Exodon Offers Innovative Program Giving Hospitals, Pharmacies and Support Groups New Treatment Options for Their Members and Patients

Exodon Offers Innovative Program Giving Hospitals, Pharmacies and Support Groups New Treatment Options for Their Members and Patients

Exodon offers an innovative program that matches patients to promising new treatment options in their area. This proprietary system, the VALIDATE System®, stores de-identified patient data and then finds all applicable clinical trials that a patient could potentially benefit from and delivers that information free of charge to patients around the world.

Mount Arlington, NJ (PRWEB) January 5, 2008

Exodon LLC (www. exodon. com), a leading international clinical research company, offers an innovative program that matches patients to promising new treatment options in their area. This proprietary system, the VALIDATE System®, stores de-identified patient data and then finds all applicable clinical trials that a patient could potentially benefit from and delivers that information free of charge to patients around the world.

"Unlike other purely educational resources and websites, Exodon matches patients with new diagnostic and treatment options. We also securely archive patient data so that future trials can also be considered," said Gerald Tramontano, Ph. D., Director of Clinical Research of Exodon. "We want patients and doctors alike to consider clinical trials as a viable option when discussing new treatments and our system provides patients the ability to access these options."

Exodon's proprietary database patient recruitment solution is unique in the clinical trial industry. The company partners with individual doctors, patients, support groups, hospices, hospitals and other healthcare organizations who are interested in taking part in clinical trials. Through alliances with these groups, Exodon is able to help people with various disabling medical conditions such as migraine, cancer, dementia, hepatitis, and various pain disorders, including cancer related pain. And, this partnership allows these organizations to empower their patients or members. Partners of Exodon can receive additional revenue by being a referral, screening or study center for these clinical research trials.

"We believe that support groups and hospitals should also be involved in educating their patients on the availability of various clinical trials offering patients treatment options that would not otherwise be available," continued Dr. Tramontano. "It is a service that the institutions can offer to their patients to increase their treatment options. In doing so, hospitals, clinical centers, support groups and even hospices are opening opportunities of improving not only their patient's health, but their lifestyle as well."

Visit Exodon (http://www. exodon. com) for more information on the Validate System and Exodon Patient Center (http://www. exodon. com/patient_center) for all of Exodon's current and upcoming clinical trials.

About Exodon:

Exodon is an international clinical research organization which specializes in patient and investigator recruitment services. We have a robust network of pre-consented patients and researchers ready and available for entry into clinical trial research studies.

We reduce the patient/site recruitment time and increase patient retention through our proprietary system, the VALIDATE System®. Most of our sites participate in our VALIDATE System® network resulting in a database that enables real-time access to real de-identified medical records. This enables Exodon to search for pre-qualified patients meeting the study's inclusion or exclusion criteria. Its website is located at www. exodon. com.

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EPharmaceuticals™ Releases Analytical Report on New Massachusetts Disclosure Regulations

EPharmaceuticals™ Releases Analytical Report on New Massachusetts Disclosure Regulations

Prepare for the enforcement of a new state law governing marketing and sales activities of pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers who do business in Massachusetts.

Marblehead, MA (PRWEB) April 27, 2009

ePharmaceuticals™ (http://new. hcpro. com/life-sciences), a division of HCPro, Inc., which is a portfolio company of Halyard Capital, and a leading provider of education and information on healthcare regulatory compliance and management, released its new special report Massachusetts Disclosure Regulations: New Challenges for Pharmaceutical, Medical Device Manufacturers.

The report is available for free download at www. epharmcomply. com/white-papers (http://www. epharmcomply. com/white-papers).

Pharmaceutical and medical device companies must now disclose to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health any payment or economic benefit with a value of at least $50 made for sales or marketing activities. Companies must disclose the type of benefit, the reason for it, and the recipient. Companies are also required to adopt a marketing code of conduct.

Massachusetts Disclosure Regulations: New Challenges for Pharmaceutical, Medical Device Manufacturers (http://blogs. hcpro. com/epharmaceuticals/white-papers/) offers a breakdown of the regulation with commentary and analysis from experts such as Mark Schreiber, Esq. (Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, LLP), Mark DuVal, Esq. (DuVal & Associates), and Kate Feola, Esq. (McDermott, Will & Emory LLP).

Download the free special report to learn:

 Why the regulation affects all pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, not just those doing business in Massachusetts  When and where the regulations will take effect  What additional regulations apply to pharmaceutical companies  The definition of "sales and marketing activities" and list of specific examples  The impact on innovation of increased time/expense spent on instituting policies and procedures to comply with the new law Visit www. epharmcomply. com/white-papers (http://www. epharmcomply. com/white-papers) throughout the year for frequently published white papers on various important topics.

EPharmaceuticals develops real-world training content that is memorable and effective through several media, including e-learning, handbooks, games, white papers, e-newsletters, multimedia conferences, and consulting. Visit us online at www. epharmcomply. com or call Maureen Croce at 866/464-2776


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Beverly Hills & Pasadena Breast Reduction: Not Just for Women Anymore

Beverly Hills & Pasadena Breast Reduction: Not Just for Women Anymore

The plastic surgeons at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates are seeing an increase in male patients considering Beverly Hills breast reduction as more and more men feel comfortable getting help for their cosmetic concerns.

Marina del Rey, CA (PRWEB) September 30, 2008

Over 200,000 women, many of them in Los Angeles and Pasadena, undergo breast reduction every year. Until recently, however, only a few of the 30% of men suffering from gynecomastia, or feminine-looking breasts, took advantage of plastic surgery to correct their condition. At least one Southern California practice has treated an increasing number of men who are seeking a more masculine chest contour.

"Male breasts are a very common problem, but men often feel it's too taboo to discuss - or to correct," observes Dr. Grant Stevens, Medical Director of Marina Plastic Surgery Associates (www. losangelesbreastreduction. com), which provides plastic and reconstructive surgeries including breast reduction for Beverly Hills men and women.

Dr. Stevens believes that breast reduction's increasing popularity among men is strongly connected to the increase in the average male weight in the U. S. (191 pounds, a significant leap from 166 pounds in 1960), together with an increase in the number of men who feel comfortable addressing the effects of being overweight through plastic surgery.

In addition to being caused by weight gain, male breasts also can form through a combination of physiologic, pathologic and pharmacologic causes. While the causes can vary, the effects are more predictable: male breasts can deeply affect personality and self-perceptions, causing anxiety that can affect a man's confidence for the worse.

"For women in Beverly Hills and Pasadena, breast reduction is highly popular because it can directly address the sagging and flattening that many women experience due to age or pregnancy," Dr. Stevens explains. "But men, who don't undergo the same changes as women do, tend to choose to wait it out, and often do significant damage to their confidence and self-esteem in the process."

Gynecomastia can indicate a serious condition, such as male breast cancer, but it more commonly results from genetic factors or from medications such as hormone therapy. Hereditary gynecomastia usually becomes noticeable in the adolescent years, and in most cases will diminish at or around age 18.

For about 30% of men, however, the rounded chest appearance will persist regardless of whether they diet and exercise, and may even worsen as the body ages. In some cases, being overweight is not the central cause, but it significantly aggravates existing tendencies for a feminine-looking chest.

"This can be a difficult for a man, especially in our culture, where a man's physical appearance can directly affect his peers' perception of his masculinity," Dr. Stevens says. "Those negative views can translate to a perception that he is less energetic, has less of the competitive edge."

Depending on the cause of the enlarged breasts, a plastic surgeon may use a variety of procedures to eliminate excess tissue through a breast reduction. Pasadena and Los Angeles surgeons often utilize liposuction to remove excess fat precisely, without damage to nearby muscles and glands. Excess tissue also may be removed, and in some cases the surgeon may reposition the nipple higher to account for the reduced tissue volume.

Dr. Stevens finds the rising number of men seeking treatment for gynecomastia to be a positive sign overall. "While it is true that gynecomastia rates are high in part because obesity rates in this country are high, more men are turning the corner and taking control of their health and appearance. For years they have seen women receiving the benefits of cosmetic treatments and many men are asking themselves, 'why shouldn't I have the body I want, too?'"

Marina Plastic Surgery Associates (www. losangelesbreastreduction. com) offers a high level of cosmetic care for women and men in Los Angeles, as well as patients from around the world who fly in for procedures. The practice has two state-of-the-art office facilities in Marina del Rey and Palos Verdes, California, and offers a comprehensive menu of plastic surgery options and medical spa procedures in Los Angeles. Plastic surgeon Dr. Grant Stevens is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is Medical Director of the practice.


