Piribo: Do Smart Cards Have a Place in the Future of Digital Health Records

Piribo: Do Smart Cards Have a Place in the Future of Digital Health Records

Piribo, (www. piribo. com) the online destination for business intelligence for the biotech and pharmaceutical industry, has added a new report entitled “Smart Cards and Their Place in the Future of Digital Health Records - Starring Role or Bit Player?”

(PRWEB) May 8, 2006

Piribo, (www. piribo. com) the online destination for business intelligence for the biotech and pharmaceutical industry, has added a new report entitled “Smart Cards and Their Place in the Future of Digital Health Records - Starring Role or Bit Player?”

This report discusses a bold and innovative pilot program about to commence at a major health system in New York. A partnership between the Mount Sinai Medical Center (MSMC), the New York City Health and Hospital Corp. (HHC), and Siemens Communications will utilize smart card technology to facilitate access to medical record information and strengthen positive patient identification.

Interest in the sharing of electronic health information has burgeoned among all of the constituencies in the healthcare ecosystem, spurred by more than 100 local digital health information exchange pilot programs and encouraged by a series of high-profile federal initiatives.

“Smart Cards and Their Place in the Future of Digital Health Records - Starring Role or Bit Player?” is priced at £1390.00 and is available for immediate delivery in PDF format from Piribo. For more information go to: http://www. piribo. com/search/results. html? k=IDC018 (http://www. piribo. com/search/results. html? k=IDC018)

About Piribo.

Piribo is a UK-based independent online store supplying business information on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The website now carries over 3,500 English language titles including, market reports, studies and books and is the UK’s largest online biopharma information store. Subscribers receive a free monthly newsletter and email alerts on new titles in their areas of interest. The company was established in 2004.


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Libya Is Booming, Says Leading U. S.-Libyan Business Group

Libya Is Booming, Says Leading U. S.-Libyan Business Group

Libya Keen to Attract FDI And Spur Private Sector Growth, According to Phoenicia Group

TRIPOLI, Libya (PRWEB) May 16, 2007

According to Phoenicia Group, (http://www. phoenicia. ly (http://www. phoenicia. ly)) the leading U. S.-Libyan diversified business and consultancy group and a strategic partner to several multinational corporations in Libya, business confidence has reached an all time high among the Libyan private sector and foreign companies looking to invest in Libya, a result of astute government policies in streamlining the business and legal regulatory framework and government support of private sector and entrepreneurial growth.

Ryad Sunusi, interim President & CEO of the privately-held Phoenicia Group and founder of the Libyan-American Business Council, expressed confidence in the strength of the Libyan economy and business opportunities available during a conference call from Tripoli with businessmen, investors and analysts, stating:

"Libya has great FDI potential-Libya's infrastructure is in need of repair, and is a large country with many needs," he said.

"Outside the Oil and Gas sector, infrastructure is high priority - hospitals, housing, schools, sanitation services, water and power supplies, as well as construction of new ports, airports, rail system, roads, and other essential services."

U. S. Engineering group AECOM recently nabbed an agreement with the GPC for Housing and Utilities, and Dow Chemical Company inked a JV agreement with Libya's National Oil Corporation to overhaul and upgrade the Ras Lanuf petrochemical complex, evidence of the increasing openness in reaching deals.

"Outstanding prospects exist for U. S. and international firms in advanced oil field technology & services, medical equipments and hospital supplies, aviation, electric power generations, transmission systems, computers & software services, security & safety equipments, telecommunications, water resource equipments, farm machinery, agricultural commodities such as wheat & corn," Sunusi noted, a fact echoed by numerous economic reports.

Sunusi, a prominent Libyan consultant and analyst, whose Phoenicia Group has earned a reputation as a conduit for international businesses in accessing the Libyan market, projects sustained growth in nearly all market sectors well into the future.

Sunusi says that Libya welcomes investors to bring capital, technology, and services to Libya, characterizing the business environment as "an environment of increasing private enterprise, and the launch of a new economic, political, and social development phase of the country."

Libya consistently ranks as North Africa's top performing economies, with little debt, a healthy capital surplus, a relatively small, adaptable, and highly educated population, and carefully planned budget expenditures.

Libya's economy grew above 7% in 2006, one of only 8 countries in Africa to buck the trend, meeting the desired aims of the U. N Millennium Development goals as outlined in Africa Development Report 2007.

"U. S. and international investors and traders eying Libya need to identify a reliable and established partner - who can provide the assistance, contacts, and legal support services and guide them through all aspects of doing business in Libya-doing business in Libya needs vision, patience, and adaptability and our presence and experience in Libya can make sure our clients realize their projects development, planning, and implementation goals on a fast-track basis.'

Libya's geographical position makes it an ideal transit zone for companies seeking to export to Europe, Africa, and Caspian countries through its Free Trade Zone in Misratah.

Sunusi joked about the weather, saying, "It's definitely cooler here than out in the Gulf, and geographically, we're closer to Europe, Africa, and the U. S., why shouldn't we make use of our resources and location, if we do it right, we'll see a migration of companies from the Gulf to Libya."

Key services provided to U. S. and international clients include Risk Management, Commercial Advisory/Business Law, Communication, Government Relations, Trade Advocacy, Concept Development, Contract Negotiations, Distribution, Marketing, Sourcing, Strategy, and Total Project Management.

The Phoenicia Group, a widely touted poster child of Libyan private sector achievement, has, since its inception in 1999, experienced rapid expansion in the oil & gas, construction, tourism, telecommunications, health, services, and agribusiness sectors, making it the leading Libyan private company and consultancy group; and sponsoring the spin-off of the Libyan-American Business Council in 2004 to promote U. S-Libyan trade and business exchange.

About Phoenicia Group Libya, LLC

Phoenicia Group, a US-Libyan professional business services company, establishes and advises on interoperability issues in the Libyan Market with technology, and devises, researches and implements market entry and risk management strategies for U. S companies wishing to establish a foothold for commerce in Libya.

For more information, please visit www. phoenicia. ly.


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GROUP SAYS PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSES ARE A HOAX. Claims there is no scientific evidence proving any of psychiatryÂ’s claims

GROUP SAYS PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSES ARE A HOAX. Claims there is no scientific evidence proving any of psychiatryÂ’s claims

There are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person's brain.

(PRWEB) August 23, 2005

The psychiatric profession purports to be the sole arbiter on the subject of mental health and "diseases" of the mind. However, psychiatric “disorders” are not medical diseases and psychiatrists admit in their own literature that they have no idea how the mind works.

In medicine, strict criteria exist for calling a condition a disease: a predictable group of symptoms and the cause of the symptoms or an understanding of their physiology (function) must be proven and established. Chills and fever are symptoms. Malaria and typhoid are diseases. Diseases are proven to exist by objective evidence and physical tests. Yet, no mental "diseases" have ever been proven to medically exist.

While mainstream physical medicine treats diseases, psychiatry can only deal with "disorders." In the absence of a known cause or physiology, a group of symptoms seen in many different patients is called a disorder or syndrome. Harvard Medical School's Joseph Glenmullen, M. D., says that in psychiatry, "all of its diagnoses are merely syndromes [or disorders], clusters of symptoms presumed to be related, not diseases."

As Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus, observes, "There is no blood or other biological test to ascertain the presence or absence of a mental illness, as there is for most bodily diseases."

Brian Beaumont, President of the Vancouver chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights stated, "The fact is, there is nothing in the medical, scientific literature that confirms objective abnormality ('objective abnormality' equates to disease) in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Conduct Disorder (CD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Post-partum Depression, 'math disorder' or hundreds of other 'diseases' that psychiatrists swear up and down are 'biological.' If they were biological, scientists would be able to see evidence in blood workups, x-rays, urinalyses, taps of spinal fluid, or something. But they canÂ’t."

Leading psychiatric agencies such as the World Psychiatric Association, Canadian Psychiatric Association and U. S. National Institute of Mental Health admit that psychiatrists do not know the causes or cures for any mental disorder or what their "treatments" specifically do to the patient. They have only theories and conflicting opinions about the diagnoses and methods, and are lacking any scientific basis for these. As a past president of the World Psychiatric Association stated, "The time when psychiatrists considered that they could cure the mentally ill is gone. In the future, the mentally ill have to learn to live with their illness."

One prevailing psychiatric theory (key to psychotropic drug sales) is that mental disorders result from a chemical imbalance in the brain. As with its other theories, there is no biological or other evidence to prove this. Representative of a large group of medical and biochemistry experts, Elliot Valenstein, Ph. D., author of Blaming the Brain says: “There are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person's brain."

People do experience problems and upsets in life that may result in mental troubles, sometimes very serious. But to represent that these troubles are caused by incurable "brain diseases" that can only be alleviated with dangerous pills is dishonest, harmful and often deadly. Such drugs are often more potent than a narcotic and capable of driving one to violence or suicide. They mask the real cause of problems in life and debilitate the individual, so denying him or her the opportunity for real recovery and hope for the future.

 The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights, and to clean up the field of mental healing.

Today, it has more than 130 chapters in over 31 countries. Its board of advisors, called Commissioners, includes doctors, lawyers, educators, artists, business professionals, and civil and human rights representatives.

While it doesn't provide medical or legal advice, it works closely with and supports medical doctors and medical practice. A key CCHR focus is psychiatry's fraudulent use of subjective "diagnoses" that lack any scientific or medical merit, but which are used to reap financial benefits in the billions, from Medical Services Plans and ultimately taxpayers. Based on these false diagnoses, psychiatrists justify and prescribe life-damaging treatments, including mind-altering drugs, which mask a person's underlying difficulties and prevent his or her recovery.

CCHR's work aligns with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in particular the following precepts, which psychiatrists violate on a daily basis particularly through the use of the mental heath acts around the world.

Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.

Through psychiatrists' false diagnoses, stigmatizing labels, easy-seizure commitment laws, brutal, depersonalizing "treatments," thousands of individuals are harmed and denied their inherent human rights.

If you been damaged by psychiatric “treatment” please call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at 1 800 670 2247.

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Southern California Based Technology Leadership Political Action Committee Names Alvaka Networks' CEO, Oli Thordarson as their Chairman

Southern California Based Technology Leadership Political Action Committee Names Alvaka Networks' CEO, Oli Thordarson as their Chairman.

