coordinated initiatives, is dedicated to raising awareness and funds for childhood cancer research. Childhood cancer is the number one disease killer of kids ages 0 to 20, with 46 children diagnosed every day. Childhood cancer research is under-funded by as much as $30 million each year. Rally Foundation donates all of its proceeds to support childhood cancer research to find better treatments and cures. Rally Foundation received the Independent Charities Seal of Excellence for meeting the highest organizational standards. Visit RallyFoundation. org for more information.

About RBM of Atlanta-North

RBM of Atlanta-North is Georgia’s newest Mercedes-Benz dealership, built to serve the growing communities of Alpharetta, North Fulton, and Forsyth County. The dealership features an extensive inventory of new and Certified Pre-Owned Mercedes-Benz vehicles, Sprinter vans, and other quality pre-owned brands; a state-of-the-art service facility; and a comfortable waiting area with complimentary refreshments and high-speed Internet access. RBM of Atlanta-North is conveniently located in Alpharetta, less than two miles west of GA 400 on McFarland Parkway. For more information, visit www. rbmnorth. com.


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Tremont Associates Closes Over $220 Million in Transactions in 2006

Tremont Associates Closes Over $220 Million in Transactions in 2006

Record year consisted of two acquisitions and two growth capital investments.

Boston, MA (PRWEB) January 31, 2007

Tremont Associates, LLC ("Tremont") announced today that it closed over $220 million in transactions across four companies during 2006. Most recently, Tremont closed out the fourth quarter by completing a successful leveraged buyout of a rapidly growing niche manufacturing company with exceptional profitability. Earlier in the year, Tremont participated in the acquisition of a leading software-as-a-service company in the talent management market, sponsored by a strategic buyer. Tremont also led two growth capital investments in existing portfolio companies.

"We are particularly excited about the manufacturing company that we acquired in the fourth quarter" said Hank Goddard, Managing Director at Tremont. "It was a highly competitive process, run by a prominent investment bank." Tremont was able to secure an exclusive LOI and close the transaction even in the face of higher bids. "We believe our creative and flexible approach to private equity investing provided the differentiation we needed to win and close this deal. We expect great things from this company in the next few years". Tremont's co-investors on the transaction included a $1 billion private equity fund in New York and several partners at a multi-billion dollar Boston-based PE firm.

Tremont is a privately funded buyout firm that provides debt and equity capital to companies at the lower end of the middle market. Tremont was formed in 2001 to take advantage of often overlooked buyout and investment opportunities in companies with $2 to $10 million in EBITDA. Tremont looks for growth oriented companies, primarily in the manufacturing, software, business services and healthcare services markets.


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Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley in North Carolina Offers Hotel Vacation Package for Holiday Season

Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley in North Carolina Offers Hotel Vacation Package for Holiday Season

Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley is offering a hotel vacation package for the holiday season. Guests will enjoy special deals on accommodations, dining, and shopping during their stay in Raleigh, NC.

Raleigh, NC (PRWEB) December 13, 2009

For those who want to make holiday shopping more relaxing this year, the Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley is now offering a "Crabtree Shopping Package" which offers both ultimate comfort and value!

The Crabtree holiday shopping and vacation package at the Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley hotel in North Carolina includes the following:

 Oversized guest room with Marriott's ultra-comfortable Revive® bedding;  One $50 gift card per stay, valid at any store in the Crabtree Valley Mall;  Welcome bag with discount coupons;  Breakfast buffet for two each morning in The Crabtree Grill;  Complimentary transportation to and from Crabtree Valley Mall;  1:00 p. m. late checkout This Raleigh holiday hotel package is priced from $139 per night and is valid weekends through December 31, 2009. Tax is additional and blackout dates apply. For reservations, call 1-800-228-9290 and ask for promotional code SHO or visit the hotel's website at www. raleighmarriott. com.

The exciting Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley features over 220 stores, boutiques, and eateries including everything from big name designer stores like Brooks Brothers and Lacoste to specialty shops like Williams-Sonoma and Godiva Chocolatier.


The 371-room Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley is right across the street from the Crabtree Valley Mall. Hotel guest rooms offer the ultimate in comfort including Revive® beds which feature300 thread-count linens, fluffier pillows, down comforters, and thicker mattresses. Guests of the Raleigh hotel can enjoy the health club and swimming pool, as well as The Crabtree Grille and Quinn's Sports Bar.

With beautifully landscaped grounds and excellent service, this hotel near Raleigh Durham Airport is the perfect choice for a leisure stay. The hotel has also earned the prestigious ENERGY STAR® label from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its efforts to conserve water and energy and protect the environment. For more information about this special holiday shopping package and the Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley hotel, please visit: www. raleighmarriott. com.


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QHR Software Releases QHRnet Recruiting with Web-based Applicant Tracking Features

QHR Software Releases QHRnet Recruiting with Web-based Applicant Tracking Features

New recruiting module is the latest addition to Quadrant HR’s employee and manager self-service offering.

Kelowna, BC (PRWEB) August 28, 2007

QHR Software Inc. has launched its newest recruiting feature, QHRnet Recruiting, which provides Applicant Tracking System (ATS) (http://www. qhrsoftware. com/recruiting. html) technology accessible via the Internet in an easy to use, secure format. Designed for corporate recruiters and managers, QHRnet Recruiting is a module offered as part of the company's integrated human resources, staff scheduling and payroll software called Quadrant HR.

QHRnet Recruiting is the latest addition to Quadrant HR's employee and manager self-service (http://www. qhrsoftware. com/self_service. html) module called QHRnet and replaces an earlier web applicant tracking module. QHRnet Recruiting helps people simplify the recruiting process while becoming more proficient in their jobs.

Some new benefits for users of QHRnet Recruiting include:

Web-based, self-service access gives managers and recruiters the freedom to create and add job postings to their corporate website, reducing requests to recruiting/HR departments. Automated resume ranking instantly identifies the most qualified applicants and eliminates the time consuming process of manually reviewing and sorting resumes -- leaving more time to focus on other priorities. Provides a central place to track applicant details, interview notes, reference checks and miscellaneous documents -- providing easy access to information while ensuring consistency and confidentiality.

To view a 25-minute QHRnet Recruiting webinar, please visit http://www. qhrsoftware. com/webinars. html (http://www. qhrsoftware. com/webinars. html).

About QHR Software Inc.

QHR Software Inc. is an innovative leader in the creation, delivery and support of powerful integrated HR solutions. Its software, Quadrant HR™, is a user-defined, configurable solution integrating best practices for Human Resources, Staff Scheduling and Payroll into a single system. Quadrant HR™ is designed to improve employee processes from 'hire to retire' for simple to complex workplaces. Proven in the healthcare sector, the clear advantages of Quadrant HR™ are being discovered by other industries such as government, forestry and public security, where complex labor rules require robust HRMS (http://www. qhrsoftware. com/HRsolutions. html) automation tools.