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10% of U. S. Drivers Have Their "Check Engine" Light On

10% of U. S. Drivers Have Their "Check Engine" Light On

New Harris Survey Finds Alarmingly High Number of Drivers Ignore Potential Danger Signal

Fountain Valley, CA (PRWEB) June 10, 2008

A survey sponsored by CarMD. com Corp. and conducted by Harris Interactive® disclosed that 10% of U. S. drivers who drive a car, light truck, SUV or minivan model year 1981 to present are currently driving with their "Check Engine" light on. In addition, the survey noted that half of those same drivers have had their "Check Engine" light on for more than three months - driving, in effect, oblivious to potential problems indicated by such warning lights. 

"This study corroborates other industry reports that we have seen over the years, including those conducted by AutoZone and AAA," said Kristin Brocoff, marketing manager for CarMD. com Corp. "With concerns about the environment and rising gas prices at all-time highs, it is a real cause for concern that so many drivers today ignore their vehicle's 'Check Engine' light."

Cost, denial and lack of time are some of the main reasons cited by survey respondents as to why they continue driving with their "Check Engine" lights illuminated. Over one-third said that they hadn't had their engine checked because their car appeared to be running fine and over one-tenth said they didn't believe there was a serious problem.

"It's quite alarming that fully half (50%) of the respondents who were driving with their "Check Engine" light on said their "Check Engine" light had been on for more than three months," Brocoff noted. "That indicates that a substantial number of people aren't as aware as they should be that their car may need immediate attention, or that they should take the time to ensure the safety and well-being of their vehicle."

The survey further noted that 20% of the respondents had been driving with their "Check Engine" light on for less than one week; 5% for 1-2 weeks; 8% for more than 2 weeks but less than 1 month; 10% for 1-2 months; and 7% for more than 2 months.

Of those currently driving with the "Check Engine" light (also known as malfunction indicator light or MIL) on, more than half exhibited some type of denial about the potential severity of the problem. Thirty-five percent said the reason they haven't had it checked is because "the car seems to be running fine." Another 16% said they didn't think [the problem] was serious. Thirty-four percent of the adults surveyed said cost is the reason why they haven't had it checked - not surprising, given the current economic climate.

"It is disturbing to see these numbers," said Keith Andreasen, ASE double master technician and director of technical services for CarMD. com Corp. "The U. S. government put the on-board diagnostic system in place to require vehicle manufacturers to alert drivers when their vehicle was emitting too many emissions or had a problem. This light can signify something potentially costly and possibly dangerous to the passengers or others on the road. It's important that drivers treat it seriously."

Other survey findings:

· 89% of U. S. adults indicate driving a primary vehicle model year 1981 or newer. Seventy-seven percent drive a car, light truck, SUV or minivan that is model year 1996 or newer. 10% of these model year 1996 and newer vehicles, which have OBD2 technology, also have a check engine light on currently.

· Younger adults (aged 18-34) are more likely to indicate that they are driving with the light on (15% do, as compared to 11% of those aged 35-44, 9% of those aged 45-54 and 7% aged 55 years or older).

· Time is also a factor, with 11% of respondents saying they "haven't had time" and 7% "waiting for an appointment with a mechanic" as reasons for not having their vehicle checked, despite the "Check Engine" light being on. A 31-year-old female who was surveyed said, "I know the light is on from an emissions leak. It's not impacting the way the car drives, and it will be time consuming to trace the leak and repair. There is never a good time to spend hours at a repair shop."

· Finding a mechanic or dealership you can trust is also a reason that drivers ignore their engine problems. Of those driving with illuminated MILs, 8% said they are "not sure where to go to have it checked" and another 7% said, "I don't have a mechanic I can trust." 

· Even with gas prices hovering at $4.00 per gallon, many vehicle owners driving with the "check engine" light on don't seem to realize or believe that gas mileage is likely affected by the problem. "It's just the gas cap," and "The car has been checked, a sensor is bad, but it causes the car to get better gas mileage," were two responses.

· Recurrent problems are also common. Several respondents have had the light on for over a year and had it looked at by several different mechanics. "[I've] taken it to [the] dealership 10+ times for this issue and they keep saying nothing is wrong per the diagnostic," answered a 45-year-old male.

CarMD. com Corp. distributes the award-winning CarMD® diagnostic product, which gives drivers a quick and easy way to analyze their vehicle's "Check Engine" health from home and detect hidden engine problems before they trigger the MIL. When a problem is found, the handheld CarMD tester and PC software can tell you why the "Check Engine" light is on and let you generate a personalized diagnostic report with probable cause and estimate parts and labor costs in your geographic region to help keep auto repair bills low. 

Survey and Sample Methodology

Harris Interactive® conducted the online omnibus survey on behalf of CarMD. com Corp., from May 20-22, 2008, among 2,041 U. S. adults aged 18+. Results were weighted as needed for region, age within gender, education, household income and race/ethnicity. Propensity score weighting was also used to adjust for respondents' propensity to be online. No estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated; a full methodology is available.

About Harris Interactive®

Harris Interactive is a global leader in custom market research. With a long and rich history in multimodal research, powered by our science and technology, we assist clients in achieving business results. Harris Interactive serves clients globally through our North American, European and Asian offices and a network of independent market research firms. For more information, please visit www. harrisinteractive. com.

About CarMD. com Corp.

Founded in 2003, the mission of Fountain Valley, Calif.-based CarMD. com Corp., is to empower consumers by providing the tools and information needed to make better-educated decisions about their vehicle's health and maintenance. CarMD is designed and engineered by a leading automotive aftermarket manufacturer with more than 25 years of experience making automotive test equipment for professional technicians and do-it-yourselfers. Distributed by CarMD. com Corp., CarMD costs $89.99 and is available in the U. S. direct to consumers via toll-free phone: 888.MyCarMD (888.692.2763), or online at www. CarMD. com.


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Think "G-Strings & Rear Ends" with Susan Ciminelli's Cellulite Busting Treatments & New Service Package

Think "G-Strings & Rear Ends" with Susan Ciminelli's Cellulite Busting Treatments & New Service Package

The Susan Ciminelli Day Spa & Salon in NYC has added powerful new technology to wage the war against cellulite. Treatments including G99 Subdermal Therapy, Lymphatic Massage, & our Seaweed Body Wrap have been combined with an intense Power Plate workout to form a package unlike any other to help diminsh cellulite & prevent it from ever forming again. But it doesn't stop there. Susan Ciminelli has products from her famed skin care line specifically targeted to help treat & prevent cellulite as well.

New York, NY (PRWEB) December 9, 2010

Susan Ciminelli, renowned skin care expert, nutritional consultant, author and owner of Susan Ciminelli Day Spa in NYC has designed the perfect collection of products, spa treatments, & a workout to wage the war against cellulite.

Susan Ciminelli Day Spa & Salon located at 120 E. 56th St, 2nd Floor between Park & Lexington Ave, has added powerful new technology to help target those problem areas. The spa has combined a Power Plate workout along with other non-invasive cellulite busting services to give clients the ultimate results in a new package. The "Full Body Makeover" three hour package includes: a G99 Subdermal Treatment, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, and a Seaweed Body Wrap, along with a Power Plate session.

Details of the services included:

  Power Plate Session - A workout based on vibration technology which stimulates collagen in the skin creating tighter, more beautiful skin. Other benefits include an increase in blood & lymphatic fluid circulation, rapid weight loss, increase in bone density & muscle strength, and a significant decrease in cellulite and water retention (30 min session). Refer to the Power Plate website for more information.

  G99 Subdermal Therapy Treatment-Stimulating circulation with the use of a non-invasive vibratory wave machine which alleviates the appearance of cellulite and assists in greater lymphatic performance. (30 min treatment)

  Lymphatic Drainage Massage-Following the G99 Subdermal Therapy is a unique massage created by Susan using her pure essential oils that improves circulation and reduces the appearance of cellulite. (1 hour massage)

  Seaweed Body Wrap-Reduce toxins and water retention, minimizes cellulite, conditions the skin, diminishes stretch marks, eliminates lactic acid in the muscles, and rids the body of radiation poisoning from computers, wireless technology, and flying. You can see results instantly (1 hour treatment)

The "Full Body Makeover" Package is priced at $400 with a savings of over $70.

And it doesn’t stop there. Use Susan Ciminelli signature products at home for maintenance & further cellulite prevention.