On February 22nd, Orange County's newly formed Technology Leadership Political Action Committee (TLPAC) named Oli Thordarson their Chairman. Mr. Thordarson, CEO and Founder of 25 year old Information Technology company Alvaka Networks, and a long standing vocal member of the technology industry, was honored to accept this leading role in an organization that he believes will revolutionize how Orange County and Southern California are viewed by the global technology industry.

Irvine (PRWEB) March 13, 2008

At their inaugural event on February 22nd, Orange County's newly formed Technology Leadership Political Action Committee (TLPAC) named Oli Thordarson their Chairman. Mr. Thordarson, CEO and Founder of 25 year old Information Technology company Alvaka Networks, and a long standing vocal member of the technology industry, was honored to accept this leading role in an organization that he believes will revolutionize how Orange County and Southern California are viewed by the global technology industry. The goal of the TLPAC is to increase the recognition, through local and state legislative support of the technology industry here in Orange County. It's an industry that provides 96% of the number of jobs as the famed Silicon Valley technology industry, but has a political clout negatively disproportionate to its contribution to the local job market and economy. The TLPAC, with Mr. Thordarson at the helm, plans to change all that.

"In a couple years, with legislative support, we want to see our SoCal tech jobs overtake NorCal. Then, I will consider my chairmanship a job well done," says Thordarson. It's a lofty goal, especially considering that it will be a full-time job for the TLPAC just to keep up with educating elected officials. Many of those officials are more and more frequently sponsoring and voting on bills that impact technologies they may not fully understand, or even know exist before they are asked to weigh in on legislation. As technology becomes increasingly ingrained in our day to day existence, and the likelihood of government regulation increases, it will become ever more imperative that legislators have resources to turn to on these issues. The TLPAC intends to be that leading resource.

"The prosperity of the local technology industry is a key component to the overall health of the local economy," says TLPAC Executive Director Tim Jemal. "Oli Thordarson has been a fervent messenger of that fact, and a passionate advocate for getting our local technology industry out of NorCal's shadow for years." And it's this steadfast commitment and drive that stands to make the new TLPAC's leader and his organization a force to be reckoned with.

Oli Thordarson has been an advocate for the technology industry, and especially Information Technology, since the early 1980's. The founder and CEO of one of the country's leaders in IT Managed Services, Alvaka Networks, Thordarson has spent the last 25 years living and doing business in Orange County. He's seen his business and its locale change drastically over the years. What hasn't changed over the years is his conviction that technology advocacy is required to ensuring our continued global competitiveness, and local industry prosperity. In addition to his new chairmanship, Mr. Thordarson is also a board member and volunteer for The Discovery Science Center, a CompTIA National Board Member, and local AEA Executive Council Member. His Chairmanship of the TLPAC is really just a next logical step in what has been a career's worth of advocacy for technology and technology education.

The TLPAC, with Chairman Oli Thordarson, is a group to watch as they enter their first election season as a local political force. Anyone interested in learning more about TLPAC, or their current legislative initiative, should visit their website at www. tlpac. org.


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Journalist Linda Ellerbee Tapped as Keynote Speaker for Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce 2006 East Bay Women's Conference

Journalist Linda Ellerbee Tapped as Keynote Speaker for Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce 2006 East Bay Women's Conference

The Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce convenes its first annual 2006 East Bay Women's Conference on Monday, March 6, 2006, 8:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., at the San Ramon Marriott, San Ramon, California. California State Senator Jackie Speier opens the conference, Full Circle: Leadership, Balance, Health. Keynote speaker Linda Ellerbee, award-winning journalist, author and television producer, presents "How to Survive a Changing World, and How to Change Your World."

Walnut Creek, CA (PRWEB) January 29, 2006

The Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce convenes its first annual 2006 East Bay Women's Conference on Monday, March 6, 2006, 8:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., at the San Ramon Marriott, San Ramon, California. California State Senator Jackie Speier opens the conference, Full Circle: Leadership, Balance, Health. Keynote speaker Linda Ellerbee, award-winning journalist, author and television producer, presents "How to Survive a Changing World, and How to Change Your World."

Presented by The PMI Group, Inc., in association with Chevron Corporation, the event blends keynote and guest speaker presentations, breakout sessions, more than 40 exhibitor booths and a wine-tasting social hour, hosted by Wente Vineyards.

The agenda follows three tracks - leadership, balance and health. Seminars focus on building leadership skills, bridging and balancing life's transitions, and managing physical and financial health. John Muir Medical Center will offer cholesterol, bone density and blood pressure screenings. The conference wraps up with time to mingle and network during the end-of-day wine-tasting event.

Organizers expect 500 attendees to share in this inaugural event. The cost, including continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon wine and hors d'oeuvres, is $125.00 per person, and pre-registration is required. For information about exhibitor space, sponsorship opportunities and registration instructions, the public can contact the Walnut Creek Chamber of Comerce online at www. walnut-creek. com, or by phone at (925) 934-2007.

"The East Bay Women's Conference will provide a valuable learning and networking experience for our region's female leaders in government, business and the community," says Representative Ellen O. Tauscher (D-Walnut Creek). "I applaud the Walnut Creek Chamber and all the event's co-sponsors for their commitment to this cause."

Event sponsors include John Muir Medical Center, AT&T, Bank of Walnut Creek, Broadway Plaza, Miller, Starr & Regalia, Safeway, KAB, Wente Vineyards, KGO Radio, Contra Costa Times and Diablo magazine.

The mission of the EBWC is to provide women an opportunity to come together and participate in a program of personal and professional enrichment, development and networking activities, and to provide them the tools they need on the journey to their personal best as individuals, team members and leaders in family, community, political and business arenas.

Featured and seminar speakers include Christine Wente, fifth generation winegrower; Lynn Jimenez, KGO Radio business reporter; Tamara Monosoff, founder, Mom Inventors, Inc.; Julie Chaiken, founder, Chaiken Clothing; Kathleen Odne, executive director, Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation; Matthew O'Grady, managing director, Taproot Foundation; Andrea Goeglein, PhD, executive coach; and Drs. Sondra Altman, Valerie Keim and Kristine Batten, John Muir Medical Center.

Speaker photos available as high-resolution jpgs.

About Linda Ellerbee:

An award-winning journalist, television producer, best-selling author, breast cancer survivor, mom and grandmother, Linda Ellerbee is one of America's most sought-after speakers. Ms. Ellerbee began her career at CBS, moved to NBC News where she pioneered the award-winning NBS News Overnight, then moved to ABC News to write and anchor the Emmy-winning Our World, a weekly primetime historical series. In 1987 Ms. Ellerbee formed Lucky Duck Productions, and currently produces and hosts the popular Nick News for Nickelodeon, which airs on more than 200 television stations in syndication and has earned three Peabody Awards. Ms. Ellerbee's books, And So It Goes, a humorous look at television news, and Move On, stories about being a working single mother and trying to find balance in life, have been national bestsellers. Her most recent book, Take Big Bites: Adventures Around the World and Across the Table, was released in May 2005.

About Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce:

Comprised of 800 firms representing more than 3000 employees, the Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest accredited chambers in the Bay Area. Celebrating its 80th anniversary in June 2006, the Chamber advocates common business interests, fosters and promotes a healthy, competitive business climate and enhances the quality of life in Walnut Creek. www. walnut-creek. com.

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Von Furstenberg to Sponsor Beach Report Card; Malibu Philanthropist to Support Heal the Bay Water Quality Program for 3 Years

Von Furstenberg to Sponsor Beach Report Card; Malibu Philanthropist to Support Heal the Bay Water Quality Program for 3 Years

Malibu philanthropist to support Heal the Bay water quality program for 3 years

Santa Monica, CA (PRWEB) September 12, 2009

Environmental group Heal the Bay today announced a significant partnership with Alex von Furstenberg, philanthropist and co-managing member and chief investment officer of Arrow Capital Management, LLC.

Alex von Furstenberg is donating $150,000 to support Heal the Bay's beach water quality program, the Beach Report CardSM, over the next three years. The Beach Report Card is the only comprehensive analysis of coastline water quality in California. Each week, approximately 500 beaches in the state are graded A to F, based on the health risks of swimming or surfing at that location.

Additionally, Alex von Furstenberg has joined Audemars Piguet as a sponsor of La Soirée, a benefit event for Heal the Bay and the ONE DROP Foundation. La Soirée includes the Santa Monica premiere of Cirque du Soleil's KOOZA and features an exclusive after party on the Santa Monica Pier on October 16th, 2009. Information about this one-of-a-kind benefit event is available at http://www. healthebay. org/lasoiree (http://www. healthebay. org/lasoiree).

Alex von Furstenberg is actively involved in a variety of philanthropic endeavors. Alex is the director and secretary of The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation and serves on the board of Friends of the High Line, a private, non-profit partner of the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation has supported universities, communities, disease research, children, artists, the environment and human rights issues world-wide.

"As a resident of Malibu and an active kite-surfer, I spend a great deal of time in the ocean, as does my family. We feel it's our responsibility to protect the ocean for generations to come," Alex von Furstenberg said.

After meeting Heal the Bay president Mark Gold and hearing about the funding needs of a critical public health protection service, Alex von Furstenberg immediately made a commitment of time and resources to the Beach Report CardSM.

"Heal the Bay is excited to partner with Alex," Gold said. "His connection to the ocean and commitment to protecting it will directly impact millions of people who visit California's beaches each year."

Alex von Furstenberg received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brown University in 1993 and resides in Malibu, California, with his family.

Heal the Bay is a nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to making Southern California coastal waters and watersheds, including Santa Monica Bay, safe, healthy and clean for people and aquatic life.

Contact: Matthew King, Heal the Bay, 310.451.1500


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Richmond VA, Insurance Agent David P. Archibald, Recognized by Progressive Insurance for Top Performance

Richmond VA, Insurance Agent David P. Archibald, Recognized by Progressive Insurance for Top Performance

Based on his, history of providing excellent customer service and consistently meeting established sales goals, David P. Archibald, Pres., of Auto Insurers of Virginia, has been recognized by Progressive as a Preferred Signature Agent in the Progressive Preferred Program.