For more information, contact:

Cindy Danielson, Marketing Manager

Direct Tel: (250) 979-1716

Toll-Free Tel: 1-866-863-4431

Fax: (250) 717-5266

QHR Software Inc.

210 - 1632 Dickson Avenue

Kelowna, BC V1Y 7T2

Www. QHRsoftware. com

This press release was distributed through eMediawire by Human Resources Marketer (HR Marketer: www. HRmarketer. com) on behalf of the company listed above.


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Quirk to Conduct Cape Philharmonic Orchestra on the Net

Quirk to Conduct Cape Philharmonic Orchestra on the Net

Quirk, a Cape Town-based eMarketing agency, announced that it has landed the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra as a client.

(PRWEB) March 6, 2005

Quirk, a Cape Town-based eMarketing agency, announced that it has landed the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra as a client.

Formed in 2001, The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra is South Africa's most active orchestra. The orchestra has also embarked on an outreach programme bringing their music to previously disadvantaged communities.

Quirk will handle the Cape Philharmonic OrchestraÂ’s website by tailoring the content and structure of the website so that it is relevant to search terms that people enter on search engines such as Google and MSN Search. The company will also be responsible for distributing content relevant to the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra to third party sites to increase brand awareness and site traffic.

About Quirk

Quirk is a Cape Town-based Internet marketing company providing search engine marketing, email marketing, online advertising, web design and affiliate marketing services. Quirk has been in operation for six years and has over 100 clients across 3 continents. Some of their South African clients include Hertz, Health24, Storm Telecom, ADT Security, and AVIS. For more information on QuirkÂ’s services, please contact info@quirk. co. za or visit their website at www. quirk. co. za


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Cornell Hospitality Analysis Finds Takeovers Aimed at Large Hotel Operators and Small REITs

Cornell Hospitality Analysis Finds Takeovers Aimed at Large Hotel Operators and Small REITs

Study analyzes the explosion of hotel mergers and acquisitions between 2004 and 2007

Ithaca, NY, (PRWEB) July 23, 2010 -

A new Cornell hospitality analysis finds that the rush of lodging mergers and acquisitions of 2004 through 2007 was the largest ever recorded in the hospitality industry. Although the credit freeze of 2008 brought that activity to a halt, a new report from the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research (http://www. hotelschool. cornell. edu/research/chr/) focuses on the characteristics of companies most likely to be taken over. The report, "Who's Next? An Analysis of Lodging Industry Acquisitions (http://www. hotelschool. cornell. edu/research/chr/pubs/reports/2010.html)," by Qingzhong Ma and Peng Liu, allows investors and owners to anticipate where acquisitions might occur once such activity resumes. The report is available for free download from the CHR at http://www. hotelschool. cornell. edu/research/chr/pubs/reports/2010.html (http://www. hotelschool. cornell. edu/research/chr/pubs/reports/2010.html)].

The hotel merger and acquisition targets were most likely to be either a large hotel company or a relatively small real estate investment trust (REIT), Ma and Liu found. Both are assistant professors at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration (http://www. hotelschool. cornell. edu/). Other takeover targets tended to have a high percentage of fixed assets and a low level of debt, and displayed a mismatch between growth prospects and available resources.

"One thing we did not find was support for the idea that a company's performance made it a target, and we also saw no effect of book-to-market ratios," said Ma. "Both of those are often considered to be factors in acquisitions."

Liu suggested that further research is needed to determine exactly why deal makers preferred large operators and small REITs. "One clue from other research is that REITs are more transparent in financial management, as tax regulations require that REITs must pay out 90 percent of their taxable income as dividends and maintain 75 percent of their income and assets in real estate related activities," he said. "It may be that these special tax regulations make the REITs particularly attractive, so that they behave differently from hotel operating companies."

Ma and Liu add that the availability of credit will eventually return, and they believe that their hospitality analysis (http://www. hotelschool. cornell. edu/research/chr/pubs/reports/2010.html) will be useful both for lodging company owners and investors who wish to attract an acquisition, and for those who want to make their firm unattractive to potential takeovers.

Thanks to the support of the CHR partners listed below, all publications posted on the center's website are available free of charge, at www. chr. cornell. edu].

About The Center for Hospitality Research

A unit of the Cornell School of Hotel Administration, The Center for Hospitality Research (CHR) sponsors research designed to improve practices in the hospitality industry. Under the lead of the center's 81 corporate affiliates, experienced scholars work closely with business executives to discover new insights into strategic, managerial and operating practices. The center also publishes the award-winning hospitality journal, the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. To learn more about the center and its projects, visit www. chr. cornell. edu].

Center Senior Partners: Hilton Worldwide, McDonald's USA, Philips Hospitality, STR, Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces, and TIG Global

Center Partners: Davis & Gilbert LLP, Deloitte & Touche USA LLP, Denihan Hospitality Group, eCornell & Executive Education, Expedia, Inc., Forbes Travel Guide, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Fox Rothschild LLP, French Quarter Holdings, Inc., FX Real Estate and Entertainment, Inc., HVS, Hyatt, InterContinental Hotels Group, Jumeirah Group, LRP Publications, Maritz, Marriott International, Inc., Marsh's Hospitality Practice, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Proskauer, Sabre Hospitality Solutions, SAS, Schneider Electric, Southern Wine and Spirits of America, Inc., Thayer Lodging Group, Thompson Hotels, Travelport, and WATG

Center Friends: 4Hoteliers. com • American Tescor, LLC • Argyle Executive Forum • Berkshire Healthcare • Cody Kramer Imports • Cruise Industry News • DK Shifflet & Associates • ehotelier. com • EyeforTravel • Gerencia de Hoteles & Restaurantes • Global Hospitality Resources • Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) • hospitalityInside. com • hospitalitynet. org • Hospitality Technology Magazine • Hotel Asia Pacific • Hotel China • HotelExecutive. com • Hotel Interactive • Hotel Resource • HotelWorld Network • International CHRIE • International Hotel Conference • International Society of Hospitality Consultants (ISHC) • iPerceptions • JDA Software Group, Inc. • Lodging Hospitality • Lodging Magazine • LRA Worldwide, Inc. • Milestone Internet Marketing • MindFolio • Mindshare Technologies • Parasol • PhoCusWright • PKF Hospitality Research • The Resort Trades • RealShare Hotel Investment & Finance Summit • Resort and Recreation Magazine • RestaurantEdge. com • Shibata Publishing Co. • Synovate • The Lodging Conference • The Wall Street Journal • TravelCLICK • UniFocus • USA Today • WageWatch, Inc. • WIWIH. COM

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DataBank Selects Industry Veteran to Lead New Southwest Region

DataBank Selects Industry Veteran to Lead New Southwest Region

Bill Pfeiffer joins fast growing national provider of outsourced document conversion services business process automation solutions.