Turn the bathtub into a luxurious spa at home with the mixture of Susan Ciminelli’s Algae Fine Powder ($95), Toning Bath ($45) and Marine Lotion ($95) to detoxify and nourish that body ridding it of cellulite. Ciminelli also recommends her Cal-Mag Capsules ($60), made popular by French women, which are naturally high in calcium and magnesium and are 100% pure seaweed and act as a natural diuretic, fat dissolver and appetite suppressant. Products can be purchased separately or as a package valued at $240 with a savings of $30.

Ciminelli’s rapid results and holistic approach have cultivated a large celebrity following including Naomi Campbell, J LO, and Martha Stewart.

“Naomi Campbell completely cleans out our supply of Algae Fine Powder and Marine Lotion when she comes into town,” Ciminelli stated. “By blending the Algae Fine Powder, the Toning Bath and the Marine Lotion, you re-mineralize, detoxify and nourish your skin reducing the appearance of cellulite.”

Susan Ciminelli has gained a massive loyalty base throughout the world with her unique holistic approach to skin care, health, beauty, and stress management, referred to as “The Healing Art of Beauty.” The foundation of Susan’s success is rooted in her overall philosophy – inner balance and wellness creates great skin, vitality, and energy. Susan is focusing her strict attention on wellness & disease prevention. She cannot stress enough the fact that your skin’s condition is influenced by the energy inside your body. Eating right, stress management, lifestyle & exercise is directly linked to disease prevention, inner balance, & wellness.


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Millions Share Worldwide Minute of Silence for UN Day of Peace

Millions Share Worldwide Minute of Silence for UN Day of Peace

12,000 people turned up at Wembley Arena on Sunday 17th Sept to launch ‘just-a-minute’, a global campaign for inner peace. The highlight of the event was a simultaneous minute of positive silence for the world at 16.25 BST.

Wembley, UK (PRWEB) September 22, 2006

12,000 people turned up at Wembley Arena on Sunday 17th Sept to launch ‘just-a-minute’, a global campaign for inner peace. The highlight of the event was a simultaneous minute of positive silence for the world at 16.25 BST.

Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris told the audience: “With the contribution of silence and peace from each one of you, for just-a-minute, we move some way towards a world of peace.”

‘just-a-minute’ is a global initiative to shift consciousness in our busy, noisy world by introducing the idea of regular one-minute pauses and breaks, when individuals can re-connect with their core self, their strengths and their values. The campaign includes multi-media tools such as one minute spoken meditations to download onto computers or podcast, light-hearted animations and events in over 100 countries. The website just-a-minute. org provides a host of resources to support and inspire. Local just-a-minute programmes are being developed across the UK -- and around the world -- with special programmes and tools for businesses, schools, prisons and healthcare organisations.

The Wembley event featured Bee Gee Robin Gibb, Ruby Wax, Clarke Peters, Lynne Franks and others from the world of music, theatre and television, all of whom benefit from silence in their personal lives.

Just-a-minute is an initiative of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), which celebrates its 70th anniversary this year.

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Lifeline for Firms with Just One Week Left to Claim £200 Million in Backdated Small Business Rate Relief

Lifeline for Firms with Just One Week Left to Claim £200 Million in Backdated Small Business Rate Relief

Small businesses which face losing out on at least £200 million in backdated rate relief are being thrown a lifeline in the form of a free online claims system.

(PRWeb UK) September 22, 2010

Small businesses which face losing out on at least £200 million in backdated rate relief are being thrown a lifeline in the form of a free online claims system.

Unless they lodge claims by the 30 September deadline businesses occupying commercial premises between 1 April 2007 and April 2010 could miss out on backdated small business rate relief (SBRR), which, according to figures from property specialist LeaseholdersUnited, is worth at least £200 million.

LeaseholdersUnited’s Andrew Bacon, who is Property Adviser to the not-for-profit business support and lobby group the Forum of Private Business, said the problem is being made worse because too few business owners are aware that they can claim the relief.

He said many local councils fail to provide details of the relief, publish inaccurate information and that some even continue to provide outdated, ineligible forms.

“Claiming backdated SBRR before 30th September 2010 could mean that a small business paying £5000 a year in rent gets a cheque back from the council that is enough to cover its overheads until March 2011, just for filling in a form,” said Mr Bacon.

“Unfortunately, most councils are saying nothing about the issue and many are handing out businesses forms that actually stop them backdating their claim. This is something we first highlighted back in 2008 and, despite assurances that it would be tackled, the problem persists.

“Time is running out so it is important to act now. The simple solution is for every business to send in the correct claim form before 30 September 2010. Those who are not eligible will simply be rejected but those that are eligible will get the money they deserve. We can help them.”

Mr Bacon urged business owners to follow five simple steps in order to make sure they submit claims before the 30 September deadline using the correct forms:

 Go to www. sbrr. co. uk  Enter your local authority details and your email address  Receive the correct form, together with completion notes and a fax number for the Council.  Fill it in and fax it off before 30 September 2010.  If you are eligible the Council will send you a cheque and then also automatically grant you any Small Business Rate Relief from 1 April 2010 onwards. “Many businesses have downloaded claim forms for free from www. sbrr. co. uk in the last 2 days, enabling them to claim as much as £5000 each. Had they waited until 1st October to do this, they would only have been able to claim £2000,” he said.

Using official data including the SBRR claim and eligibility rates Leaseholders United has estimated the amount of SBRR that is currently unclaimed in each local area of the UK.

Commenting on the figures the Forum’s Research Manager, Tom Parry, said: “For the first time, we can begin to see a picture of the small business rate relief that is going unclaimed in each area and it amounts to a substantial amount of money at a time small firms are struggling to maintain any kind of cash flow.”

He added: “It is now a race against time. The message to small business owners is clear – if you are entitled to SBRR then lodge a claim without delay using LeaseholdersUnited’s free online service.”

Business owners should be aware that, from October 2010, SBRR is set to increase in England. Businesses with a rateable value of less than £6,000 will pay no business rates for a year. Previously they received a 50% discount.

Taper relief from 100% to 0% will also be in place for properties of over £6,000 and up to £12,000 in rateable value for that period.

Further, empty property relief has been extended for 2010-11 so that all empty properties with a rateable value below £18,000 are exempted from business rates.

Similar business rate relief schemes operate in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

LeaseholdersUnited’s free online claims system is one of a range of services designed to help business owners keep on top of their property costs.

Others include CostMINDER, which gives businesses the information they need to help them negotiate reductions in their rates, rent and other property costs without employing a Surveyor and an Online Valuation service, enabling businesses to instantly download an independent estimate of the rental and capital on nearly every shop, office or industrial property in England.

Forum members get a 50% discount on LeaseholdersUnited’s http://www. fpb. org/Default. asp (http://www. fpb. org/Default. asp)? [property cost control services], which represents a saving of £150 a year.

The Forum helps its members save money and manage their finances through its 'http://www. fpb. org/Default. asp (http://www. fpb. org/Default. asp)? [Finance Director]' business support solution.

Through the solution, the not-for-profit organisation provides its members with expert advice on issues such as reducing business costs, improving credit ratings, business monitoring and business insurance.

For a list of the estimated SBRR unclaimed in each area click here (http://www. leaseholdersunited. com/UserFiles/File/Sbrr2007-2010.pdf) and for more information about the Forum call 0845 612 6266 or visit www. fpb. org.

Notes to editors

Formed in 1977, the Forum of Private Business is evolving following a year of intensive research about the real needs of small businesses.

As an invaluable extension to its members’ teams the not-for-profit organisation has developed a range of tailored business solutions to support, protect and reassure small firms throughout the lifecycle of their businesses.

These are: ‘Finance Director’, ‘Legal Director’, ‘HR Director’, ‘Health and Safety Director’, ‘Development Director’, ‘Purchasing Director’, ‘Communications Director’ and ‘Managing Director’.

For full list of services under each solution and/or membership package, visit www. fpb. org/membership (http://www. fpb. org/membership) or call 0845 612 6266.

Images of key Forum spokespeople, along with the Forum’s logo, can be downloaded here (http://www. fpb. org/page/81/News_and_media. htm).

Broadcast media – the Forum has ISDN capability and can provide comment, in quality audio, at short notice.

The FPB can also provide journalists with localised and sector-specific case studies.

About the Forum of Private Business

A not-for-profit organisation, the Forum of Private Business provides a personal, friendly and highly tailored service to its members – with the primary purpose of helping them run their businesses more profitably.

Representing thousands of small businesses across the UK – including retail, service providers and manufacturing companies – the Forum is recognised by the Government as one of the six main business support and lobby groups. It uses this position to influence decision-makers in the UK and Brussels on the issues that matter to small businesses. Visit www. fpb. org.