Richmond, VA (PRWEB) January 27, 2010

Based on his, history of providing excellent customer service and consistently meeting established sales goals, David P. Archibald, Pres., of Auto Insurers of Virginia, has been recognized by Progressive as a Preferred Signature Agent in the Progressive Preferred Program.

Preferred Signature Agents comprise the top one percent of the company’s 30,000 independent insurance agents from across the country. These leading agents have consistently grown their businesses through expert knowledge of the industry and a dedication to serving customers. Archibald joins this group as a top performer who constantly strives to match the specific needs of Virginia drivers with a wide variety of products and services. As a part of this group Auto Insurers of Virginia enjoys Signature Agent benefits including: special recognition, additional Progressive product offerings, and enhanced marketing support.

Unlike some agencies that only represent one insurance company, Auto Insurers of Virginia is an independent agency offers products from different companies. These products include auto, home, renters, motorcycle, boat, RV, life, health and disability, from multiple carriers, including Progressive.

About Auto Insurers of Virginia

Auto Insurers of Virginia, in business since 1991, is located at 11629 Midlothian Tpke Midlothian, VA 23113 or online at WWW. AUTOINSURERSOFVA. COM. The experts at Auto Insurers of Virginia provide advice and personal service. For more information, call 800-909-8103, or send and email to info@autoinsurersofva. com.

About Progressive

The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies, in business since 1937, is one of the country’s largest auto insurance groups, the largest seller or motorcycle, and a market leader in commercial auto insurance based on premiums written.

More than 30,000 independent agencies sell Progressive products including private passenger auto, Progressive Commercial, Progressive Motorcycle, Progressive RV, etc. Progressive agency companies make up a group that is the largest writer of auto insurance through independent agents and brokers in the U. S., based on premiums written. Consumers can find an agent at http://progressiveagent. com.


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Bowie & Jensen Announces Mark Jensen’s Appointment to the MedStar Health Board

Bowie & Jensen Announces Mark Jensen’s Appointment to the MedStar Health Board

Bowie & Jensen, a leading Maryland business law firm, today announced the appointment of Mark Jensen to the Board of Directors of the MedStar Health System. Mr. Jensen served on the Board of Union Memorial Hospital, part of the MedStar Health System, for nine years, just completing a three-year term as the Board’s Chairman.

Towson, MD (Vocus) September 27, 2010

Bowie & Jensen, a leading Maryland business law firm, today announced the appointment of Mark Jensen to the Board of Directors of the MedStar Health System. Mr. Jensen served on the Board of Union Memorial Hospital, part of the MedStar Health System, for nine years, just completing a three-year term as the Board’s Chairman. Mr. Jensen is a co-founder of Bowie & Jensen and leads the firm’s transactional department. He has received numerous legal awards and most recently was named to SmartCEO’s legal elite.

“Mark brings nine years of depth and experience to the MedStar board,” said Brad Chambers, President of Union Memorial Hospital. “Mark understands how a hospital runs and what the people go through on a day-to-day basis. It’s invaluable experience to MedStar at the corporate level.”

MedStar Health is a $3.8 billion not-for-profit, regional healthcare system with a network of nine hospitals and 20 other health-related businesses across Maryland and the Washington, D. C., region. As the Mid-Atlantics’ largest health system, it is one of the region's largest employers with more than 26,000 associates and 5,300 affiliated physicians.

At Bowie & Jensen, Mr. Jensen focuses his practice on the representation of small businesses, privately held companies of all sizes, entrepreneurs and professionals, drawing on his personal experience and professional training to identify goals and develop strategies and tactics to achieve them. The combination of hospital, legal and business experience made him the perfect choice for the MedStar Board.

“Mark provided invaluable leadership at Union Memorial but his true legacy will be his commitment to quality,” Chambers said. “Mark did not use the word “quality” loosely. “As a Board Member and ultimately the Board President he asked the question ‘how do you know that you are a quality hospital?” then asked us prove it with consistent data over time.”

“His leadership earned Union Memorial the Delmarva Foundation Excellence Award for Quality Improvement four years in a row. No other hospital in the state has received the award four years in a row,” Chambers added.

Mr. Jensen is the grandson of Danish immigrant farmers and the son of a small business man. He grew up in Minnesota working in his father’s retail store and made his way through college (Hamline University (http://www. hamline. edu/) B. A., Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1980) and law school (State University of New York at Buffalo (http://www. law. buffalo. edu/) J. D., 1985; visiting student for three semesters at University of Maryland School of Law (http://www. law. umaryland. edu/)). Since 1992, Mr. Jensen has worked with Robert R. Bowie, Jr. and their colleagues to build Bowie & Jensen, LLC. His background and experience in small business allows Mr. Jensen to bring a unique perspective to the representation of small businesses, private companies, entrepreneurs and professionals.

“Mark’s leadership experience will be a valuable asset to MedStar,” said Robert R. Bowie Jr. “His broad financial and general management expertise will be an invaluable asset to the Board.”

Mr. Jensen is committed to public service. In addition to his role as the Chairman of the Board at Union Memorial Hospital (http://www. unionmemorial. org/), he chaired the UMH Strategic Planning Committee, served on the Professional Practice and Quality Oversight Committee (which he and chaired), Risk Management Committee, and Hospital Leadership Committee and was during his term an invited guest at the Medical Executive Committee meetings. He served on the MedStar Strategic Planning Committee and the MedStar Investment Committee as well as the Union Memorial Foundation Board and the Maryland Hospital Association (http://www. mdhospitals. org/) Council on Clinical and Quality Issues Committee.

About Bowie & Jensen

Bowie & Jensen is a Maryland-based law firm with attorneys representing clients around the world. Bowie & Jensen focuses on Business Litigation, Business Transactions, Intellectual Property, Employment Law, Estates & Trusts, Tax and Construction Law. For more information on Bowie & Jensen, please visit www. bowie-jensen. com.

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Low Carb Luxury to Sponsor Press Event at Expo West

Low Carb Luxury to Sponsor Press Event at Expo West

Was low carb a fad? To listen to much of the news media, low carb dieting is a thing of the past, but is it? How do the leaders in the industry see it? Come and see why "Low Carb Lives!"

(PRWEB) March 16, 2005

Low Carb Luxury, America's leading low carb consumer website is sponsoring a press event during the upcoming Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, California. Expo West is known throughout the world as the largest natural and organic products trade show in the industry, and therefore seemed the natural selection for holding such an event. This press conference seeks to inform the media of the true strength behind the low carb trend, the reasons for the fluctuations in the marketplace, and the science that forms its foundation.

After a honeymoon between press and low carb product manufacturers last year, there are now hard questions being asked: Where is the future of low carb? Is the trend spent? Was it a fad? Are merchants falling by the wayside?

It's time such questions were addressed not through speculation, but by those that have been the heart and soul of this industry from the beginning. Both the media and the public deserve insight and answers from low carb experts.

We've assembled eight top names in the field, who will be discussing the health benefits, and viability of the low carb lifestyle. Panelists will be taking questions from the audience as well.


Friday, March 18, 2005 at 3:00 pm.


Radisson Hotel Maingate — Anaheim

(This is a two-minute walk from the Convention Center)

Pick Ford's Porch Conference Room

1850 South Harbor Boulevard

Anaheim, CA 92802

Hotel Telephone: (714) 750-2801

Panelists will include:

Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades, authors of best-selling diet book, Protein Power, and hosts of the upcoming PBS television series, Low Carb CookwoRx. Their newest book, Staying Power: How to Maintain your Low Carb Weight Loss for Good will be released in April. Dana Carpender, a legend in low carb publishing, including her first book, How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds, and her latest in a string of best-selling cookbooks, 500 More Low Carb Recipes. Lora Ruffner, founder of Low Carb Luxury, a well-known website and monthly magazine with a 6 year history that now sees over 2 million visitors each day. Jonny Bowden, certified nutrition specialist, fitness guru, and author of Living the Low Carb Life. Dr. Fred Pescatore, author of The Hamptons Diet and former Assoc. Director of the Atkins Center in New York. Andrew DiMino, president of CarbSmart, a pioneer in low carb specialty retail. Linda Langdon, one of the original low carb retailers in America, founder of Low Carb Creations, and currently a principal with Sunset Brands.

Moderating the panel will be Neil Beaty, President of Low Carb Luxury. In conjunction with the Low Carb Lives Press Conference, a second event will be held the following day: Saturday, March 19th, 3 PM to 5 PM:

There will be a Book Signing at CarbSmart, 19142 Beach Boulevard, Suite Z, in Huntington Beach, California.

Signing books will be:

Dana Carpender, author of 500 Low Carb Recipes Jonny Bowden, author of Living the Low Carb Life Dr. Fred Pescatore, author of The Hamptons Diet

Also appearing Lora Ruffner and Neil Beaty from Low Carb Luxury, and Linda Langdon from Low Carb Creations.

We invite press and all interested parties to attend.

For further information, visit the Low Carb Lives Website at: http://www. lowcarblives. net (http://www. lowcarblives. net)


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"Parenting" and "Difficult" Are Not Synonymous

"Parenting" and "Difficult" Are Not Synonymous

Randy Rolfe, author of "The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents," reveals the "easy ways" to parent on Internet Radio's "Full Power Living," hosted by Ilene Dillon, on Thursday, September 7, 2006.

El Sobrante, CA (PRWEB) September 2, 2006

Randy Rolfe, author of "The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents," reveals the "easy ways" to parent on Internet Radio's "Full Power Living," hosted by Ilene Dillon, on Thursday, September 7, 2006.

Do your children fight -- a lot? Does your son or daughter have frequent “stomach aches” that cause lost school days? How do you deal with a dying pet and a sensitive child? What do you do about homework, problems at school, children who don’t seem to want to apply themselves? Sometimes parenting seems bewildering., especially when it comes to determining what needs attention and where you can offer support only. Family Therapist Randy Rolfe has effective ideas from her book, "The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents." She appears on “Full Power Living,” Internet Radio’s program, hosted by Ilene Dillon, M. S.W. , on Thursday, September 7, 2006.

Most children get an average of only 8 minutes of face-to-face interaction with a parent in one day. Yet face-to-face interaction is vital to your child. How do parents “find time,” “know what to say,” or develop “faith” in their child’s ability to “work it out?” Rolfe encourages the efforts of parents everywhere to be effective, share their love, and succeed in their job as parent. You will not want to miss this program.