Beltsville, MD (PRWEB) June 30, 2010

Rapid growth throughout the Southwest area of the country has resulted in DataBank (http://www. databankimx. com/) establishing a new region with headquarters in Houston, TX. (http://databankimx. com/databank-houston. html) This new Southwest Region, under the direction of industry veteran Bill Pfeiffer, will continue to build on DataBank's presence in the region.

Dick Aschman, CEO, commented; "We are delighted to welcome Bill to the DataBank IMX executive team. He brings a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to our company and will lead DataBank's document management (http://databankimx. com/document-management. htm) business activities in our new Southwest Region."

Pfeiffer will be responsible for all sales, technical support and production facilities in the region. He has a track record of achievements in his 30-year career in Electronic Records Management. His creative thinking, innovative use of technologies and dynamic leadership will help drive outsourced services and business process improvements with our large client base in this region. Bill has specific expertise in all phases of business management and development, Business Process Automation (http://databankimx. com/workflow. html), and aligning operational processes to achieve his client's objectives.

Aschman added; "Bill is driven by a passion for complete customer satisfaction, increased operational efficiencies and establishing high quality standards. Bill and the team he manages have always succeeded in driving high levels of customer satisfaction."

DataBank's accelerated growth throughout the region has been driven by significant document scanning (http://databankimx. com/scanning-paper. htm) activities in healthcare, the mortgage industry and with oil and gas companies.

Prior to joining the DataBank team, Pfeiffer was recruited by ACS (now owned by Xerox) to serve as Managing Director for ACS Government Records Services, Inc., ACS Enterprise Solutions, Inc. and Title Records Corporation, providers of advanced Land Records Management Systems for City/County government agencies and the Title Industry. Bill also served as Senior Vice President & General Manager with Anacomp.

About DataBank IMX

DataBank, www. databankimx. com has rapidly become an industry leader in document management and document conversion services with seven state-of-the-art production centers nationwide.

DataBank is a national full service provider of document management solutions and document scanning services. They provide a comprehensive range of imaging services, document management software, web-based document hosting, and end-to-end vertical industry Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and department-level solutions for companies and organizations that want to improve their document imaging and information management processes.

As an Industry leader, DataBank understands its customers' business environments and is delivering value-added application solutions and services to thousands of clients throughout the United States.

DataBank enjoys industry partnerships with document management and technology organizations from around the world, and has recently received national recognitions for its performance and quality by Kodak, Hyland and Digitech Systems. DataBank also understands the importance of protecting vital information belonging to its clients with SAS 70 Type II and PCI/DSS (http://databankimx. com/security. htm) certifications.

The company assists their clients in complying with HIPPA, FERPA, and other government and internal regulations and compliance requirements.

# # #

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The Policy Store Has a Brand New Location

The Policy Store Has a Brand New Location.

The Policy Store provider of Unicare Life and Health Insurance, has moved to a new location in Quinlan Texas. The new address is 105 W. Main Street in the middle of Quinlan Texas! The move has been swift and efficient so that all customer service issues are being handled without missing a beat.

(PRWEB) October 28, 2004

The phone numbers remain the same: you may call Toll free 1-866-526-9669 or locally 903-356-7914 or visit us online or by email, at www. policystore. com or contact terry@policystore. com.

If you would like a quote or have questions about the insurance offered, you are welcome to call or visit our website, all listed above.

The Policy Store and Unicare Life and Health Insurance offer many different options for anyone who needs protection and needs any type of insurance.

UNICARE serves approximately 1.7 million medical members and is the national operating subsidiary of WellPoint Health Networks Inc., one of the nationÂ’s largest publicly traded health care companies. WellPoint serves the health care needs of more than 14 million medical members and more than 44 million specialty members. WellPoint offers a broad spectrum of quality network-based health products including open access PPO, POS and hybrid products, HMO and specialty products. Specialty products include pharmacy benefit management, dental, utilization management, vision, mental health, life and disability insurance, long term care insurance, flexible spending accounts, COBRA administration, and Medicare supplements.

Other Sites of interest by Agent Jeff Cline of the Policy Store:

Www. PolicyStore. com

Www. thePolicyStore. com

Www. Unicare. biz

Www. Unicare-health-insurance. com

Www. Unicare-Unicare. com

Www. UnicareAgents. com


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For Immediate Release Rebellion Color Safe Shampoo and Conditioner, now available through leading salons, has been developed to moisturise and maintain all coloured and mature hair, whether bleach highlights, tinted lowlights, full head tint or even natural curly or grey hair

For Immediate Release Rebellion Color Safe Shampoo and Conditioner, now available through leading salons, has been developed to moisturise and maintain all coloured and mature hair, whether bleach highlights, tinted lowlights, full head tint or even natural curly or grey hair.

To any woman or even gent that has grey or coloured hair these products are invaluable to retain the hairs natural integrity, delivering natural moisturisers to maintain a healthy balance of moisture and protein within the hair shaft, any colours that have been applied to the hair will stay looking fresh and vibrant for much longer, in a perfectly natural yet completely different way.

(PRWEB) November 18, 2003

Rebellion Color Safe products are natural aromatherapy based and contain high amounts of G. L.A. (Gamma Linoleic Acid, and Alfa Linolenic Acids) Classed as Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, derived from pure Rose Hip essential oil.

Rebellion have also blended within the formula liquid wax esters from the Jojoba plant that closely resemble the scalps natural sebum.

If this was not enough they have also include into the formulation essential oils of Coconut, Cucumber and Lavender which aid the Shampoo to cleanse the hair and maintain not only healthy hair but a healthy scalp as well.

The resultant products, Rebellion Color Safe Shampoo and Rebellion Color Safe Conditioner can give truly remarkable results, without commercial oils or fats that can weigh down the hair, without artificial perfumes and without animal testing.

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Netnutri. com to Carry Fiber 35 Diet Products From Brenda Watson

Netnutri. com to Carry Fiber 35 Diet Products From Brenda Watson

Netnutri. com, one of the Nations leading online retailers of vitamins, supplements, and health related products announced Friday that it will be showcasing Fiber35 Diet weight loss products by renowned author Brenda Watson.

Union City, NJ (PRWEB) March 26, 2007

Netnutri. com, one of the Nations leading online retailers of supplements, vitamins and health related products announced on Friday that it will be featuring Fiber 35 diet products from renowned author Brenda Watson.

Netnutri. com will offer the complete line of Fiber 35 diet products which include Sprinkle Fiber, Fiber Chews, Colon Fit Capsules, Fit Smart shakes and bars, as well as the complete Fiber 35 Diet kit, all at the lowest prices available.