The Forum helps owners and managers of small and medium-sized businesses to comply with regulations via its dedicated member helpline, 24-hour legal advice line, and Health and Safety Guide, Employment Guide and Credit Control Guide.

In addition, the Forum’s www. smallbusinesschannel. co. uk was launched in June 2009, providing a wealth of free video advice and information on a range of topics to business owners and managers.

The Forum is a proud supporter of the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG): www. fpb. org/charity (http://www. fpb. org/charity )

Media contacts

Phil McCabe

Media and PR Manager

Tel: 01565 626019

ISDN: 01565 654673

Mobile: 07775 756312

Email: phil(dot)mccabe(at)fpb(dot)org

Chris Gorman

Media and PR Assistant

Tel: 01565 626016

ISDN: 01565 654673

Mobile/out of hours: 07775 756300

Email: chris(dot)gorman(at)fpb(dot)org


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Celebrate the Season with the Ambassadors of Caring and Sharing

Celebrate the Season with the Ambassadors of Caring and Sharing

“Care Bears Holiday Hugs” New CD Filled With Favorites Now Available from Madacy Kids

Toronto, Ontario (PRWEB) September 29, 2004

Celebrate the season with “Care Bears Holiday Hugs,” a new CD from Madacy Kids featuring everyone’s favorite sharing and caring furry friends. Created especially for the holidays, young carolers will sing-along with the Countdown Kids and special guests Funshine Bear, Friend Bear and Wish Bear, as they enjoy seasonal tunes presented Care Bears style!

Featuring eight traditional holiday favorites and four all-new original songs, “Care Bears Holiday Hugs” CD is now available for a suggested retail price of $7.98. It is recommended for ages 2-6. The Joester Loria Group -- American Greetings’ exclusive worldwide licensing agency for the property, brokered the deal on behalf of American Greetings, which chose Madacy Kids as the official licensee to produce and market branded music products based on the ever-popular Care Bears.

The 30-minute CD includes holiday favorites like, “Joy to the World,” “O Christmas Tree,” “Deck the Halls,” “Jingle Bells,” “Jolly Old St. Nicholas,” and “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Original tunes sure to be classics are “Holiday Hugs,” “Christmas is for Sharing,” “A Gift for You” and “The Magic of Christmas.” New arrangements add to the holiday fun, which the entire family can enjoy together.

“Care Bears Holiday Hugs” is one of the releases from the Care Bears line of musical CDs from Madacy Kids. Other titles in the line include “Care Bears Sing Like A Star,” where kids sing-along with the Care Bear friends Karaoke style and “Meet the Care Bears,” the initial title in the CD launch, which celebrates key Care Bear values like caring, sharing, friendship, happiness and fun through a collection of 12 original songs and traditional favorites.

About Care Bears

The Care Bears are a group of adorable, furry friends, each with a special caring mission. They help teach people how to care. Every Care Bear wears a bright-colored tummy picture that tells the world who they are and what is their special area of caring. Created by American Greetings, Care Bears were first launched as toys and other products in 1983. They quickly became “America’s Teddy Bear” with over 40 million Care Bears toys sold between 1983 and 1987. The Care Bears released their first full-length feature film The Care Bears Movie in 1985. Care Bears have also starred in their own television series; appeared in countless publishing outlets including storybooks, coloring books and activity pages; and featured of course, on greeting cards. Recently, Care Bears products have made a huge resurgence at retail with an estimated $600 million in sales for 2004.

About Madacy Kids

Madacy Kids is the home for all childrenÂ’s audio, video and DVD products distributed by Madacy Entertainment Group, a full-service entertainment company headquartered in Montreal which licenses, markets and distributes music, video, DVD and customized corporate entertainment premiums through its offices throughout North America, Europe and Latin America. For more information about Madacy KidsÂ’ products please visit www. madacy. com, e-mail madacykids@madacy. com, or call toll free 1-888-2MADACY.

About American Greetings Corporation

American Greetings Corporation (NYSE: AM) is one of the world's largest manufacturers of social expression products. Along with greeting cards, its product lines include gift wrap, party goods, reading glasses, candles, stationery, calendars, educational products, ornaments and electronic greetings. American Greetings is also the creator and owner of many celebrated character properties, including Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears. Located in Cleveland, Ohio, American Greetings generates annual net sales of approximately $2 billion. For more information on the Corporation, visit http://corporate. americangreetings. com (http://corporate. americangreetings. com).

About The Joester Loria Group

The Joester Loria Group, www. joesterloriagroup. com, is a full-service licensing and marketing agency providing its clients with a full array of services including: strategic planning, competitive analysis, implementation of licensing strategy, management of publicity, advertising and marketing for licensing programs. The Joester Loria Group represents Berlitz, DaimlerChrysler Corporation for Jeep and Chrysler, American Greetings for Care Bears, Gruner+Jahr including Parents Magazine and YM, Pepsi and Mountain Dew, Schering-Plough, Inc. brand Coppertone, New York City Police Department and the family of Rodale Inc. magazines including MenÂ’s Health and Prevention.

Press Information:

Andrea Blain

Andrea Blain Public Relations

9750 Crawford Ave.

Skokie, IL 60076

847-933-9884 phone

Ablain@aol. com


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Knowledge Pursuit, L. L.C. launches an indepth gastrointestinal information website, ENDOTALK (http://www. endotalk. com). ENDOTALK. com provides healthcare professionals and other interested individuals one central location for comprehensive and detailed information regarding the field of Gastroenterology and Surgical Endoscopy.

(PRWEB) June 14, 2003




High Point, NC (PRWEB) June 4, 2003 -- Knowledge Pursuit, LLC announced today the launch of it's new website, ENDOTALK (http://www. endotalk. com (http://www. endotalk. com)). This new website provides comprehensive and detailed information regarding the field of Gastroenterology and Surgical Endoscopy.

"This unique website is an all-inclusive informational source regarding the field of gastrointestinal medicine,” said Yvonne Camper, Vice President of Marketing. "Members of the GI profession demand reliable and up-to-date information. ENDOTALK provides just that - an objective and complete source of information regarding Gastroenterology and Surgical Endoscopy."

Key features of the site include:

·ENDOTALK News-A monthly subscription newsletter, featuring industry, regulatory, research, and reimbursement news articles. Also, a monthly interview with a thought leader in the field of GI medicine and a monthly review of pertinent GI company stock performances.

·ENDO Compare-A database of over 7,000 GI accessory products. This database is broken down by categories and subcategories. Each product includes the manufacturer name, catalog number, UPN number (if applicable), a detailed product description, and current list price.

·ENDO Directory-A listing of over 200 organizations, companies, and medical facilities involved in the field of gastrointestinal medicine. Detailed contact information, as well as, a direct web link is provided to these companies and organizations.

·ENDO Events-A 14-month calendar of healthcare events in the field of gastroenterology and related specialties. Web links and contact information is provided for most events.

·ENDO Careers-A career opportunity network designed for the specialty of GI Endoscopy, focusing on physicians, nurses, associates/technicians, sales, marketing, and other administrative professionals.

“ENDOTALK offers the most effective means, online, to obtain important data and information about the specialty of gastrointestinal medicine,” said Jan Jennings, Vice President of Sales. “It is our goal to continue to grow and provide the central location for up-to-date and comprehensive information for every professional involved in gastroenterology and surgical endoscopy.”

Knowledge Pursuit, LLC

Knowledge Pursuit provides services that help physicians, nurses, technicians, manufacturers, and other professionals involved in healthcare to navigate the complexity of gastrointestinal endoscopy. Our web-based services streamline clinical and administrative research and promotes efficiency and may aid in cost reductions by facilitating rapid information exchange.

The ENDOTALK team (formed in 2002) is a well-rounded staff with in-depth knowledge in the field of GI and Surgical Endoscopy encompassing over 45 years of experiences. Our experiences include, GI and Peri-operative nursing, medical practice, key hospital environment roles, medical product sales and management, graphic design, and marketing management.


Yvonne Camper

V. P. of Marketing

Knowledge Pursuit, LLC

PH: 336-883-6267

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Become Smarter Than Doctors, Eliminate Chronic Symptoms

Become Smarter Than Doctors, Eliminate Chronic Symptoms

Groundbreaking new book, “Recapture Your Health,” contains some of the best, clearest and most effective self-help health information encountered in decades.

Boulder, CO (PRWEB) August 21, 2006

Chronic illness touches nearly every American, either directly or through loved ones or friends. Did you know that more than 50% of Americans have some type of chronic illness? This alarming rate is rising, and with the failure of conventional medicine to address this issue affordably and accurately, more people are seeking new health care options. In truth, only about 15% of conditions are best first approached using mainstream medicine, yet current myths suggest that all illnesses are only legitimately approached conventionally.