Randy Rolfe, J. D., M. A., has been married over 30 years and, together with her husband, has raised two adult children. She is a long-time family therapist, an attorney, home-schooler, and natural health advocate. Author of five books, including "The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents," Randy has been a frequent guest on such shows as Sally, Geraldo, Gordon, Montel, Maury and Ricki. She has appeared on hundreds of radio programs and in print.

Full Power Living is dedicated to “awakening the world to the power and importance of human emotions.” Aired weekly on worldtalkradio dot com, Dillon interviews a variety of guests as she explores the role of emotions in every aspect of human life. Past guests have included relationships guru Harville Hendrix, Ph. D., Swami Beyondananda, Dennis Bakke, “Rejection Queen” Dr. Elayne Savage, Gregg Braden and Love and Logic Parenting Institute founder Jim Fay.

Even the hard parts of parenting can become easier when you apply the Seven Secrets of Successful Parents. Listen to Randy Rolfe on Thursday, September 7, 2006 when she appears on Full Power Living, heard on World Talk Radio on the Internet. Learn to have faith in yourself and in your children.


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Veteran Health Insurance Senior Executive Joins Connextions Inc. Board of Directors

Veteran Health Insurance Senior Executive Joins Connextions Inc. Board of Directors

Kenneth Burdick Brings Extensive Healthcare Leadership Expertise to New Role

Orlando, FL (Vocus) January 14, 2010

Connextions Inc. (http://www. connextions. com) today announced the appointment of Kenneth A. Burdick to its Board of Directors. Mr. Burdick is a transformational health insurance leader with an outstanding record of management and fiscal performance with the nation’s most respected insurers, including UnitedHealth Group, Travelers and CIGNA.

His extensive experience includes several Chief Executive Officer positions during his tenure at insurance giant UnitedHealth Group, including Ovations’ Secure Horizons, the company’s large Medicare business; UnitedHealthcare, where he had full accountability for its multi-billion-dollar commercial business; UnitedHealthcare’s seven-state Southwest Region, where he led the business to double-digit annualized earnings growth; and UnitedHealthcare of Arizona, where he built the highest profit margin in the nation for the insurer. He also served as President of UnitedHealthcare Public Sector, where he built a national cross-functional business unit to enter a new space for the company. Previously, he was Senior Vice President of National Underwriting and SVP of Sales and Client Relations for MetraHealth/Travelers. He also held key underwriting, marketing, sales and finance positions at CIGNA.

In response to his appointment to the Connextions board, Mr. Burdick said, “I am pleased to be associated with a top performing company such as Connextions, which has established a leadership position in the healthcare space by helping insurers build their consumer-direct capabilities and brand loyalty through nimble, innovative solutions.”

In announcing the appointment, Connextions Inc. Chairman and CEO Jack LeFort said, “We feel very fortunate to welcome Ken Burdick to our Board. He will provide the clear perspective of a health and public sector industry veteran and expert. His appointment is consistent with our plan to continue our strong momentum and market penetration as the leader in revenue-driving outsourced business process, technology and Exchange solutions, particularly in the health insurance industry.”

Mr. Burdick earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Amherst College and a J. D. from the University of Connecticut School of Law. He was admitted to the Connecticut Bar in 1985.

In addition to his new position on the Connextions Board, Mr. Burdick serves on the boards of Embark Healthcare and AT Still University Medical School.

He is also involved in non-profit and community organizations, including United Way of Greater Twin Cities in Minneapolis, Minn., where he serves on its board, and is a past board member of the Valley of the Sun in Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. Burdick, a long-time proponent of early childhood education initiatives, was appointed by then-Gov. Janet Napolitano to Chairman of the Board of the Arizona Early Education Funds. He also chaired the Greater Phoenix Leadership Education Committee and was a keynote speaker at the National Press Club, Washington, D. C., for the 2007 Partnership for America’s Economic Success National Conference.

About Connextions:

Connextions successfully provides professional and contact center services and technology that drive revenue at every touch point for some of the nation's best companies. Our US-based contact center staff of 3,000 acquire, retain and service our clients’ customers (both B2B and B2C) through calls, web interactions, chat, text and email. On an annual basis we: Generate $2.3 Billion in revenue for a single client; Write more than $1.1 billion in insurance premium; Handle more than 34 million calls and over 3.6 million chat transactions. Connextions is a privately held company and part of the New Mountain Partners II, L. P. portfolio, a private equity fund sponsored and managed by Manhattan-based New Mountain Capital LLC. See www. connextions. com].

About New Mountain Capital:

See www. newmountaincapital. com.

For additional information:

Yvonne Daugherty

Director of Marketing

Connextions, Inc.




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Escondido ChildrenÂ’s Museum Announces its First Annual Campaign

Escondido ChildrenÂ’s Museum Announces its First Annual Campaign

The not for profit Escondido Children's Museum is starting its first annual fundraising campaign with a goal of $10,000. County Supervisor Pam Slater has pledged to match each dollar contributed during the campaign which runs March 1, 2005 through April 15, 2005.

Escondido, CA (PRWEB) March 1, 2005

The Escondido Children’s Museum today announced the start of “Growing Strong,” its first Annual Campaign, which runs March 1, 2005 through April 15, 2005. Donations will support the Museum as it grows into a healthy and sustainable business.

The Museum received early leadership gifts totaling $2,000 towards the campaignÂ’s $10,000 goal from Donna Davis of Prudential Realty and the Faith Fellowship Foundation. And County Supervisor Pam Slater has pledged to match each contribution to the Growing Strong Campaign dollar for dollar.

Funds from the Growing Strong Annual Campaign will help the Museum develop new programs to serve families and schools, and create new exhibits allowing visitors to learn about science and word cultures.

The Escondido ChildrenÂ’s Museum was founded by Escondido parents and downtown business owners. It began as a traveling program that went to schools, then opened its first facility in downtown Escondido in September 2001 and finally realized its dream of relocating to a more functional and stimulating indoor/outdoor location in 2004.

“We are so happy with the way the North County community has embraced the Escondido Children’s Museum,” said Katie Ragazzi, the Museum’s Executive Director. “Foundations have invested over $30,000 in grants this fiscal year. We’re now asking North County businesses and residents to help us grow to better serve children, families and schools.”

The Museum has lived up to its goal of creating a safe, wholesome, educational and non-commercial learning environment that is accessible and welcoming to all. Monthly attendance topped 1,500 in the summer of 2004 and is holding steadily at 500 during the 2004 -2005 school year.

“The Escondido Children’s Museum is an educational, memorable and fun destination that everyone -- parents and children, teachers, scout leaders -- anyone who loves children can enjoy,” added Kirsten Younkin, the Museum’s Board Chair and Vice President of First National Bank in Escondido. “Funds from this campaign will help the Museum add new and meaningful exhibits that support our community’s strong need for science and cultural literacy.”

“Children need help to develop important life skills like curiosity, confidence and creativity,” affirmed Ragazzi. “Learning that takes place in a children’s museum reinforces what children learn in school and at home, and goes beyond that to open their minds to new possibilities.”

About the Escondido ChildrenÂ’s Museum

The Escondido Children’s Museum was founded in 2000 with the mission and goal of “inspiring children to learn about the world we live in.” The only children’s museum in San Diego County with an indoor-outdoor facility, this family - and school-friendly attraction specializes in interactive science and cultural learning for children ages 0-9 years.

The facility at 380 N. Escondido Blvd in the Art Studio Building of the California Center for the Arts borders the Escondido Historical Society, the Downtown Escondido arts, shopping and restaurant district, and the new multiplex cinema. The Museum is open year-around and receives an average of 500 visitors each month from North County, San Diego, Fallbrook and Temecula.

For detailed information about the Museum, please visit www. escondidochildrensmuseum. org.


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World Contactless Smart Cards Market to Soar in Number of Units Shipped by 2010

World Contactless Smart Cards Market to Soar in Number of Units Shipped by 2010

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (smartcards. frost. com), World Contactless Smart Cards Markets, reveals that in 2004 the total unit shipment for the world contactless smart card market was 150.56 million units and expects to reach 1.17 billion units by 2010.

Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) April 2, 2006

Successful projects around the world like transit and ID programs in APAC along with advances in the U. S. payments market are stirring up interest in the rest of the world where these applications are slower to take off. Lessons learnt and flourishing use of these contactless cards in some countries give confidence to other regions to follow suit.

In March 2005, MasterCard International and Visa International announced that they had reached an agreement to use a common communications protocol for contactless payment cards and devices. This is expected to increase and ensure interoperability between contactless payment cards and devices. The use of a common protocol for conducting contactless payments will enable vendors to streamline product development and testing, leading to reduced implementation costs and faster time to market for financial institutions and merchants. With a common protocol in place, merchants are expected to have the assurance that a single point of sale terminal may support multiple payment brands, and would require less time for terminal programming and testing.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (www. smartcards. frost. com), World Contactless Smart Cards Markets, reveals that in 2004 the total unit shipment for the world contactless smart card market was 150.56 million units and expects to reach 1.17 billion units by 2010.

If you are interested in a virtual brochure, which provides manufacturers, end-users, and other industry participants with an overview of the latest analysis of the World Contactless Smart Cards Markets then send an e-mail to Tori Foster - Corporate Communications with the following information: your full name, company name, title, telephone number, e-mail address, city, state and country. We will send you the information via email upon receipt of the above information.

“As the dominant areas of use in contactless smart cards become more established areas such as banking, government, telecommunications and security, people will start to realize that the benefits of contactless are far reaching,” says Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Michelle Foong. “Other areas like medical, gaming (betting) and emergency services are starting to look into the use of smart cards to fill the need for security, volume and speed in their sector. For example, in healthcare and emergency services, medical personnel need to be identified in an instant to ensure that the efficient flow of medical services is provided.”

National IDs and passports are areas of massive implementations, where places like United States, China and Europe has sufficiently large populations to generate demand for contactless technology. Where mandates are imposed, the pressure to comply is significant. Other agencies relating to defense, transit and government services are pushing for contactless rollouts to cope with security and efficiency needs.