The Fiber35 Diet is a proven way of losing weight developed by and digestive care expert Brenda Watson provides all of the tools for you to make it happen. The Fiber35 Diet is all natural and not only helps you lose weight, but improves your health at the same time!

The Fiber35 Diet book will show you how getting at least 35 grams of fiber every day is the key to losing weight and staying healthy for life. Unlike low-carbohydrate, high protein diets; the Fiber35 Diet is based on scientifically verified techniques. All of the Fiber 35 products are stimulant free, making it easier to eat less and to lose weight naturally.

Brenda Watson has just recently completed the FIBER35 PBS Live Pledge tour and will be appearing on the CBS Early show on Monday, March 26.

To find out more about the individual products and recommended usage, visit their web site at http://www. buy-fiber35diet. com (http://www. buy-fiber35diet. com). To purchase Fiber 35 diet products, please visit http://www. netnutri. com (http://www. netnutri. com)


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CreteÂ’s Culinary Sanctuaries Network Includes Wild Nature Adventures

CreteÂ’s Culinary Sanctuaries Network Includes Wild Nature Adventures

Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries organizes tours highlighting Crete’s rich culture, wild nature and organic food. This summer, CCS expanded its program to include high-level sports like trekking, caving, cycling, rock climbing and paragliding. “Our team will take you to their sanctuaries, by land and sea, to enjoy Crete’s wild natural beauty and eat incredible organic meals along the way. It would be a shame to do one without the other,” says Nikki Rose, CCS Founder.

Crete, Greece (PRWEB) June 15, 2005

Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries organizes tours highlighting CreteÂ’s rich culture, wild nature and organic food. In June 2005, CCS expanded its program to include high-level sports like trekking, caving, cycling, rock climbing and paragliding.

“Our team will take you to their sanctuaries, by land and sea, to enjoy Crete’s wild natural beauty and eat incredible organic meals along the way. It would be a shame to do one without the other,” says Nikki Rose, CCS Founder.

Thousands of people flock to Crete each year to hike the Samaria Gorge. Then they head to the tourist taverns that usually pump out souflaki and frozen chips instead of wonderful, local fresh food. Crete has three major mountain ranges, 3,000 caves, dozens of secluded gorges and hundreds of miles of coastline to explore.

“It’s logical to combine exercise with excellent food...we make that happen. Great company, invigorating adventures, fresh air, fresh food, breathtaking views...did we miss anything?”

CreteÂ’s renowned healthy cuisine and organic gardening, including the seasonal production of olive oil, cheese and wine are intertwined with visits to ancient sites, botanic treks and light to high-level outdoor sports. Guests often stay in fantastic stone villas on organic farms in villages they may never find on their own. CCS programs are tailored to small groups and presented exclusively by resident experts. Their policy of direct collaboration with local small businesses is commonly referred to as sustainable tourism, ecotourism and agritourism.

Rose is a Greek-American, professional chef and writer (mostly Slow Food) who lives in Crete. Rose has designed cultural-culinary seminars since 1997, featuring prominent chefs from the diplomatic sector, premier culinary schools and restaurants around the world. Programs are approved by the American Culinary Federation. She is also working on a book and documentary that mirrors CCS programs. CCS has been featured in Islands Magazine and Greek Circle Magazine (June 2005), among others. CCS recently worked with New Zealand TV on their culinary travel series, “Taste Takes Off,” to be aired in November 2005.

Kostas Bouyouris, co-designer of the CCS project, is a noted agronomist and founding member of the Mediterranean Association for Soil Health. Bouyouris has worked for over a decade on innovative projects to encourage the expansion of sustainable organic production in Greece. His training programs and cooperative incentives link organic farmers directly to restaurant kitchens and create an essential bridge between the two primary industries in Crete – agriculture and tourism. MedASH is involved in many community projects, such as training young farmers and organizing children’s gardens.

This is a great way to have an incredible vacation and pat yourself on the back for supporting local communities. If you want to help preserve Crete’s disappearing cultural heritage and natural beauty – her sprawling olive groves, vineyards and gorgeous remote coves, then supporting local business that are working toward this goal is the way to do it.


Nikki Rose


Info@cookingincrete. com


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AOL Launches Comprehensive Health Site ''AOL Body'': Online Destination Features Extensive Information on Health, Better Living, Diet and Fitness as well as Original Programming

AOL Launches Comprehensive Health Site ''AOL Body'': Online Destination Features Extensive Information on Health, Better Living, Diet and Fitness as well as Original Programming

AOL today announced the official launch of its new health site, AOL Body (http://body. aol. com). The Web site, which launched in beta in May, provides an in-depth experience dedicated to health needs including easy access to a wide range of information and tips on nutrition, fitness and overall well-being. AOL Body reaches nearly 6 million unique visitors monthly, according to the July 2007 comScore Media Metrix report.

DULLES, Va. (PRWEB) August 14, 2007

 "AOL Body takes a 'whole body' approach when educating consumers on the issues that matter most to them, including not only health and medical information but fuel for the mind and spirit as well," said Bill Wilson, EVP of Programming for AOL. "We are confident that the site will continue to grow and will serve as the premiere online destination for consumers and advertisers when wanting to engage in all things related to health and wellness."

Each area of AOL Body features news articles, tools, resources, videos and search capabilities. Additionally, the site hosts various blogs, community message boards and discussion areas to allow people to connect and share their own information and experiences. AOL Body's main programming areas include:

-- Health: Condition Centers, A-Z Health Information, A-Z Drugs & Supplements Information, Drug Interaction Checker, Your Health areas and Diagnostic Tools, as well as topical features and resources.

-- Diet and Fitness: Diets A-Z, Diet Basics, Fitness A-Z, Walking, Running and Yoga Centers.

-- Healthy Living: Better Living, Wellness and access to a series of health experts.

AOL Body's content providers include Harvard Medical School, Healthday, Healthwise and Rodale, as well as newsfeeds from the Associated Press and Reuters. For search, AOL Body teamed with Healthline to provide users with comprehensive and relevant health search results, including Healthline's HealthWeb(TM), a collection of 200,000 pre-screened consumer health web sites. AOL Body also hosts original articles, programs and specials such as "America Takes It Off" with fitness trainer Jillian Michaels and "RX for Seasons" which highlights the best medicines to battle everything from the common cold to allergies.

About AOL

AOL(R) is a global Web services company that operates some of the most popular Web destinations, offers a comprehensive suite of free software and services, runs one of the country's largest Internet access businesses, and provides a full set of advertising solutions. A majority-owned subsidiary of Time Warner Inc., AOL LLC is based in Dulles, Virginia. AOL and its subsidiaries also have operations in Europe, Canada and Asia. Learn more at AOL. com.