Those who have given up hope for effective treatment of chronic conditions now have a remarkable new alternative: the 3LS Wellness Program. This empowering health-improvement protocol may be found in the award-winning book, “Recapture Your Health: A Step-By-Step Program to Reverse Chronic Symptoms and Create Lasting Wellness” (ISBN 0965317129) by Walt Stoll, M. D. and Jan DeCourtney, C. M.T.

The 3LS Wellness Program, named after the image of a 3-Legged Stool, provides balance and support to overcome the cause of illness – and can reverse chronic conditions, heal degenerative diseases, enhance lifestyle habits, and inspire achievement of vibrant health. Based on Dr. Stoll’s 38+ years experience as a holistic physician, this protocol employs three easy practices that support the foundation of excellent health. These practices can be applied by people of any age, ability, or health condition, and work together almost magically to reverse even long-standing chronic symptoms.

DeCourtney suffered a debilitating and undiagnosed chronic illness for over 20 years and then began a dramatic reversal of her symptoms using the 3LS program, prompting her collaboration with Dr. Stoll. “‘Recapture Your Health’ empowers you to take charge of your own health, saving you money and trips to the doctor’s office,” states DeCourtney. “Whether you need to regain your health or are seeking health for the first time, you can support your body to heal itself regardless of diagnosis, financial standing, or insurance.”

Author Christiane Northrup, M. D., of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” has stated, “For the millions who are suffering from chronic and poorly understood symptoms, this book is the answer.” Additional endorsements by respected professionals in the field, and a foreword by C. Norman Shealy, M. D., Ph. D, reflect the significance of this innovative health program. “Recapture Your Health,” the breakthrough book of the decade, coaches individuals to create their own unique path to better health, on their own terms.

Walt Stoll, M. D., one of the nation's leading experts on holistic and alternative medicine, was a founding member of the American Holistic Medical Association. Jan DeCourtney, C. M.T., is a holistic certified massage therapist with a practice in Boulder, CO. “Recapture Your Health” (ISBN 0965317129) can be purchased through online or local bookstores. For more information, visit www. sunrisehealthcoach. com.


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2008 eLearning Symposium Brings Proven eLearning Strategies to the Forefront

2008 eLearning Symposium Brings Proven eLearning Strategies to the Forefront

ELearning has re-emerged as a solution for delivering significant value to corporations, educational institutions and governments. Attendees of the conference will learn how to capitalize on existing and future courseware and how to monetize knowledge investments to reach larger audiences. The conference will also provide techniques to take advantage of distance learning through online and mobile platforms.

Austin, Texas (PRWEB) March 27, 2008

Chief learning officers, senior directors, directors of human resources (HR), and directors of training from across Texas will meet once again in Austin for the annual eLearning Symposium, presented jointly by MicroAssist and Sparksight. The conference, to be held April 23, 2008 at the Doubletree Hotel in Austin, will seek to create a link between professionals in the fields of education, technology and communication and help organizations leverage the efficiencies and the boundless reach of the Internet in order to deliver education.

"We anticipate participation from some of Texas' well-known and most innovative education, human resources or distance learning professionals," says Sanjay Nasta, CEO of MicroAssist. "The success of 2008 eLearning Symposium is its ability to bring together the most promising companies and technologies in the region. Not only will attendees have the opportunity to network with key experts in the design, budgeting, technology selection and course development fields, but will leave with proven and successful implementation formulas for eLearning."

"There are millions of hours of knowledge that lie unused within state, local and educational institutions," says Christopher Justice, CEO of Sparksight. "The 2008 eLearning Symposium will bring a collaborative environment where educators, trainers and businesses can develop strategies to harness the value and opportunities of eLearning."

Justice suggests that eLearning hasn't fully matured until now. He continued, "Today eLearning software can be acquired at no cost. Moodle, a free, open source course management system for online learning, is a well-established example. The challenge is assembling the curriculums in the correct manner to serve the needs of a distributed audience. The eLearning Symposium will give attendees the knowledge to be more successful."

Visit eLearning Symposium (http://www. elearningsymposium. com) for additional information and to register. Individuals with state and local government agencies may contact the event organizers for reduced registration fees.

About eLearning Symposium 2008

The Texas 2008 eLearning Symposium is designed to help professionals and key decision makers execute eLearning programs within their own organizations. The conference is essential for professionals who create web-based education programs in healthcare, government, higher education and corporate settings.

The conference is open to anyone and will be of specific benefit to Chief Learning Officers, Senior Directors, Directors of Human Resources (HR), or Directors of Training. Agenda topics cover an end-to-end spectrum of technology and processes as they are being applied to eLearning and distance learning projects. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with key influencers and implementation specialists from successful eLearning projects throughout the State of Texas and beyond.

About MicroAssist

MicroAssist is one of the countries most experienced training centers. Since 1988, they have been providing real-world, real-workplace instructor led training to public and private clients in Texas. MicroAssist has trained over 70,000 students for 140 different corporate and government agencies, commissions and bureaus, as well as a wide variety of corporate clients. MicroAssist offers 200 standard training classes and frequently offers custom-designed curricula for their clients. For additional information, visit MicroAssist.

About Sparksight, Inc.

Sparksight offers interactive marketing and event management services that help organizations deliver compelling experiences online and in-person. Sparksight employs the most talented and inventive graphic designers, videographers, web programmers and writers in the industry. For additional information, visit Sparksight.


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Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa Caters to Summer Travelers with Stay-Cation Savings

Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa Caters to Summer Travelers with Stay-Cation Savings

Family Package offers free kids' activities, in-room movie, 20 percent discount at Spa at Harbor Beach, complimentary self-parking and more.

Fort Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) June 8, 2008

According to the 2008 summer travel survey by AOL, 66% of American travelers plan to keep their vacations close to home this summer due to the rise in gas prices. In response to this "stay-cation" trend, Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa is offering valuable savings for those looking to experience Fort Lauderdale this season. Valid through September 30, the Summer Family Escape package at this luxury Florida beach resort starts at $263 per room, per night and includes the following*:

 Overnight Fort Lauderdale beach front hotel accommodations in a deluxe guest room  Complimentary cabinette or beach umbrella on Fort Lauderdale's largest private beach  Harbor Beach Pass which includes daily access to the Spa at Harbor Beach amenities ($30 value)  One in-room family-friendly movie ($16 value)  20% off all treatments at The Spa at Harbor Beach  20% off all purchases at the Tranquility Spa Shop  Free self-parking in resort garage ($21 value)

Keeping an eye on additional expenses for guests, this beach hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida provides guests with a variety of complimentary daily activities including beach volleyball, basketball, ping pong, dive-in movies and more. Located just offshore is one of the best diving locations in the U. S., and guests can begin their underwater adventure with a free introduction to scuba diving (ages eight and up) at the hotel's pool. While kids enjoy the fun in the sun, mom and dad can relax with weekly evening lobby receptions offering free Starbucks coffee or wine tastings as well as live music.

To offset the rising cost of prices at the pump guests can leave car keys in guest rooms and enjoy the city by water taxi and on foot. Whether strolling along Las Olas to visit the chic boutiques and regional specialty stores or walking through the various exhibits at the Museum of Discovery and Science, families have plenty to see and do while in South Florida.

For Summer Family Escape package reservations, please visit http://marriottharborbeach. com (http://marriottharborbeach. com) or call (800) 222-6543 and use promotional code ZJ1.

About Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa:

Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, a four-diamond rated resort tucked away on 16 oceanfront acres, is Fort Lauderdale's classic destination resort. The resort has just completed a $25 million rooms and suites renovation that makes its accommodations as warm and relaxed as its private beach. All 650 guest rooms and suites feature 32-inch flat screen televisions and deluxe Marriott ® bedding with down comforters, cotton-rich sheets and feather pillows. The seaside residential ambience is enhanced with new furnishings, carpeting, designer lighting, window treatments and art work. Listed in "100 Best Spas of the World," the Fort Lauderdale hotel Spa at Harbor Beach is a 20,000-square-foot seaside oasis with 18 private treatment rooms, a private spa pool, sauna, whirlpool, eucalyptus steam rooms, private lockers, health-oriented Spa Café, fitness center, yoga and Pilates classes and motion studio overlooking the ocean.