Progress in National IDs and passports in countries which were previously not technologically superior as first world countries are showing that the educational barriers have come down significantly in many places, like projects in China, Brazil, Macedonia, Malaysia and Thailand. Unlike other technological advances, some of the more advanced countries are learning from the experiences and successes of these countries before they take the leap themselves. Consumers are starting to integrate contactless technology into their way of life without the apprehension and anxiety previously seen.

Consumer rights groups and privacy concerns in more advanced countries continue to slow down the growth in some areas, “ says Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst, Michelle Foong. “Especially with national ID cards involving the government and the use of biometric features for security needs, this area needs to be addressed to prevent potential lawsuits and human/consumer rights violations.”

World Contactless Smart Card Markets, a part of the F275 subscription, provides an overview and outlook for the market. This study has been segmented into market overview, forecasts and trends (overall and by application) and profile of key players. This research includes detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.

Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting company, has been partnering with clients to support the development of innovative strategies for more than 40 years. The company's industry expertise integrates growth consulting, growth partnership services, and corporate management training to identify and develop opportunities. Frost & Sullivan serves an extensive clientele that includes Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, and the investment community by providing comprehensive industry coverage that reflects a unique global perspective and combines ongoing analysis of markets, technologies, econometrics, and demographics. For more information, visit http://www. frost. com (http://www. frost. com).


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The Center for the Study of Social Policy Announces a New Board Chair and Senior Fellow

The Center for the Study of Social Policy Announces a New Board Chair and Senior Fellow

CSSP’s board of directors recently elected Carol W. Spigner, D. S.W. to serve as the new leader of the organization, guiding CSSP through the next stages of growth and development. Bill Traynor, the Executive Director of Lawrence Community Works (LCW) has joined CSSP as a Senior Fellow.

Washington, DC (PRWEB) November 16, 2009

The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), a nonprofit, nonpartisan, policy, research and technical assistance organization headquartered in Washington, D. C., is pleased to announce Dr. Carol Spigner as the new Board Chair and Bill Traynor as a new Senior Fellow.

CSSP’s board of directors recently elected Carol W. Spigner, D. S.W. to serve as the new leader of the organization, guiding CSSP through the next stages of growth and development. In making this announcement, Frank Farrow, board member and Executive Director of CSSP, said “The board is delighted to welcome Dr. Spigner as the new chair. She was chosen based on her unquestionable knowledge and commitment to this nation’s most vulnerable children and families.” Dr. Spigner stated “I am honored to have been invited by my colleagues to help build on the foundation of expertise and dedication to developing public policies and practices that strengthen families and communities. I look forward to our work together, as we take CSSP forward in the future.”

Dr. Spigner is the Kenneth L. M. Pray Distinguished Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. At Penn, Dr. Spigner directs the social policy program and teaches policy and macro practice. Prior to her arrival at Penn, Dr. Spigner had been the Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau at the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and was responsible for the administration of federal child welfare programs. Spigner has also served on: the Pew Commission for Children in Foster Care; the Mayor’s Child Welfare Review Panel for the City of Philadelphia; The Community Oversight Board for the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services and the Workgroup for the Michigan Racial Equity Review.

Dr. Spigner has received numerous awards including: the University of Pennsylvania’s 2008 Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching; The Black Administrators in Child Welfare’s 2008 George Silcott Award for Lifetime Achievement; University of Southern California’s award for “Lifetime Contributor to the Development of Policies and Programs for Underserved Populations;” the National Association of Black Social Workers’ “Outstanding Contributors Award,” and the National Association of Public Child Welfare Administrators’ “Award for Leadership in Public Child Welfare.” Dr. Spigner has published a variety of articles in the areas of cultural competency, permanency planning and relative care. A native of Los Angeles Dr. Spigner began her career working for the Los Angeles County Departments of Adoption and Probation.

Dr. Spigner is succeeding Mr. Harold Richman, who served as Chair of CSSP’s Board for more than 10 years. He had a distinguished academic career as the Herman Dunlop Smith Professor at the University of Chicago, where he also served as the Dean of the Graduate School of Social Service Administration and as the founding director of the University's public policy program and as founding director of the Chapin Hall Center for Children and Families. Mr. Richman was instrumental in founding CSSP in the late 1970's.

CSSP is also pleased to announce that Bill Traynor, a nationally acclaimed community organizer and founder of the Network Organizing Forum, has joined the Center as a Senior Fellow. Bill Traynor is the Executive Director of Lawrence Community Works Inc (LCW), an initiative he’s led since 1999 to revitalize his hometown, the historic city of Lawrence, Massachusetts. His work has brought over $50 Million in new investments to the city and created significant new grass roots initiatives in family asset building, youth development, community organizing, housing, community center and open space development, all under the authentic leadership of a growing umbrella of 5,000 plus member network of residents and stakeholders.

Bill has 30 years of experience in community development and community organizing, working in urban areas throughout the United States. He began his work-life as a community organizer for Mass Fair Share in the late 70’s. He is the former Executive Director of the Coalition for A Better Acre CBA Inc. in Lowell, Massachusetts where he led a $20 million redevelopment effort, and he was the Director of Community Development for CTAC Inc. of Boston, a national consulting firm. In 1992, Bill created Neighborhood Partners and the Neighborhood Partners Fund, a consulting and community organizing training firm and an operating foundation respectively, which combined, has assisted more than 200 community development organizations nationwide and partnered with several national and local foundations.

As a CSSP Fellow, Mr. Traynor will work to incorporate community and network organizing into the Center’s longstanding organizational priority to engage residents, constituents and customers’ perspectives into the work to improve outcomes for children, families and communities.

Bill Traynor is a graduate University of Massachusetts, Lowell with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and a graduate of the Heller School at Brandeis University where he received a Master of Arts in Management (MMHS). In 1998, Bill was awarded a Loeb Fellowship from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, and in 2009 he was named an EOS Fellow of the EOS Foundation in Boston Massachusetts. Mr. Traynor is the author of numerous published articles and handbooks on community development and community organizing.

Http://www. cssp. org (http://www. cssp. org)

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AllergyBuyersClub. com Partners with Pollen. com to Offer Allergy Relief Product Shopping To Its Visitors

AllergyBuyersClub. com Partners with Pollen. com to Offer Allergy Relief Product Shopping To Its Visitors

AllergyBuyersClub. com has teamed up with Pollen. com, one of the most visited allergy websites, to provide Pollen. com users to shop for a wide range of allergy relief and healthy home products from AllergyBuyersClub. com, including air purifiers, dehumidifiers, Hepa vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners and hypoallergenic bedding.

Waltham, MA (PRWEB) June 18, 2008

AllergyBuyersClub. com has teamed up with Pollen. com, one of the most visited allergy websites, to provide Pollen. com users with online source for a wide range of allergy relief and healthy home products, including air purifiers (http://www. allergybuyersclubshopping. com/airpurifiers. html), dehumidifiers, Hepa vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners and hypoallergenic bedding.

Pollen. com is one of the top allergy sites in both Google and Yahoo rankings and reaches more than 40 million people annually. These include over 30 million people who visit the site directly, and 170 million who access Pollen. com features through radio and TV station websites across the U. S., as well as weather, health and wellness sites. Pollen. com

"This is an exciting opportunity for AllergyBuyersClub. com to expand our reach to allergy and asthma sufferers who may be allergic to pollen and indoor allergens and could benefit from our carefully selected products," says Mercia Tapping, AllergyBuyersClub. com CEO & President. "The two sites are a great fit for each other since both offer visitors plenty of informational content to help educate them about outdoor allergies.

Pollen. com (http://www. pollen. com), a division of SDI, has been supplying important information to many millions of people with allergic conditions for nearly 10 years. Among its free services are charts of current and predicted pollen levels, pollen histories, e-mail alerts, and educational materials on how to manage seasonal allergies.

AllergyBuyersClub. com (http://www. allergybuyersclub. com) is a multi-channel retailer founded in 1998 which sells healthy home products such as air purifiers, hepa vacuum cleaners, dehumidifiers and hypoallergenic bedding via the internet and catalog. The company is a division of Boston Green Goods. Inc. located in Waltham, MA, which also operates such websites as GreenandMore. com and SleepBuyersClub. com. AllergyBuyersClub. com is currently listed #354 by Internet Retailer as one of the Top 500 Internet Retailers..

For more information, contact:

Gary McEldowney

Marketing Director

AllergyBuyersClub. com

486 Totten Pond Rd.

Waltham, MA 02451

1-888-236-7231 Ext:222

Mceldowneyg @ allergybuyersclub. com.


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National Best Selling Novelist Joan Robertson Recieves top Review by Rawsitaz. com

National Best Selling Novelist Joan Robertson Recieves top Review by Rawsitaz. com

National Best Selling Novelist Joan Robertson recieves top review by Rawsitaz. com. Rawsistaz is one of the top reviewer websites in the country. The Reading and Writing SISTAZ (R. A.W. SISTAZ) Online Book Club was founded by Tee C. Royal in September 2000 and focuses on reading, writing, and discussing books primarily by African American Authors.

Fresh Meadows, NY (PRWEB) October 26, 2005

National Best Selling Novelist Joan Robertson recieves top review by Rawsitaz. com. Rawsistaz is one of the top reviewer websites in the country. The Reading and Writing SISTAZ (R. A.W. SISTAZ) Online Book Club was founded by Tee C. Royal in September 2000 and focuses on reading, writing, and discussing books primarily by African American Authors.

Rawsistaz reads three books a month (one is optional) as a group: the Book of the Month (BOM), an "Ole-school" book and an alternate book. Members vote via an online poll, the alternate book is selected by the founder.


PublishAmerica, May 2005

217 Pages, Paperback, $19.95

ISBN: 1413760864

Genre: Fiction

RAW Rating: 4

When Will My Season Arrive?

IN THE WINTER OF HER SEASON by Joan Robertson features New Yorker Sandra Hamilton who receives word that her father, Reverend Doctor Trevor Hamilton, Jr., is gravely ill with cancer and she must travel back to her childhood hometown of Cambridge, Massachusetts to care for him by assisting her mother.

Sandra has deep-rooted secrets of her childhood, which have manifested into adulthood, and going back may bring them to the surface. Sandra must also deal with the fact that her brother Jimmy and boyfriend Les are less than thrilled with the idea of going to Cambridge to see the elder Hamilton.