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Jazz Vocalist Mary Talbot Fee Takes the Reigns in Keeping Jazz Alive in her “Neck of the Woods”

Jazz Vocalist Mary Talbot Fee Takes the Reigns in Keeping Jazz Alive in her “Neck of the Woods”

Mary Talbot Fee founded “Jazz In Your Neighborhood” to honor her love for jazz and to create avenues for other musicians to perform in their local 'neighborhood' or 'community'.

(PRWEB) January 6, 2011

Mary Talbot Fee is proud to announce the launch of her new jazz series “Jazz In Your Neighborhood”. "We bring high-quality jazz concerts close to people's homes so that they are exposed to the art form. People don't always want to venture downtown to see something new, but they will check it out if it's right by their house!" states Mary. She is taking control of her career by utilizing the ‘new school’ way of promoting oneself and the music she loves. It’s called viral marketing within her own community of jazz lovers. In addition, Mary crafted her own social network to garner all of her fans ‘in one place’ so that she could have a closer relationship to them. “On today’s independent highway, one must be innovative in bringing forth their talent to the world by utilizing every viral marketing component offered to us, says Jaijai Jackson, creator of The Jazz Network Worldwide”. Mary was smart, she got the best musicians, noted producers and skilled marketeers on her bandwagon. She is not only honing in her craft as a vocalist but she is also bringing the music she loves to those who would appreciate the artistry of the best jazz players of the area. There is no setting that will go unconsidered from jazz house parties, libraries, social events, recreation centers, museums and high-end dinner parties. This is an innovative way to bring local businesses to sponsor such events that are affordable as well as high-tier.

Embarking on her second concert January 14th with the Lori Bell Trio at Point Loma Assembly in San Diego, Mary chose this artist because for 20 years Lori Bell’s many performances in venues such as the Wadsworth Theater, The Neurosciences Institute, and the Kennedy Center, established her reputation, among musicians and audiences, as a remarkably vital interpreter. Accompanying her will be Bob Magnussen and Joey Carano, guitar.

Be sure to check out Mary’s social network that not only covers her heritage, as well as her support of the arts, health issues and community service. It’s a place where those that love the sense of comeraderie for artistic endeavors come together for a cause of ‘keeping music alive’ in their community. Mary’s current music “Midwinter’s Night Dream” is available to listen and purchase on her site as well, http://www. marytalbotfee. com.

Don’t miss the new series of “Jazz In Your Neighborhood” at Point Loma Assembly on Friday, January 14th at 8pm, 2010, Cost at the door is $12. Seating is limited; tickets may be reserved by calling Mary Talbot Fee @ 619 857-5487.

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Patient Flow Technology Leader Adds Proven Sales Executive to Roster

Patient Flow Technology Leader Adds Proven Sales Executive to Roster

Tele-Tracking Technologies, Inc., a leading developer of capacity management and patient flow solutions, announced recently that it has hired Joseph P. Gentile as Vice President, Sales to help the company continue to grow its market leader position.

PITTSBURGH, PA (PRWEB) August 25, 2005

Tele-Tracking Technologies, Inc., a leading developer of capacity management and patient flow solutions, announced recently that it has hired Joseph P. Gentile as Vice President, Sales to help the company continue to grow its market leader position.

With more than 20 years of experience in healthcare sales, Mr. Gentile brings strong leadership, organizational and market-oriented skills to the company. “We are building this company for the ‘Next Generation,’” said Anthony Sanzo, President and CEO of Tele-Tracking Technologies, referring to the next phase in the companyÂ’s development. “Already the market leader, we need to continue to recruit strong leadership as we expand the scope of our product line and redefine the boundaries of our market. JoeÂ’s experience with other healthcare firms in similar positions along the growth curve will help us more effectively sell our current product portfolio, as well as position us for cross-selling the several new solutions in our development pipeline.” 

Most recently, Mr. Gentile was Vice President of Sales at Merge eFilm, Inc., Milwaukee, WI, where he managed a team that represented 80 percent of their bottom line. “I was able to implement techniques to successfully grow the sales force and reduce sales expenses, all while increasing the margin contribution from 55 to 68 percent and beating sales goals year after year,” said Mr. Gentile. “The opportunities with Tele-Tracking will be more about growing the sales force to handle the significant up-side of the market’s opportunity,” he continued.

With over 630 clients, Tele-Tracking leads the market outright, but the availability of proven solutions able to address the tremendous patient flow challenges hospitals encounter is still somewhat of a new phenomenon. As a result of quality and safety initiatives, such as the recently issued Joint CommissionÂ’s (JCAHO) Leadership Standard, LD.3.15, on managing patient flow, hospitals are actively seeking solutions to help them manage these issues. “With built in market primers like LD.3.15, there is a tremendous opportunity for me to use my leadership skills and experience to help an already great team be even better. At the core of all we do, we are helping our client hospitals provide care to patients in the most efficient manner possible,” Mr. Gentile added. 

About Tele-Tracking Technologies, Inc.

Tele-Tracking Technologies, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, is the leading provider of capacity management solutions designed to help hospitals improve patient flow. With over 630 hospital clients and more than 1,000 solution installations throughout North America, Tele-Tracking has been helping hospitals streamline bed turnover, expedite patient placement and improve patient transport since 1991. Tele-Tracking’s solutions include BedTracking®, the hospital industry’s first automated bed turnover solution, TransportTracking™, ServiceTracking™, PreAdmitTracking™ with the electronic bedboard™, the industry’s first digitized bedboard and now bedboard mobile™. For more information, call 800-331-3606 or visit www. teletracking. com.


Christopher Anderson

(412) 391-6369

Director, Marketing

Tele-Tracking Technologies, Inc.

Email – canderson@teletracking. com


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End-Use Industry Trends to Influence Growth in Inorganic Chemicals Market, According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc

End-Use Industry Trends to Influence Growth in Inorganic Chemicals Market, According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

Growth in the inorganic chemicals market is significantly affected by economic, environmental and regulatory factors, with the market mirroring the trends witnessed in various end-use applications. Although faced with the threat of substitutes, the market is set to grow on the strength of new opportunities in the developing world, along with the emergence of new end-use applications.

San Jose, CA (PRWEB) September 16, 2008

Inorganic chemicals are utilized either as catalysts or as processing aids, and find application mostly in agricultural and industrial sectors. The market is characterized by the presence of high-volume products, and limited R&D expenditure. Governed by numerous regulations related to safety, environment and health, the cost of production in inorganic chemicals industry (http://www. strategyr. com/Inorganic_Chemicals_Industry_Market_Report. asp) is relatively high due to enormous expenditure associated with handling and disposal of toxic wastes. Globalization and shift towards specialty chemicals of high-value are two major changes in the worldwide chemical industry. Consequently, production resources, research and development and finances are emerging as critical factors, particularly for large industry participants. Such a scenario is proving detrimental for small and mid-sized local players addressing domestic market requirements, as their operations are no longer viable in the changed context.