3030 Ocean is the hotel's fine dining waterfront restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, offering fresh American seafood creations. Guests looking for a more casual dining experience can visit Riva and Cascades restaurants. Located just 10 minutes from Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport, Harbor Beach Resort offers guests tropical seclusion with all the exciting dining, shopping, entertainment and cultural options of the city at its doorstep. Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa has received the Fodor's Choice 2007 distinction, which recognizes it as one of the top hotels in Fort Lauderdale. For more information or to make a reservation, call 954-525-4000 or visit http://marriott. com/hotels/travel/fllsb (http://marriott. com/hotels/travel/fllsb).

*Based on availability, rate does not include tax or surcharges.


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Disposing of the Challenge Posed by Reusable Surgical Products

Disposing of the Challenge Posed by Reusable Surgical Products

The tussle for supremacy between the disposable drapes and gowns and their reusable alternatives is currently tipped in favour of the former due to a range of mutually reinforcing factors including public health concerns and regulatory issues. The increasing penetration of disposables as against reusables, especially in the surgical drapes and gowns segments, is expected to be propelled by the increasing awareness amongst European hospitals about post-operative infection control.

(PRWEB) January 23, 2002

The tussle for supremacy between the disposable drapes and gowns and their reusable alternatives is currently tipped in favour of the former due to a range of mutually reinforcing factors including public health concerns and regulatory issues.

The increasing penetration of disposables as against reusables, especially in the surgical drapes and gowns segments, is expected to be propelled by the increasing awareness amongst European hospitals about post-operative infection control. This has been underlined by current public health concerns relating to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and hepatitis B. In addition, there has been an increased need for products with effective barrier properties for the protection of medical staff. The perceived qualitative advantages of disposable surgical products over their reusable equivalents in terms of infection control and barrier properties is likely to further expand the market for single-use drapes and gowns.

Academia too has now jumped into the disposable versus reusable debate. Influential reports such as the ‘Werner report’ of March 2001, questioning the quality of many of the traditional reusable products on the market, have come as a shot in the arm to manufacturers of surgical disposables.

The focus on quality products has been further underlined by regulatory issues. Currently, two European standards are being developed: one for surgical drapes and gowns, and another for surgical masks. Both standards are expected to stimulate growth in the disposable market once they are voted on by EU member states in early 2002. This is because it is likely that traditional textile products will fail to meet these new standards and even the 'high tech' reusable products are likely to encounter problems in terms of reprocessing requirements.

A new study by healthcare analyst Frost & Sullivan (http://medicaldevices. frost. com (http://medicaldevices. frost. com)) valued the European Disposable Surgical Drapes, Gowns and Masks market at $393 million in 2001.

This value is forecast to rise to $578 million by 2008 based on the increasing market penetration of single-use drapes and gowns, and at the expense of the reusable alternatives. The study predicts that the highest level of growth is likely to occur in the segment of disposable surgical gowns, while the disposable surgical drapes market is also expected to grow significantly.

The market penetration of disposable surgical gowns has lagged behind the drapes market for a variety of reasons, including price and comfort. “This is changing, and forecast to change further, in response to product improvements and heightened concerns about controlling hospital infections“, explains the report’s author, research analyst, Andy Passey.

Increased usage of disposable instead of reusable products in hospitals, as well as increased product and process innovation are likely to drive growth in the disposable surgical drapes market. “Market niches such as incise drapes are growing substantially, and the trend toward procedure trays for specific operations creates new market opportunities for the manufacturers of surgical drapes”, states Passey.

The dynamics of the mature surgical masks market varies from that of drapes and gowns in that there is no viable reusable alternative in this segment. However, there is still significant scope for product innovation that is likely to spur growth, Passey notes.

With growth opportunities abounding, the competitive landscape is heating up. In the short-term, the competitive actions of companies manufacturing single-use products are likely to be focused against those manufacturing reusable products. However, an increasing feature of this industry will be the need to take market share from other single-use companies, particularly as the market becomes more mature and the growth rate slows.

A major challenge for the manufacturers of disposable products is likely to be the extent to which collaborative strategies can be pursued to facilitate the shift from reusable to disposable products in hospitals. Educating surgeons, theatre nurses, and infection-control personnel is likely to help overcome traditional biases favouring the comfort factor of reusables over the superior barrier performance of disposables. Education is also expected to overcome the restraints emanating from the high cost perception, and change management implications, of single-use products.

Improvements in operational efficiency along with effective management of suppliers presents substantial saving opportunities. In terms of manufacturing, the trend in many industries is toward production in the Far East. “However, it is important not to sacrifice quality, particularly with the major infection control issues that apply to this market”, cautions Passey.

Frost & Sullivan recognises outstanding industry achievements by presenting Market Engineering Awards to top companies in a variety of regional and global markets. The 2001 Frost & Sullivan Market Engineering Award for Business Development Strategy is presented to Mölnlycke Healthcare for its combined strategic approach towards market growth, market share growth and profitability.

Report Code: 3992-57

Publication Date: January 2002

Price: 5445 Euros


Frost & Sullivan is an international marketing consulting company that monitors a comprehensive spectrum of markets for trends, market measurements and strategies. This on-going research is utilised to complement a series of research publications to support industry participants with customised consulting needs. Interviews and free executive summaries are available to the press.

For more information contact:

Nikki Cole

Nikki. cole@frost. com

T +44 (0) 20 7343 8325

F +44 (0) 20 7343 8380

Http://frost. com (http://frost. com)

Http://pressroom. frost. com (http://pressroom. frost. com)

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O2 Living Wins Two Best of Westchester Awards

O2 Living Wins Two Best of Westchester Awards

Holistic wellness center recognized for favorite spa treatment and best new yoga center - Westchester County, N. Y. has spoken and the votes are in. O2 Living, a holistic wellness center located in Cross River, has been given two “Best of Westchester” awards by Westchester Magazine.

Cross River, NY (PRWEB) August 9, 2010

Westchester County, N. Y. has spoken and the votes are in. O2 Living, a holistic wellness center located in Cross River, has been given two “Best of Westchester” awards by Westchester Magazine.

Headquartered in the quaint Yellow Monkey Village, o2 Living (www. o2living. me) is an all embracing community dedicated to lifestyle/wellness that encourages people to live, learn and connect. The upscale health spa is the newest addition to the wellness center, which also features a retail boutique, Live Food Café and yoga classes.

The Best of Westchester categories in which o2 Living was recognized include:

Favorite Spa Treatments: O2 Essence Massage with therapists Christine Brooking/Juan Johnson

O2 Living’s signature treatments focus on oxygen, encouraging guests to breathe deep and release. The O2 Essence Massage is a unique treatment that enhances the flow of your breath by using therapeutic grade oxygen, to nourish, cleanse and revitalize every cell in your body. Pure oxygen is administered through the nostrils for the last 20 minutes of the 90-minute massage treatment. Westchester Magazine remarked on their visit: “expect to emerge limp as a noodle with a surprisingly youthful glow.”

New Yoga Center

The magazine noted that the building that houses o2 Living has seen its fair share of change. But the arrival of o2 Living in 2009 has, “breathed new life into this funky little enclave of 18th-century buildings, and, with it, an energized new vibe.” O2 Living’s yoga studio is a peaceful inviting environment for true spiritual escape through the age-old form of exercise. Wooden floors and ceiling beams create a “one-with-nature” feeling. Since opening, o2 Living has attracted well-known yogis such as Basil Jones. Classes include hot yoga, gentle flow yoga, Vinyasa, beginner yoga and more.

Rosemary Devlin, owner of o2 Living is happy to receive this recognition: “It is our mission to provide the most superb services for all of our guests at o2 Living and these awards show us that we are heading in the right direction. I look forward to expanding our services and embracing our loyal patrons in the years to come.”

For more information, call 914.763.6320 or visit o2 Living online at http://o2Living. me (http://o2Living. me), like them on Facebook (http://bit. ly/9V2voH (http://bit. ly/9V2voH)) or @o2living on Twitter (http://twitter. com/o2living (http://twitter. com/o2living)). Visit in person at 6 Yellow Monkey Village in Cross River, N. Y.

About O2 Living (www. o2living. me)

Headquartered in Cross River, New York, O2 Living is an all embracing community dedicated to lifestyle/wellness. Established as Cross River Wellness, LLC (d/b/a O2 Living,) this holistic spa and wellness center encourages people to live, learn and connect. It offers yoga, spa services, including signature Oxygen treatments, a retail boutique and Live Food Café nestled in Cross River’s quaint Yellow Monkey Village. The wellness community also features an online destination, O2Living. me, where members can connect and communicate about their experiences and build a greater sense of community with those who share their passion for and commitment to health and well-being. A second location is scheduled to open in Hastings, New York in 2011.