Sandra and Les await the arrival of Jimmy and his wife Gee from Santa Monica, California and together they travel to Cambridge to begin an uncertain journey. Upon arriving in Cambridge, small amounts of information are revealed - Sandra begins to drink alcohol at the age of twelve unbeknownst to her family and best friend. Jimmy also explains his demons and his reasoning for leaving home at an early age.

During subsequent trips, Jimmy is killed, their mother Hyacinth dies and finally Reverend Hamilton passes on. At this point Sandra begins to hear the voice of her mother guiding her daily. While this element shocks and startles her, she heeds her mother’s advice and is introduced to startling information about her family.

IN THE WINTER OF HER SEASON has many elements that make for a satisfying read –developed characters, vivid imagery of the surroundings in question and of the characters’ appearance, and realistic dialogue and musings.

Finally, heartfelt emotions are brought to the forefront with some great transitioning from the present to the past.

The transitioning is smooth and flawless as we come to understand the childhood of both Sandra and Jimmy and the childhoods and marriage of their parents. The author has added secondary characters who are necessary to the story and each play an integral part, while not overshadowing Sandra’s story.

IN THE WINTER OF HER SEASON is a powerful look into self-discovery, overcoming adversity and accepting faith. This is a very good first novel because of the emotions elicited and the ability of the author to utilize writing techniques to paint a distinct mental picture of the characters through the use of letter writing, poetry, strong prose and an intriguing plot.

Reviewed by Dawn R. Reeves of The RAWSISTAZ™ Reviewers

Http://www. rawsistaz. com/ (http://www. rawsistaz. com/)

First-time Novelist Joan Robertson Author of In The Winter of Her Season who writes about triumph and hope will be available to sign autograhed copies of her best selling nove. Every year, publishers receive hundreds of thousands of manuscripts from would be authors, hoping for a chance at their first bestseller. Joan Robertson was no different.

As a self-proclaimed conqueror of life's storms, Joan Robertson believes she was destined to write her first novel, In The Winter Of Her Season (http://www. publishamerica. com (http://www. publishamerica. com)) , June 2005, softcover/$19.95). After years of work, Robertson's book is finally available.

The book chronicles the life of Sandra Hamilton, a young businesswoman, who travels to Massachusetts to help care for her cancer-stricken father. Upon arriving, Sandra is haunted by the ghosts of her childhood, and suffers many painful losses, causing her to spiral into deep-rooted despair.

Through inspiration and the insight of a trusted confidant, Sandra comes to believe that she can transcend her challenges, cultivating a connection with her own inner voice and finally revealing her family's secrets. In the end, Sandra learns the lesson of forgiveness, and rediscovers faith, love, God, and herself.

Robertson believes her message is a timely one. Today, women suffer depression in far greater numbers than men, the result of stress, strain, pressure, and even abuse. "Sandra's journey is laced with heartache, but also humor and probing realism," says Robertson. "The story invites women to evaluate the trials of their lives, gaining wisdom, meaning, and strength from them."

Joan Robertson has twenty years of experience as a technical writer, but her love for creative writing as a tool for healing goes much farther. In addition to In the Winter of Her Season, Robertson is also a published poet.

Joan Robertson has participated in workshops by the international organization Voices in Action (Voices In Action is an international organization providing assistance to adult and adolescent victims of child sexual abuse and other sexual trauma, including rape.

They help victims become survivors and create accurate public awareness of the prevalence of child sexual abuse and other sexual trauma, its impact, and ways in which it can be prevented or stopped through educational programs), located in Cincinnati, Ohio,

She has also participated in the Women’s Health Expo and Film Festival at LIU’s Brooklyn Campus, and other events around the country.

Novelist Joan Robertson is scheduled to participate in the upcoming Self-Published Authors Symposium.

The symposium will be held on Sunday, March 26, 2006 from 8 a. m. - 5 p. m. Schomberg Center in Harlem, New York. Registration is $150. To register today visit www. aspicomm. com and click on events.

For more information, or to purchase a copy of In the Winter of Her Season, visit http://www. joanrobertsonnovelist. com (http://www. joanrobertsonnovelist. com). Joan Robertson’s novel is also available at http://www. cushcity. com (http://www. cushcity. com), Hue-man’s Bookstore, Sister’s Uptown Bookstore which are located in Harlem, New York.


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LTCA Issues Health Care Reform Warning: Passage of CLASS Will Leave Workers with False Sense of Security

LTCA Issues Health Care Reform Warning: Passage of CLASS Will Leave Workers with False Sense of Security

The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, or simply CLASS, which was signed into law March 23rd as part of the President's ambitious Health Care Reform package, proposes a new national insurance program for the working disabled, but analysis by experts at LTCA suggests American employees should take a "wait-and-see" approach.

Bellevue, WA (PRWEB) April 12, 2010

The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, or simply CLASS, which was signed into law March 23rd as part of the President's ambitious Health Care Reform package, proposes a new national insurance program for the working disabled, but analysis by experts at LTCA suggests American employees should take a "wait-and-see" approach.

Like many in the LTC industry, we find the passage of CLASS a galvanizing force for awareness regarding an often overlooked gap in many Americans' retirement planning. However, we are alarmed that too many individuals may be seduced into thinking that CLASS will indemnify their estates against the catastrophic expenses associated with a chronic illness or accident.

"By now, most people are aware of the 5-year vesting requirement of CLASS, which means you have to pay premiums for 60-months before you can apply for benefits," explained LTCA Senior VP Stephen D. Forman, "But few are aware of the 2-year deferral requirement imposed on CLASS beneficiaries who lapse more than 90 days." This anti-selection mechanism to prevent sick individuals from flocking back into the program means such individuals may have to pay for their own care for the first 24 consecutive months before CLASS would pay."

"Others would be surprised to learn that if they opt-out after just 1 payment and later opt-in more than 5 years in the future-- say a young worker who has just 1 deduction from her paycheck at age 38 but later decides to opt-in when she's 59- will pay a massive penalty of not less than 60% higher premiums. In the example just given, the rate increase will be no less than 250% on each payment, which is CLASS's penalty for opting back in."

Forman continued, "We think others will be surprised to learn that the Life Independence Accounts, as they are called, may not be used to pay for Assisted Living or Nursing Facility Care, even though the cost of such care can easily bankrupt a modest middle-class household. Adding insult to injury, CLASS beneficiaries who fail to claim their "rolled over" benefits by the end of each year will find that the Government has recouped them in a "use it or lose it" fashion. Finally, once Americans discover they must report their expenditures to the Government each year--in an attempt to weed out fraud in the ATM-like debit card system CLASS intends to use--we think many Americans will find this over-the-shoulder policing to be 'Big Brotherish'."

"But perhaps the biggest myth is the amount of the benefit itself," Forman explained. "The daily or weekly benefits of CLASS will be decided by October 2012, but we know there will be a range based upon the disabilities of the beneficiaries. The catch is that the law states only that the weighted average must not start below $50/day. So it's important for individuals to realize that while the most disabled will receive more than the average, by definition many beneficiaries will receive perhaps much less than $50/day (rising with the CPI each year). Meanwhile, the average average cost of a Medicare-Certified Home Health Aide in 2009 was $46.22 per hour.

Although many details of CLASS have yet to be determined, from what we have seen, most analyses have been written without reading the version of CLASS which was signed into law by the President-- or worse--simply parroted as hearsay from earlier analysis. For answers to your questions about CLASS as well as Long-Term Care inquiries in general, please consult one of the nation's oldest and most distinguished marketers of Long-Term Care Insurance, LTCA at 1-800-742-9444.

About us:

LTCA, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, WA. With roots dating back to 1974 LTCA is one of the country's oldest and most distinguished long term care insurance marketing organizations. The company is licensed in 47 states and District of Columbia, and can today say that our policyholders' claim payments are measured in the tens of millions of dollars. To learn more about becoming affiliated with LTCA visit our website at http://www. ltcassociates. com (http://www. ltcassociates. com).


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ABPS® Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM) Appoints Public Member

ABPS® Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM) Appoints Public Member

Mary O. Mundinger Accepts Appointment to ABPS® Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM) as Public Member

Tampa, FL (Vocus/PRWEB) December 10, 2010

Mary O’Neill Mundinger, DrPH, RN, of New York City, has been appointed to the Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM), a Member Board of the American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS®). She will serve as its public member.

Dr. Mundinger earned a doctorate degree in health policy from Columbia University where she served as Dean of Columbia University School of Nursing for 25 years. Most of her work has been in health policy, including conducting a randomized trial comparing MD’s and NP’s in comprehensive primary care.”

“Mary will bring important matters of public interest to the board certification process in emergency medicine, said Margaret Vives-Austin, M. D.,FAAEP, chair of BCEM. “She will provide an added dimension to board certification review and planning.”

Dr. Mundinger is a nationally recognized health policy expert who served as a member of the White House’s National Steering Committee on Health in 1995.

ABPS was the first certifying organization to include public members on its member boards, representing the public’s interests in patient welfare. ABPS public members collaborate with medical professionals to bring critical insight to the physician certification process that contributes to the health and safety of patients.

ABPS is the official certifying body of the American Association of Physician Specialists, Inc. ® (AAPS®), headquartered in Tampa, Florida. To learn more, visit http://www. abpsus. org.

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Bankruptcy Laws Changing October 17th; New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyers Offer Extended Office Hours on October 16, 2005

Bankruptcy Laws Changing October 17th; New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyers Offer Extended Office Hours on October 16, 2005

Beat the deadline for the new bankruptcy laws on October 17th. New Jersey bankruptcy lawyers LoFaro & Reiser, LLP offer extended office hours on Sunday, October 16, 2005.

(PRWEB) October 14, 2005

Being broke is getting tougher. The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, designed to curb abusive consumer bankruptcy filings, affects anyone who files for bankruptcy beginning Oct. 17.

File by October 16, 2005 and avoid the new bankruptcy laws. LoFaro & Reiser, LLP is a full service bankruptcy law firm offering extending office hours on October 16, 2005 between 4:30 p. m. to 11:30 p. m. Our attorneys will be present at the office to assist individuals who are looking to file for bankruptcy protection before the new law goes into effect.

While there are a few bright spots in the new law, the overall picture is pretty dim for consumers deeply in debt.

A wide range of provisions will force consumers into lengthy, expensive proceedings potholed with potential pitfalls. Miss one filing deadline and your bankruptcy could be dismissed, leaving you facing a series of escalating penalties when you refile that will make it that much harder to get back on your feet, financially.