Growth in the worldwide market for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (http://www. strategyr. com/Inorganic_Chemicals_Industry_Market_Report. asp) is expected to be promising, primarily due to its increased utilization in a rapidly growing pulp and paper industry. Fast-paced growth in the paper and pulp industry, brought on by the advent of new technologies, evolution of mechanical wood pulp, de-linked waste pulp, and chemical mechanical pulp, present vast growth opportunities for hydrogen peroxide market. Rising demand from industrial consumers, particularly waste treatment industry, expanding uses for the chemical, increasing utilization of H2O2 as a substitute for chlorine are anticipated to propel sales in the market. While North America and Western Europe constitute major markets for H2O2, future growth in the market is expected from emerging markets of Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Increasing pulp production in developing regions, and replacement of chlorine with H2O2 in bleaching activities are fostering sales of the chemical.

Chlor-alkali is one of the largest inorganic chemicals market, in terms of value, with products such as chlorine, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), and calcium carbonate (soda ash). Asia and Middle East are emerging as major markets for chlor-alkali. Chlorine (http://www. strategyr. com/Inorganic_Chemicals_Industry_Market_Report. asp) is a major inorganic chemical commodity that is employed in the production of PVC and organic chemicals, inorganic applications, pulp and paper industry, water treatment, and other sectors such as crop protection. With derivatives such as PVC, EDC and VCM accounting for a larger share of consumption in developing regions, and also anticipated to increase at a faster pace compared to other end-uses, chlorine market is projected to grow rapidly in Asia, Middle East and Latin America. On the other hand, chlorine derivatives market in North America is affected by high cost of natural gas, resulting in declining exports.

The report titled "Inorganic Chemicals: A Global Outlook" provides a collection of statistical anecdotes, market briefs, and concise summaries of research findings. The report offers a bird's eye view of the inorganic chemicals industry. The discussion on the global market is laced with 30 information rich market data tables depicting consumption patterns by geographic regions and end-use applications across key market segments, such as, Chlorine, Caustic Soda, Soda Ash, Hydrogen Peroxide, Titanium Dioxide, Carbon Black, and Industrial & Caustic Potash. Also included is a compilation of all recent mergers, acquisitions, and strategic corporate developments. A regional-level discussion mirrors the prevalent scenario in the US market by a segment-wise quantitative analysis of Titanium Dioxide, Sulfuric Acid, Inorganic Pigments, Potash, Potassium Sulfate and Potassium Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Bichromate, Dry Ferrous Sulfate, and Ferric Chloride. Other regional markets briefly summarized and annotated with tables include Germany, Japan, China, and India. The report also includes an indexed, easy-to-refer, fact-finder directory listing the addresses, and contact details of 661 companies worldwide.

For more details about this research report, please visit

Http://www. strategyr. com/Inorganic_Chemicals_Industry_Market_Report. asp (http://www. strategyr. com/Inorganic_Chemicals_Industry_Market_Report. asp)

About Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

Global Industry Analysts, Inc., (GIA) (http://www. strategyr. com) is a reputed publisher of off-the-shelf market research. Founded in 1987, the company is globally recognized as one of the world's largest market research publishers. The company employs more than 700 people worldwide and publishes more than 880 full-scale research reports each year. Additionally, the company also offers a range of more than 60,000 smaller research products including company reports, market trend reports and industry reports encompassing all major industries worldwide.

Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

Telephone 408-528-9966

Fax 408-528-9977

Email press @ StrategyR. com

Web Site www. StrategyR. com


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SHL Establishes New Facility in the USA for Final Assembly and Packaging of Auto-Injectors

SHL Establishes New Facility in the USA for Final Assembly and Packaging of Auto-Injectors

SHL announces the establishment of a Final Assembly and Packaging facility in South Florida, USA. This facility will provide services to global pharmaceutical and biotech companies that are using auto injectors, pen injectors or inhalers for drug delivery.

(PRWEB) May 6, 2010

SHL, a leading manufacturer of drug delivery devices, will further expand operations in the USA with the establishment of SHL Pharma Systems, a state-of-the-art final assembly and packaging operation. Located in South Florida (USA), this new facility will offer final assembly, labeling and packaging services to SHL's pharmaceutical and biotech customers.

Lucio Giambattista, Executive Vice President SHL Group and Managing Director SHL Medical USA, commented on the expansion stating, “We are excited about this latest expansion project as it is very customer driven. We have built up close relationships with some of the world's largest pharma and biotech companies over the years and this facility will allow us to offer even more services to these partners. Now, with packaging, labeling and distribution services available in-house, SHL will truly be a one-stop-shop for drug delivery devices, from product design to delivery."

SHL has been significantly expanding facilities and recruiting new employees as the result of several recently signed long-term supply agreements. SHL has publicly announced capital expenditures of over $USD 100 million and are forecasting to hire an additional 1000 new employees over the next few years in addition to the 1500 members of staff existing today. The new Florida facility is scheduled to be operational in Q1 of 2011.

For more information about this expansion please contact our SHL Medical office at: +1 973 822 3007


About SHL Group

The SHL Group consists of three distinct companies: SHL Medical, SHL Healthcare and SHL Technologies. SHL Medical is the world's largest privately-owned designer, developer and manufacturer of advanced drug delivery devices (such as auto-injectors, pen injectors, and inhalers) for the world's leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies. SHL Healthcare is an established leader in providing patient lifting slings, beds and surfaces for homes and nursing homes throughout the world. SHL Technologies concentrates on the production of med-tech and industrial products, including precision neurosurgical devices and disposable catheters for urological applications.

Utilizing an ISO certified quality system the SHL Group manufactures in Asia with state-of-the-art facilities located in Taiwan and China. Design centers located in Sweden, Taiwan and the USA feed the company with intuitively designed medical products that help improve patient comfort and compliance. Over 1500 employees support the rapid growth of the SHL Group as a high-quality OEM/ODM manufacturer.

More information can be found from the company website: www. shl-group. com

SHL Media Contact

Steven R. Kaufman

Marketing Director

+886 932 111 460


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ESPN's Peter Gammons Discusses Long Road Back From Aneurysm

ESPN's Peter Gammons Discusses Long Road Back From Aneurysm

He speaks out in support of people, like himself, who have thrived under the care of professionals at the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Cape and Islands.

East Sandwich, MA (PRWEB) December 5, 2007

For baseball fans, Peter Gammons is one of the country's most popular media personalities. He's a Hall of Fame baseball reporter and analyst for ESPN.

He also knows something about giving back.