Danielle Cyr



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HotWhitening Opens Asian Showroom in Bangkok, Thailand

HotWhitening Opens Asian Showroom in Bangkok, Thailand

HotWhitening Bangkok to serve as a retail anchor and skin whitening treatment center.

Bangkok, Thailand (PRWEB) August 31, 2009

HotWhitening, the New York-based skin whitening skincare brand, is proud to announce the opening of the first HotWhitening showroom in central Bangkok's Asoke neighborhood. HotWhitening Bangkok to serve as a retail anchor and skin whitening treatment center.

HotWhitening Expands to Asia

"Our Bangkok showroom represents our plans to bring our skin whitening cosmetics and treatments to one of the biggest skin whitening markets. It is one of the first steps in our plan for strategic growth as we develop HotWhitening into a global brand," says Betsy Chaiphiphat, Co-Founder and President of HotWhitening. "We at HotWhitening feel that the Thai market and the asian markets as a whole is looking for a brand that is solely committed to their skin whitening needs."

The Bangkok showroom in Lumpini Plaza Asoke mall at 205/1 Sukhumvit 21 Rd, Asoke Wattana, Bangkok, Thailand, 10110, will carry the full line of HotWhitening's skin whitening line. There will also be HotWhitening's unique full body spray whitening treatments. The design of the store brings the urban look of New York City to Bangkok representing the brands roots in the United States.

About Hotwhitening

Founded in 2007, HotWhitening was developed based on the philosophy to live life fully and to stand out from the crowd which means healthy whiter looking skin. With HotWhitening's product line you can express yourself quickly and safely so you won't be anyone's shadow. For more information go to www. hotwhitening. com.


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UGL Unicco Flu Preparedness and Business Continuity Plan Combats the Spread of the H1N1 Virus

UGL Unicco Flu Preparedness and Business Continuity Plan Combats the Spread of the H1N1 Virus

Specialized procedures and cleaning services minimize flu transmission…

Newton, Mass. (PRWEB) November 4, 2009

UGL Unicco, a subsidiary of United Group Limited (UGL), today announced its UGL Unicco Flu Preparedness and Business Continuity Plan. It is a comprehensive set of procedures and cleaning services that are designed to help ensure the health and safety of customers' personnel, the public and UGL Unicco employees during flu events, up to and including pandemic events.

The program begins by designating a chain of command starting with a Business Continuity Manager and alternates for each account. It also calls for the implementation of emergency communications procedures that include hotlines, pre-arranged phone conferencing and pre-developed contact lists for customers, civil authorities and emergency responders.

The company has defined new procedures and additional training for employees, and set clear guidelines on employee health and work attendance to minimize the spread of the H1N1 virus.

An escalated cleaning regimen is also defined for high transmission spaces such as elevators, stairwells, washrooms and kitchens; and surfaces that are frequently touched by hands, including door knobs, countertops, desks, elevator buttons and panels, telephones, keyboards, etc. These areas and surfaces will be cleaned with specialized disinfecting cleaners following strict application and drying guidelines. Cleaning frequencies and times may also be adjusted to improve sanitation and accommodate customers' schedules.

UGL Unicco employees will wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and some areas may be closed for disinfecting. Customer employees may be asked to remove personal items so UGL Unicco cleaners can do a more effective job of cleaning work surfaces. Additional procedures have been defined for UGL Unicco's maintenance and other service staff to respond to the pandemic.

"This is the most ambitious cleaning program we have ever instituted," said UGL Unicco Vice President and General Manager Operations David Giamichael. "The updated and revised UGL Unicco Flu Preparedness and Business Continuity Plan supplements our customers' response programs by adding our expertise and efforts to the equation. It builds on our support of customers through natural disasters and our experience last spring helping commercial businesses, governmental agencies and universities respond to local H1N1 outbreaks."

About UGL Unicco

UGL Unicco, a premier provider of outsourced facilities services, is a subsidiary of United Group Limited (ASX: UGL). Based in Boston, UGL Unicco offers facilities maintenance, operations, cleaning, lighting and administrative/office services, as well as plant services in support of industrial operations. The company counts one quarter of the Fortune 100 companies among its portfolio of North American customers and maintains an industry-leading 95% customer retention rate. Its more than 18,000 employees support corporate, multi-tenant, education, retail, government and public venue facilities. The company also offers single-source mobile maintenance and cleaning services for geographically dispersed branch offices. It is committed to green services through its award-winning UGL Unicco Sustainability Services program (www. greenservice. com) that supports sustainability across its service offerings. UGL Unicco's advanced facilities initiatives include the myunicco. com portal, UNI-Q® palmtop inspection system, USafe® health and safety program, eProcurement systems, and a 24x7 national operations center.

UGL Unicco, along with UGL Equis, a commercial real estate firm based in Chicago, is part of UGL Services, a division of UGL that provides Corporate Real Estate and Facility Solutions around the world. For further information about UGL Unicco, call 888-751-9100 or visit www. ugl-unicco. com.

For further information, please contact:

Donna Guadagno - UGL Unicco: 617-559-4194

Sandy McLaughlin - Soucy Communications Group: 781-898-7305


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Webinar Offers Profitability Tips for Professional Service Organizations

Webinar Offers Profitability Tips for Professional Service Organizations

Industry expert Brad Smith to present Keeping Your Hand on the Tiller

Cedar Knolls, NJ (PRWEB) December 2, 2004

Keeping Your Hand on the Tiller, a free webinar led by industry expert Brad Smith, Vice President of Research for Kennedy Information, will be presented on December 7, 2004, from 12:00pm-2:00pm. EST. The presentation will discuss best practices for reporting and managing data, and illustrate how the right technology can make these tasks easier and more relevant to professional service organizations. This event is suitable for someone with responsibility for overall firm performance and management, such as a CFO, Managing Partner, Partner, Director or President. The webinar is co-hosted by Microsoft Business Solutions (MBS) and Altara, a leading MBS partner.

Mr. Smith will be speaking on how professional services firms can achieve profitability without compromising client service. He will demonstrate the value of creating deep visibility into financial performance, and show how to spot key performance indicators in the three critical areas of planning and budgeting, cash flow and profits. Additionally, the webinar will explore critical issues such as:

• What are the key performance indicators that reveal a company's financial health?

• How do operational decisions affect overall financial management strategies?

• What tools are available to assess financial performance with an eye to business growth?

There is no cost to attend the webinar, but advance registration is necessary. Register online at http://www. clicktoattend. com/invitation. aspx? code=100928 (http://www. clicktoattend. com/invitation. aspx? code=100928). Registrants will receive a new white paper report written by Mr. Smith titled “Why Cash is King.”

Brad Smith is the Vice President of Research for Kennedy Information, Inc., a leading information resource for professional services and publisher of seven newsletters, a national magazine and a variety of directories, professional books and in-depth research reports.

About Altara

As a top Microsoft consulting partner, Altara delivers practical, no-nonsense information on the latest advances in project management and accounting solutions that are critical to the success of project oriented companies. Altara is a national company with offices across the US. A Microsoft Gold Certified partner and leading Microsoft Business Solutions reseller, Altara has been successfully implementing financial, accounting and business management software systems for over 10 years, and consistently ranks among the top 1% worldwide of all Microsoft Business Solutions partners. Altara has customers ranging from single person offices to global enterprises with annual revenues in excess of $6 Billion. For more information, visit www. altara. com or call 973-326-9090, ext 782.


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Aspartame Disease as a Presidential Threat, by H. J. Roberts, M. D., FACP, FCCP

Aspartame Disease as a Presidential Threat, by H. J. Roberts, M. D., FACP, FCCP

A leader of the free world is wearing a defibrillator to prevent him from going into cardiac arrest. Someone must get to him because he makes decisions for all of us using a neurotoxic drug, aspartame, that triggers mood swings, confusion, brain fog, memory loss and sudden death.

(PRWEB) January 7, 2005

The subtitle of a 1997 medical report I wrote, "A Presidential Affliction Reconsidered" (Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients May 1997, pp.86-88) has now assumed dramatic relevance in the case of President George W. Bush.

This also applies to my recent text, "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic" (Sunshine Sentinel Press; www. sunsentpress. com). It elaborates on the profound medical and brain ravages of a chemical (aspartame) being consumed by over two-thirds of a weight-conscious population as "diet" sodas and other "diet" products, and the reasons for its striking neurotoxicity. Indeed, my data base of victims so afflicted exceeds 1400!

I submit this bold non-political assertion as a concerned citizen who has become increasingly fearful of our nation's future because of various disconcerting aspects of the President's behavior, decisions and vulnerability to self-serving ideologues. They suggest, in my professional opinion, that he may be suffering from aspartame disease. He is known to consume a popular diet cola to which some allege he is addicted... a condition I have described and elaborated upon in scores of patients.