And that's not the worst part. A complicated means test, administered by your own attorney, will determine whether you'll be allowed to file under the more-forgiving Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 proceeding.

In addition, your collateral, including furniture, cars and other possessions, will be assessed at a higher value, inflating the overall value of your assets.

When you're worth more, your creditors can potentially get more out of you. It will also be harder to get out from under car loans, overdue taxes, student loans and credit card debt.

While cracking down on deadbeats who abuse the system isn't going to leave anyone reaching for the tissue box, many of those who file for bankruptcy are pushed to the edge by unemployment and catastrophic health problems.

"There are dozens of catches [in the law] that will make it difficult for people who legitimately need to file for bankruptcy," says Travis Plunkett, legislative director for the Consumer Federation of America. "The strategy of the people who supported this bill appears to be death by a thousand cuts. There are lot of traps and gotchas designed to snare people and keep them from discharging debt that they really may need to get out from under."

Pre-filing changes

Means test. The means test is a major change in the law. It is used to determine whether an individual can file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 and is administered by the client's attorney. Chapter 7 generally liquidates the debts of consumers, while Chapter 13 requires them to pay back their secured debt and as much of their unsecured debt as possible.

While there are a few bright spots in the law, the overall picture is pretty dim for consumers deeply in debt.

A wide range of provisions will force consumers into lengthy, expensive proceedings potholed with potential pitfalls. Miss one filing deadline and your bankruptcy could be dismissed, leaving you facing a series of escalating penalties when you refile that will make it that much harder to get back on your feet, financially.

And that's not the worst part. A complicated means test, administered by your own attorney, will determine whether you'll be allowed to file under the more-forgiving Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 proceeding.

In addition, your collateral, including furniture, cars and other possessions, will be assessed at a higher value, inflating the overall value of your assets.

When you're worth more, your creditors can potentially get more out of you. It will also be harder to get out from under car loans, overdue taxes, student loans and credit card debt.

While cracking down on deadbeats who abuse the system isn't going to leave anyone reaching for the tissue box, many of those who file for bankruptcy are pushed to the edge by unemployment and catastrophic health problems.

"There are dozens of catches (in the law) that will make it difficult for people who legitimately need to file for bankruptcy," says Travis Plunkett, legislative director for the Consumer Federation of America. "The strategy of the people who supported this bill appears to be death by a thousand cuts. There are lot of traps and gotchas designed to snare people and keep them from discharging debt that they really may need to get out from under."

Pre-filing changes

Means test. The means test is a major change in the law. It is used to determine whether an individual can file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 and is administered by the client's attorney. Chapter 7 generally liquidates the debts of consumers, while Chapter 13 requires them to pay back their secured debt and as much of their unsecured debt as possible.

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Cincinnati Sub-Zero Recognized at US Department of Commerce Event

Cincinnati Sub-Zero Recognized at US Department of Commerce Event

US Secretary of Commerce speaks to Cincinnati business gathering concerning international trade; Cincinnati Sub-Zero invited to discuss experience with medical product exports, receives recognition.

Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) May 29, 2008

Cincinnati Sub-Zero (CSZ) Medical, a division of CSZ Products, Inc. and the leader in the design and development of advanced patient temperature management solutions, today announced its participation in a US Department of Commerce event, at which it also received recognition. At a gathering this morning in Cincinnati, US Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and three Ohio companies, including CSZ, addressed an audience of businesses representatives on the subject of international trade. CSZ and the two other corporate participants were awarded certificates of appreciation for their efforts.

Secretary Gutierrez represents US business concerns in the federal government and is a core member of President George W. Bush's economic team. The Commerce Department's US Commercial Service assists companies in their efforts to sell in international markets. In order to do so, the service operates offices in more than 100 US cities and nearly 150 US embassies and consulates. The Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, the Cincinnati-area arm of the service, hosted today's event.

The event is one in a series focused on Great Lakes area businesses. Cincinnati-based CSZ exports its medical products -- including its line of hyper-hypothermia solutions -- to countries in Europe, Asia Pacific, and elsewhere. CSZ international sales have grown in direct relation to its investment in resources targeting global sales. As a result of its success, CSZ accepted the invitation to take part in a panel discussing the effectiveness of free trade agreements, "green" initiatives, and the President's economic stimulus package.

Regarding the matter, panelist and CSZ President & Chief Executive Officer Steve Berke said "Participating in international markets has delivered measurable results both at home and abroad. By selling globally, Cincinnati Sub-Zero has brought revenue back home, to our corporate community, here in Cincinnati; and, these sales have made it possible to place our life-critical products in the hands of physicians everywhere, to benefit people around the world."

About Cincinnati Sub-Zero & CSZ Medical

Cincinnati Sub-Zero (CSZ) is a leading manufacturer of temperature management products for medical and industrial markets. CSZ also manages a portfolio of industrial environmental simulation testing chambers, and a first-class, on-site, A2LA-accredited testing laboratory. CSZ Medical, a CSZ division, has delivered patient temperature management systems to healthcare professionals since 1963. The medical line of products, designed with both the patient and caregiver in mind, includes several all-in-one-system heat and cold therapy units as well as an array of warming and cooling blankets for body temperature regulation and hyper-hypothermia treatment. At the forefront of industry innovation and service, CSZ is a co-founder of the Therapeutic Temperature Management (TTM) Congress, an international consortium of leaders in patient temperature management solutions offering unrestricted educational grant opportunity. CSZ is headquartered in Cincinnati and operates globally. Please visit www. cszinc. com and www. cszmedical. com to learn more about CSZ and CSZ Medical. More on the TTM Congress is at www. ttmcongress. net.

Forward-Looking Statements

Except for statements of historical fact, the matters discussed herein are forward-looking, reflect numerous assumptions, and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control and may cause actual results to differ materially from stated expectations. We undertake no obligation to release publicly any changes in events or circumstances arising after the date hereof.

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Health Plan One Expands to Add Aetna Advantage Plans for Individuals and Families in NC, SC, NV, MO, and MI to its Online Health Insurance Offerings

Health Plan One Expands to Add Aetna Advantage Plans for Individuals and Families in NC, SC, NV, MO, and MI to its Online Health Insurance Offerings

Comprehensive Individual and Family Plans though Aetna Now Available in 15 States Plus D. C. Via the Health Plan One Web Site

Southport, Conn. (PRWEB) August 6, 2007

Health Plan One, a leading source for individual, family and small business health insurance, has added Aetna's Advantage Plans to its offering for individuals and families in NC, SC, NV, MO, and MI. Health Plan One also offers the Aetna Advantage Plans (http://www. healthplanone. com/healthinsurancecarriers/aetna/) to individuals and families in CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, OH, PA, TX, VA, and D. C. 

By offering Aetna's Advantage Plans for Individuals and Families, this gives consumers added choice and the ability to choose from several different health insurance plans on its site.

By visiting www. healthplanone. com, consumers can learn about, compare, apply for and purchase health insurance plans online. Health Plan One offers thousands of plans underwritten by several of the nation's leading health insurance companies. Health Plan One sells health insurance in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

About Health Plan One

Founded in 2005, Health Plan One (www. healthplanone. com) markets individual, family and small business health insurance. The company has become a marketplace for purchasing health insurance online by offering the broadest selection of health insurance companies and plans nationwide at the best available prices, and delivering quality customer service through licensed sales and customer service professionals.

About Aetna

Aetna is one of the nation's leading diversified health care benefits companies, serving approximately 34.9 million people with information and resources to help them make better informed decisions about their health care. Aetna offers a broad range of traditional and consumer-directed health insurance products and related services, including medical, pharmacy, dental, behavioral health, group life, long-term care and disability plans, and medical management capabilities. Our customers include employer groups, individuals, college students, part-time and hourly workers, health plans and government-sponsored plans.


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What's the #1 Mistake Parents Make During Tough Economic Times? Not Talking About It With Their Children

What's the #1 Mistake Parents Make During Tough Economic Times? Not Talking About It With Their Children

New book, In Good Times And Bad, Helps Families Deal with Financial Troubles and Gives Parents Concrets Advice on How to Talk to Their Kids About Money

Hoboken, NJ (PRWEB) November 10, 2009

In Good Times and Bad, family therapist and counselor M. Gary Neuman and his wife, Melisa, lay out strategies and solutions for parents to help their kids through the stress of dealing with the problems caused by money troubles, job loss, health issues, and other difficult events. In Good Times and Bad offers practical advice on how parents can have financial conversations with their kids. The authors advise parents to:

Explain reality and the changes that have occurred Reassure them Suggest changes in money-spending choices and priorities Open the conversation for your children to tell you what's important to them Ask them for their suggestions Reassure them again and commit yourselves to continuing the conversation in the future

In Good Times and Bad offers real action steps to help parents now. The authors also explain how parents can talk to their partners about money and other problems without emotions or anger getting in the way.

About the Authors:

M. Gary Neuman is a licensed family counselor and rabbi. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Truth about Cheating], for which he appeared on Oprah" twice, as well as the "Today" show and "The Early Show." Melisa Neuman has written an internationally distributed column, "Dollars and Sense", and has been married to M. Gary Neuman for over twenty years. They have five children.


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Miss Mystique 2006 Aimee Rickards Appears on Savvy. com - Happy to be a Fantasy Sex Symbol

Miss Mystique 2006 Aimee Rickards Appears on Savvy. com - Happy to be a Fantasy Sex Symbol

Aimee is Miss January in Mystique’s Exposed 2007 Calendar and beat more than 3,800 other models to become “Miss Mystique 2006”. Typically shy, Amiee came out of her shell during her interview. “I don’t mind if men fantasize about being with me when they look at my pictures."

Tracy, CA (PRWEB) July 4, 2006

England’s Amiee Rickards doesn’t mind being a sex symbol one bit. This fan favorite makes her second appearance in Mystique Magazine and Savvy. com, posing for master lensman Mark Daughn in an old west poker game scene.

We sure as hell would be distracted from our card game if a lass as appealing as Amiee were disrobing beside the table. Speaking of disrobing, Aimee is Miss January in Mystique’s Exposed 2007 Calendar and beat more than 3,800 other models to become “Miss Mystique 2006”.