Last week, Gammons was the keynote speaker at a fundraising dinner for the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Cape and Islands (RHCI). The hospital is trying to raise $2 million for its Center for NeuroRecovery. The center, created in 2005, brings sophisticated neurological rehabilitation services to residents of Cape Cod and Southeastern Massachusetts, where there is a high risk for strokes, brain injuries and other neurological illnesses.

In 2006, Gammons suffered a catastrophic, life-threatening event when he was stricken with a cerebral aneurysm near his home on the Cape.

Gammons' journey to RHCI began on the morning of June 27, 2006. He was driving to a gym to work out when he got a splitting headache. He also felt incredibly fatigued. He pulled into a grocery store parking lot, thinking he would crawl into the back seat for a nap before resuming his trip.

"I don't remember much after that," Gammons said. "It was all pretty hazy."

Since his aneurysm, Gammons strongly believes in the inherent goodness of people. Perhaps it's because of people like Agnes Rockett-Bolduc. The former nurse was heading home but noticed Gammons' car. A man's leg was awkwardly sticking out of an open car door. She tried talking with him and realized he needed immediate help. She called 911 and waited until the rescue squad arrived.

Gammons was transported to Falmouth Hospital then airlifted to Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston for surgery to treat the aneurysm.

Once Gammons' condition stabilized, he was admitted to RHCI to begin weeks of intensive physical, occupational and speech therapy.

"The physical part of it wasn't too bad," he said. "I had lost 35 pounds, but once I started getting stronger, I could do it." The bigger question was whether he would regain the high level cognitive skills needed to return to his profession as a sports journalist.

"There was a fear that you could only come back only so far. You do wonder if you will ever get back to normal," Gammons said.

Gammons found the speech therapy challenging - which was the point.

"The aneurysm had affected cognitive abilities, like attention and organization," said Janine Annis-Young, his speech and language therapist. "We started with the basics of what he needed to accomplish daily tasks, then widened the circle of his awareness to include the increasingly complex and abstract processes he needed to do his job. He was always motivated."

"It was almost like going to college," he said. "The therapists would tell me, 'this is what you need to do and this is why you need to it.' That is a really unusual skill. It helped me realize how smart they are. It really helped my rehab."

What did Gammons take away from his experience?

"I found out what 'health care' really means," he said, noting that he hadn't been in the hospital since he was a baby. "I found out that people do really care. And I saw how much effort and caring go into it. I really didn't understand that before.

"Doctors said it could take me more than a year to come back, but it only took me a couple of months. That's the result of these therapists. It was really meaningful and quite remarkable."

Gammons is a self-professed political junkie who often watches MSNBC and tunes into talk radio. Until the aneurysm, Gammons believed the mostly negative 'gotcha' chatter came with the territory.

But last Christmas, as he prepared to send out holiday notes, he realized he had undergone a profound change. He wrote to his friends about it.

"I've learned two things," he said. "First, I want to emphasize what I'm for, not what I'm against. And what I believe in, not what I fear.

"That's what a potential life-altering experience does to you."

About RHCI

RHCI is a 60-bed, not-for-profit, acute rehabilitation hospital. RHCI provides comprehensive, hospital-level rehabilitation care for residents of Cape Cod and Southeastern Massachusetts. RHCI's staff cares for 1,100 inpatients each year and provides outpatient services at five satellite centers.

In 2005, RHCI made a major commitment to further enhance rehabilitation care for patients with neurological disabilities by creating the RHCI Center for NeuroRecovery. The center's major programs are: Stroke Program, Brain Injury Program and Parkinson's Disease Program.

The center is directed by a neurologist specializing in the neurobehavioral effects of brain injury and offers treatment with some of the most advanced neuro-rehabilitation technologies available today.

RHCI is affiliated with Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. It is a member of Partners HealthCare System.


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Diabetic Girl Hopes to Fund Cure Through Her Website: Shop4Cures. com

Diabetic Girl Hopes to Fund Cure Through Her Website: Shop4Cures. com

Shoppers spent over $80 billion online in 2005. What if 5% went to curing diseases? Use Shop4Cures. com and it does.

Long Island, NY (PRWEB) July 15, 2006

Allie Beatty, the founder and developer of Shop4Cures. com, has been a type I diabetic for over 20 years. In March 2005, Allie learned of a potential cure for her diabetes and other autoimmune diseases. To launch Phase I of the clinical trials, they need another $1.5 million.

Allie created Shop4Cures. com to fast track the funding needed to get the trials underway. Diabetes is just one of the devastating diseases that will be cured in years to come. Shop4Cures. com is funding research to cure other illnesses such as: cancer, lung disease, heart disease, strokes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and many others.

Using Shop4Cures. com is as simple as clicking through banner ads that provide coupons, promotions, free shipping or information to hot selling products. Shop4Cures. com earns advertising revenues based on the total dollar amount of the purchase. Eighty percent of Shop4Cures. com earnings are donated to nonprofit organizations committed to finding a cure for diseases.

Our affiliates were chosen based on their prestige and reputation for client satisfaction. Most importantly, funding to cure diseases will be an automatic benefit of satisfied shoppers. Use Shop4Cures. com for all your shopping needs: automobiles, books, CDs, DVDs, clothing, credit cards, electronics, gifts, health, insurance, loans, savings, travel and more.

Shop4Cures. com offers a monthly newsletter to keep visitors informed about promising research and current shopping deals.

Online shopping is a billion dollar industry. Shop4Cures. com promises to deliver fast, easy and reliable online shopping while raising money to cure diseases. Shopping with a conscience has never been easier!

Help Allie spread the word about Shop4Cures. com. Log on to www. Shop4Cures. com and encourage others to do the same.

Shop4Cures. com is based in Suffolk County, New York. To request an interview, please contact (516) 819-7944.


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Manhattan Research Releases Top Pharma Brand Product Sites by Consumer Satisfaction

Manhattan Research Releases Top Pharma Brand Product Sites by Consumer Satisfaction

Lantus (Sanofi-Aventis), Advair (GlaxoSmithKline), and Singulair (Merck) are the top pharmaceutical brand sites in terms of consumer visitor satisfaction, according to pharmaceutical and healthcare market research company Manhattan Research.

New York, NY (PRWEB) February 3, 2009

Lantus (Sanofi-Aventis), Advair (GlaxoSmithKline), and Singulair (Merck) are the top pharmaceutical brand sites in terms of consumer visitor satisfaction, according to pharmaceutical and healthcare market research (http://www. manhattanresearch. com) company Manhattan Research. The findings are from ePharma Consumer® v8.0, the company's latest study and strategic advisory service focused on how consumers find and use pharmaceutical resources online.

Other top brand sites leading in consumer satisfaction include Abilify (Bristol-Myers Squibb), Caduet (Pfizer), Januvia (Merck), Mirena (Bayer), Nexium/purplepill. com (AstraZeneca), Prevacid (Takeda), and Protonix (Wyeth).