Typically shy, Amiee came out of her shell during her interview with Savvy. com.

“I don’t mind if men fantasize about being with me when they look at my pictures,” she said.

“That’s my job. I aim to please and that sort of thing doesn’t bother me. It’s a turn-on knowing that couples might look at my photos and admire my face and body. I would be out of pocket unless I made people happy.”

So you don’t mind being someone’s “inspiration”? “Not at all. What I like about Mystique is that it isn’t Penthouse. It is arousing but in a beautiful way.

“I also have a coffee table book, called Mystical Sirens, coming out with Mystique in September and I am the cover girl. The books are so beautiful and classy. You can leave them on the coffee table for your grandparents to look at."

Other men's magazines and websites present models in a manner than viewers say to themselves, “Well, I could have sex with her” and that’s it. I will only pose totally nude for Mystique, for as long as they want to use me, because they are the best company to work for, the pictures are amazing every time and the videos are very classy. It is sensual but isn’t porn. It is art."

Speaking of fantasies, who is your own fantasy material? “Johnny Depp, from Pirates of the Caribbean, although my brother looks like him so much that that would be sick in real life so I would have to say... Jose Marunio, the Chelsea football club manager.”

“What else is good? The sun gets me hot and bothered and horny. Also, playing Jamie Foxx, having a glass of red wine, making some spaghetti Bolognaise and getting it all down me. (Laughs) That’s the only thing I cook really well.”

Aimee believes that you have to keep the spark alive in a relationship. “Sometimes it is fun to dress up. I’m sure all men fantasize about their girl dressing up as a police officer or a nurse. I like to wear my Stilettos and nothing else around the house. My boyfriend and I aren’t wild or weird. We just have fun. “

Now moving into acting, Aimee is learning the tools of the acting trade. “I have been studying, reading books, etc. on how to progress as a better actress. I’m auditioning and starting an acting workshop to get more practice in.”

Is it true you are really shy? “You would not think that since I pose nude, but sometimes I really don’t like people taking notice of me. My family took me to an Italian restaurant for my 20th birthday meal last night and when we arrived, the lights went down and music started blaring. Out came the cake and people clapping. I really wanted the ground to swallow me.”

About Mystique

Mystique publishes a monthly digital magazine through Zinio. com, as well as a bi-monthly hardcover book version called Mystical Sirens. Mystique also produces and licenses a range of branded collectibles, including posters, DVDs, and wall calendars. Posters are available through Scorpio Posters and Starmakers Rising in stores such as Spencer Gifts and Tower Records. Mystique’s DVDs are available directly from its Sirens catalog division, and select titles are distributed by Image Entertainment to stores such as Wherehouse, Tower Records and Borders. Mystique’s award-winning calendars can be found in the Sirens catalog and in Calendar Club stores.

Mystique also produces original programming, such as its ‘Mystical Journeys’ and ‘Behind The Fantasy’ series. Mystique regularly provides programming to the nation’s top Pay Per View networks, such as TVN, On Command, LodgeNet, inDemand and Dish Network, and on IPTV (video over broadband) services such as Akimbo. In 2005, Mystique began filming exclusively in 1080i HD to supply HD networks such as inHD and Voom. Mystique also supplies stills and video content to some of the leading Mobile Phone networks, including through industry leader Brickhouse Mobile.

Mystique content is also one of the top-rated and most popular showcase features (you can watch for free) at one of the leading video-entertainment destinations on the web, iFilm. Mystique and its models are regularly featured in the mainstream national and worldwide media, including on shows such as Inside Edition, Extra, E!’s Wild On, Travel Channel, Howard Stern, Fox, Telemundo, RTL (Germany), TechTV, Celebrity Justice, Poorman’s Bikini Beach (and more) as well as radio stations from coast to coast.

Mystique Magazine and Sirens Catalog are privately owned by Infinity Studios, Inc. and is based in Austin, Texas.

About Savvy

Savvy. com men’s lifestyle portal is rapidly becoming a favorite destination on the Web, with over 400,000 daily unique visitors and 52 million monthly page views. Savvy is now the No. 2 men’s lifestyle site online – passing magazine sites such as Maxim, FHM, Stuff and Loaded during 2005.

At zero cost to readers, Savvy offers quality photo shoots and news, sports and entertainment updates every 15 minutes, 24/7. Plus more than 50,000 articles onsite and a fast-growing social networking Friends community where readers can blog, post video-blogs, join forums and groups and message other members; and thousands of videos on just as many topics of interest to men.

Savvy’s original columnists and experts write insightful (and sometimes irreverent) features on women, dating, entertainment, sports, celebrities, fashion, health, relationships, games, gadgets, auto and rides, careers, money, odd stories, and humor. The site also features tasteful, non-nude pictorials and full length interviews with some of the world's most beautiful and talented young models and actresses, as well as the 'the girls next door'. Featured models have included Supermodel/Actress Amber Smith, sports newscaster and Sideline Correspondent Bonnie-Jill Laflin, calendar bombshell Vida Guerra, sisters C. J. and Raquel Gibson, and Model/Actors Nikki Ziering, Gabrielle Tuite, Bobbie Sue Luther, and Camille Anderson. Savvy. com is privately owned by Tri-Media Corp. and is based in California.


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Girlawhirl. com Launches Valentine's Day Party Planner for Single Women, Valentine's Day Gift Picks for Lovers and Others

Girlawhirl. com Launches Valentine's Day Party Planner for Single Women, Valentine's Day Gift Picks for Lovers and Others

This Valentine's Day, Girlawhirl. com unveils the "No Guys? No Problem!" Valentine's Day Party Planner in addition to its popular Valentine's Day Gift Series.

Fairfield, Conn. (PRWEB) February 5, 2008

This Valentine's Day, Girlawhirl. com unveils the No Guys No Problem Valentine's Day Party Planner (http://www. girlawhirl. com/girlawhirl/girlfriend-get-together. gif) in addition to its popular Valentine's Day Gift Series. With plenty of unique Valentine's Day gift ideas for women (http://www. girlawhirl. com/girlawhirl/gifts-for-women. gif), gifts for guys (http://www. girlawhirl. com/girlawhirl/gifts-for-guys. gif) and gifts for office pals (http://www. girlawhirl. com/girlawhirl/gifts-for-the-office. gif) too, www. Girlawhirl. com] also remembers her single pals, encouraging them to take a break from their search for Mr. Right by celebrating the quintessential "couples" holiday with a Valentine's Day party of their own.

Girlawhirl Founder and Lifestyle Expert, Linda LaSala, helps single women like herself poke fun at their dating woes with a round of tongue-in-cheek activities that promise to make this Valentine's Day one of the most memorable. She suggests kicking the night off by treating girlfriends to champagne topped with wild hibiscus flowers, and moving into an easy take-out dinner and decadent dessert, before diving into a host of activities that are reminiscent of Ouija Board fun. Designed for grown-up girls, her Valentine's Day party planner includes the Loves Me? Loves Me Not? Wheel by Knock, Knock; the Procedural Dating Kit; The Love Pack set of cards that can read your romantic future; and the Sniffing Bar of scents that claim to attract men (!), including Philosophy's The Alchemist, N. V. Perricone's Neuropeptide Synergy Anti-Aging Aromatic Pheromone, and Child Perfume, the man-magnet fragrance.

"More and more women are approaching Valentine's Day with a sense of humor and are not content to sit at home alone," says LaSala. "With the number of single women in America on the rise, Cupid may be surprised to learn that Valentine's Day is not just for lovers."

In addition to Girlawhirl's "No Guys? No Problem!" Party Planner, LaSala also offers the 2008 Valentine's Day Gift Guide Series, including unique chocolates, flowers that give back, heart themed jewelry and culinary delights to win over love interests and office pals too.

Some of LaSala's Valentine's Day gift ideas include:

Valentine's Day Gifts for Guys (http://www. girlawhirl. com/girlawhirl/gifts-for-guys. gif), ‘Cause Today, Valentine's Day is Not Just for Girls -- Girlawhirl's guy-gift picks run the gamut from lip balm world-class athletes like David Beckham use (Beauty Rehab's Spearmint Lip Balm), to not-so-gentle "reminders-of-me" desk accessories, including a "YOU LIGHT MY FIRE" word paperweight; to gifts that return the flowers favor, such as having Dale and Thomas Popcorn delivered to his office; to funny Frog Prince cuff links from Red Envelope; and accessories for his favorite electronic gadgets (iPod or MP3 Ear Buds from Bose). Valentine's Day Gifts (http://www. girlawhirl. com/girlawhirl/gifts-for-women. gif) & Tips Gals Should Forward to their Fellas -- dinner reservations in a nice restaurant to start the night off right; jewelry from The Sundance Catalog that is handmade by artisans or jewelry with a little more bling from The Gem Jewelry Boutique; culinary chocolate delights such as organic peanut butter bonbons from Vosges Haut Chocolat or MarieBelle's handmade truffles featuring edible works of art; and Isabela Capeto Perfume available exclusively at Henri Bendel. Girlawhirl's parting tip suggests staying away from lingerie, since his fantasies rarely match hers, or her dress size! Valentine's Day Office Gifts (http://www. girlawhirl. com/girlawhirl/gifts-for-the-office. gif) -- Dancing Deer culinary assortments include fun Conversation Heart Cookies inspired by those iconic candy word hearts; office flowers from organicboutique. com that give back a portion of the price to the National Wildlife Federation; Ethel's Chocolate Bars assortment, which includes a flavor for everyone; Valentine's themed office supplies from Staples from heart Post-its to colorful Sharpies; and best of all Redstamp. com's Secret Admirer Service anonymous cards.

About Girlawhirl. com

A shopping-centric e-zine for women ages 24-45, Girlawhirl. com was founded in 2005 by fashion industry executives, Marlen Horn and Linda LaSala. As LaSala's alter ego, Girlawhirl is a true shopper, discovering and sharing her fabulous finds with online shoppers everywhere. Girlawhirl offers fresh, upbeat editorial content to a global network of hundreds of thousands of hungry fashionistas, whose interests naturally migrate from fashion into myriad lifestyle trends, covering a wide range of topics from fun and functional, but never outrageously priced, fashion and beauty to dining, cuisine and all things green to work-life balance, fitness and health to home design and, of course, travel.

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