EPharma Consumer® v8.0 tracks consumer interaction with more than 250 branded and unbranded pharmaceutical sites, including in-depth data on the effect of DTC advertising, visitation, site search rationales, desired site tools and features, and actions taken off-site.

"Pharmaceutical marketing is rapidly evolving, and brand teams and agencies are looking beyond number of eyeballs to the site when evaluating their digital strategy. To truly understand online performance, marketers are focusing more on metrics such as engagement, action steps, satisfaction and of course conversions," said Mark Bard, president of Manhattan Research. "While driving visitors to sites is critical, engaging and retaining them will provide the most strategic value to the brand."

Complimentary Webinar - Monday, February 9, 2009

EPharma Consumer® v8.0: The Future of DTC Marketing

Manhattan Research President Mark Bard will preview the latest ePharma Consumer® data and trends for pharmaceutical marketers and agencies to make better-informed consumer marketing strategies. Mark will give insight into topics such as where and how consumers search for pharma info online; organic and paid search for pharma information; social networking and Web 2.0 applications; the corporate and product site landscape; and the role of a patient's condition in online behavior.

Session 1: Monday, February 9, 11:00 AM EST

 Register here: https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/512733945 (https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/512733945)

Session 2: Monday, February 9, 3:00 PM EST

 Register here: https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/858561016 (https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/858561016)

For assistance in signing up, please email your time preference to webinars (at) manhattanresearch (dot) com or call 212-255-7799.

About ePharma Consumer® v8.0:

EPharma Consumer® v8.0 was conducted via online survey in Q4 2008 among 6,566 adults (age 18+). The study is focused on consumers online for pharmaceutical information. For additional product and subscription information, please visit http://www. manhattanresearch. com/products/Strategic_Advisory/ePC/ (http://www. manhattanresearch. com/products/Strategic_Advisory/ePC/).

Some of the product sites covered in ePharma Consumer® include Abilify, Aciphex, Actonel, Advair, Ambien/Ambien CR, Aranesp, Aricept, Boniva, Botox, Caduet, Chantix, Cialis, Concerta, Crestor, Cymbalta, Depakote, Depo-Provera, Detrol LA, Effexor XR, Enbrel, Flomax, Flonase, Flovent, Fosamax, Gardasil, Humira, Imitrex, Lamisil, Lantus, Lexapro, Levitra, Lipitor, Lunesta, Nasacort, Nasonex, Neulasta, Neurontin, Nexium, Norvasc, NuvaRing, Ortho Evra, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, Paxil, Plavix, Pravachol, Prevacid, Protonix, Provigil, Pulmicort, , Restasis, Risperdal, Rozerem, Seasonale, Seroquel, Singulair, Strattera, Tamiflu, Topamax, Toprol XL, TriCor, Valtrex, Viagra, Vytorin, Wellbutrin XL, Yasmin, Yaz, Zocor, Zoloft, Zomig, and Zyprexa.

About Manhattan Research:

Manhattan Research, a Decision Resources, Inc. company, is a leading market research and advisory services firm for global pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. For more information, visit http://www. manhattanresearch. com (http://www. manhattanresearch. com), email sales (at) manhattanresearch (dot) com or call 1.888.680.0800.

About Decision Resources, Inc.:

Decision Resources, Inc. is a cohesive portfolio of companies that offers best-in-class, high-value information and insights on important sectors of the healthcare industry. Clients rely on this analysis and data to make informed decisions. Please visit Decision Resources, Inc. at http://www. decisionresourcesinc. com (http://www. decisionresourcesinc. com).

All company, brand, or product names contained in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


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Lavande Nail Spa Plans February ‘Hands Over Our Hearts’ Fundraiser

Lavande Nail Spa Plans February ‘Hands Over Our Hearts’ Fundraiser.

'Manicurathon' seeks to raise both awareness and research money for the American Heart Association.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) February 7, 2005

ItÂ’s almost ValentineÂ’s Day and time to think about hearts! Or more precisely heart health. Lavande Nail Spa in San Francisco is doing just that with their event scheduled for Monday February 7th.

Entitled “Hands Over Our Hearts”, the company’s two San Francisco locations will be holding an all day ‘manicurathon’ to raise money for the American Heart Association.

From 9 am to 9 pm all proceeds from each treatment done at the spa(manicure/pedicure/ facial/ massage, ect) will be donated to the American Heart Association. A large goal for the event is to educate women on the particular dangers they face with heart disease. American Heart Association representatives will be on hand to talk about women and heart disease prevention.

The spas are located at 113 Carl Street in the Cole Valley, and 2139 Polk Street near Broadway in the Polk Gulch. Goodie bags will be given to those booking appointments in advance.

Hands Over Our HeartsÂ’, will take place on Monday, February 7th, 2005, and will feature an all day manicurathon at Lavande Nail Spas two San Francisco locations.

‘Hands Over Our Hearts’ will support education and research programs by donating the proceeds for the 12 hour event to the American Heart Association.

“Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of men and women alike. But what many don’t realize is that statistically more women die of CVS every year than men,” says Lavande Nail Spa founder Jennifer Leung. “A good amount of education is out there about breast cancer, but we feel not enough is being done to educate women about Heart Disease – and since February is the month in which we celebrate love, we also want to celebrate healthy hearts.”

‘Hands Over Our Hearts’ will be a fun and relaxing way to get information in the hands of those attending the event. Goodie bags stuffed with heart healthy products, informative pamphlets, and beauty items will be given to those who book in advance. Other information, food, and goodies will be available at both the Carl Street and Polk Street locations.

“We expect a great turn out,” says Leung of the event. “We’ll be inviting our own clients and campaigning throughout the Bay Area to get people to attend.”

For more information, please visit www. lavandenailspa. com or call 415/382.6164.

Jennifer Leung founded Lavande Nail Spa in 2004 on the principle that everyone deserves to be pampered without breaking the bank. After receiving her Manicurist License, Jennifer conceived of the idea to create a Day Spa that was mid point between a bare bones discount nail shop, and an excessively priced salon. She conceived of a spa-like environment that was clean and decorated with comfortable furniture and relaxing colors, coupled with innovative services and affordable prices. By turning her dream into a reality she believes she has significantly improved the lives of her clients. Jennifer Leung has a bachelor degree in business management and a manicurist license from the California State Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology.

Lavande Nail Spa offers manicure and pedicure packages that combine fresh botanical ingredients, genuine aromatherapy, and Sugar and Sea Salt scrubs. The Spa also offers, facials, waxing and private party hosting. The name Lavande means lavender in French – lavender and lavender oils are considered to be the ultimate herb for relaxation and spiritual balance. Lavande Nail Spas are located at 113 Carl Street in San Francisco, and 2139 Polk Street in San Francisco.

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