A number of clinical features that have been documented by other observers are pertinent in this context. They include problems with speech and memory, episodic neurologic symptoms, inflexibility, irritability, and heart rate/rhythm disturbances for which he is apparently wearing a defibrillator (the rectangular box noted under his coat in a presidential debate) -- despite being declared to be "in superb condition."

Hopefully, I am mistaken. But faced with a dense veil of secrecy by White House and political operatiaves, I offer a constructive suggestion as a credentialed and corporate-neutral physician: the President ought to avoid all aspartame products that maya be causing or contributing to his challenged competency...at least on a one-month trial. In the aftermath of ecologic, military and economic decisions that have outraged many nations against the United States, "fiscal madness" that is depleting our wealth and resources, and threats to fundamental programs such as Social Security, I* do not consider this inappropriate or partison nitpicking.

H. J. Roberts, M. D., FACP, FCCP

West Palm Beach, Florida hjrobertsmd@aol. com

Comment From Martini: Dr. Roberts has written six books and scores of papers on Aspartame Disease and testified before Congress. He is a world expert and his 1038 page medical text on Aspartame Disease can be gotten from 1 800 827 7991. His information on Aspartame and Hyperthyroidism is also published in Useful Insights For Diagnosis, Treatment and Public Health.

Dr. Roberts can be seen in the new movie, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World about aspartame. (cori@soundandfuryproductions. com) Washington attorney, James Turner, explains in this movie how Donald Rumsfeld called in his markers to get this toxin approved even though the FDA not only would not approve it, but wanted the original manufacturer, Searle, indicted for fraud. Both US Prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired. Rumsfeld was on President Reagan's transition team and the day after he took office appointed Arthur Hull Hayes as FDA Commissioner to approve it. Reagan knew it would take at least 30 days to get Hayes to the FDA so he wrote an executive order making the current FDA Commissioner powerless. A Board of Inquiry of the finest scientists the FDA dhad said to revoke the petition. Hayes over-ruled the BOI and then went to work for the PR Agency of the manufacturer and has refused to talk to the press ever since. Don't miss this movie.

Contact Information:

Dr. Betty Martini, Founder

Mission Possible International

9290 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

770 242-2599

Www. wnho. net (click on aspartame)

And www. dorway. com


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Real Life Dr. "McDreamys" Reveal Private Lives

Real Life Dr. "McDreamys" Reveal Private Lives

Stem Cell Researchers Hang Up their Lab Coats for Sabrina

Miami Beach, FL (Vocus/PRWEB) December 01, 2010

Twelve renowned research doctors took a day off recently from leading medical breakthroughs in ground-breaking stem cell research to doff their lab coats, don their casual wear, and give Sabrina a sneak peek into their private lives.

As Executive Director and President of a foundation in her name, Sabrina Cohen used all her available powers of persuasion to convince some of America’s top scientists in the field of Regenerative Medicine to swap out their luminous titles for a day in exchange for being a Pin-Up Man of the Month. The result is the 2011 “CELLebrity” Doctors Calendar hitting the market just in time for the New Year and charitable contribution season.

“The calendar not only gives us a great candid shot of these men in their own personal environments doing something they love outside of work,” says Sabrina, “but also gives us a sense of their commitment to this research and changing the way we treat untreatable conditions.”

“Sabrina is a smart, attractive, persuasive, and successful advocate who is passionate about raising money she can put directly into the hands of stem cell researchers”, says Lee Buckler a Foundation supporter and Managing Director of RegenerativeMedicineJobs. com. “These guys just couldn’t say no.”

The 2011 “CELLebrity” Doctors Calendar, now featured by the Geoffrey Beene Foundations’ Rock Stars of Science program, is available online at http://www. CELLebrityDocsCalendar. com. All proceeds from calendar sales benefit the Sabrina Cohen Foundation for Stem Cell Research, a 501c3 non-profit organization directly funding advanced stages of stem cell clinical research.

The ‘CELLebrity’ Doctors

Two of the doctors featured in the calendar have already been grant recipients of research funding raised by the Sabrina Cohen Foundation.

Dr. Hans Keirstead, University of California, Irvine (Mr. October and also gracing the calendar‘s cover), led his team of researchers to successfully develop a human embryonic stem cell derived treatment for acute spinal cord injury in rats, which was given permission earlier this year by the FDA to proceed with human clinical trials for acute spinal cord injury. The trial, currently underway by Geron Corporation, marks the first human embryonic stem cell trial ever approved in the United States.

"It is our goal,” stated Dr. Kierstead, “to develop treatments for spinal cord injury. Treatment after treatment...until wheelchairs are a thing of the past."

Dr. Joshua Hare (Mr. February), of University of Miami’s Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute, recently pioneered a new methodology for the treatment of heart attacks by injecting the patient’s own stem cells into their heart, thereby repairing damaged muscle.

The calendar features stem cell researchers focusing on treating and eradicating heart disease, Parkinson's disease, Amyolotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease), Alzheimer's disease, degenerative eye diseases, Huntington's disease, cancer, spinal cord injuries and diabetes.

Mr. July, Dr. Robert Lanz, CSO of Advanced Cell Technology, just received a green light for FDA approval for what will be the second embryonic stem cell clinical trial in the United States. The trial will treat 12 patients diagnosed with Stargardt’s Macular Dystrophy, an incurable affliction that destroys vision in young children.

Other doctors who donated their time and façade to the cause include: Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute; Dr. Samuel Gandy, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY; Dr. Lorenz Studer, Sloan-Kettering Institute; Dr. Nicholas Maragakis, Johns Hopkins University; Dr. Donald Phinney, Scripps Research Institute; Dr. Clive Svendsen, Cedars-Sinai Regenerative Medicine Institute; Dr. Michael Verneris, University of Minnesota; Dr. Juan Dominguez-Bendala, Diabetes Research Institute and Dr. Gary Hammer, University of Michigan.

The Sabrina Cohen Foundation

The Sabrina Cohen Foundation for Stem Cell Research (SCF) was founded in 2006 by stem cell research advocate and quadriplegic, Sabrina Cohen, with the intent to be a leader in the fight against disease. SCF envisions a world where the devastating impact of illness and disease is significantly reduced with sound, ethical stem cell solutions, allowing individuals and families to live life to the fullest. SCF is managed and operated as an "Organization for Cures" dedicated to funding advanced stages of research that will accelerate the discovery, development and delivery of therapeutics for all diseases that can benefit; including spinal cord injury, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's, cancer and Alzheimer's.

It’s difficult to talk about the Sabrina Cohen Foundation for Stem Cell Research without mentioning the person behind it, Sabrina Cohen. Sabrina is the Executive Director and President of the foundation. She graduated from the University of Miami with a degree in Communications, double majoring in Advertising and Psychology. Sabrina also holds a post-graduate degree in Copywriting from the Miami Ad School. She is a C5 Quadriplegic, as the result of a spinal cord injury from a car accident in 1992. In 2006, she established the Sabrina Cohen Foundation for Stem Cell Research to raise funds for research because she believes stem cell research will lead to the greatest medical advances of our time. Sabrina is a Motivational Speaker & Spokesperson continuously speaking in schools, universities and community centers. She has spoken at scientific conferences around the country, including the "World Stem Cell Summit" at the University of Wisconsin, Harvard University, Stanford University, Baylor College of Medicine at the University of Texas, and at the United Nations. Sabrina believes her wheelchair is her vehicle to promote change in the world.

Sabrina Cohen was recognized by WebMD Magazine as a 2009 "American Health Hero”. Sabrina is currently available for interviews highlighting the 2011 “CELLebrity” Doctors Calendar fundraiser.

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Washington Council for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Awards $570,000 to Community Programs

Washington Council for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Awards $570,000 to Community Programs

The Washington Council for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (WCPCAN) today announced funding awards totaling more than $570,000 to 17 child abuse prevention programs across the state. “These 17 programs selected for funding will offer communities throughout Washington services that research shows work to strengthen family bonds, and assist parents and caregivers in developing positive discipline skills,” says Joan Sharp, Executive Director of WCPCAN.

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) June 3, 2005

The Washington Council for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (WCPCAN) today announced funding awards totaling more than $570,000 to 17 child abuse prevention programs across the state.

“These 17 programs selected for funding will offer communities throughout Washington services that research shows work to strengthen family bonds, and assist parents and caregivers in developing positive discipline skills,” says Joan Sharp, Executive Director of WCPCAN.

The grant awards combine federal and state funds, and are matched by funds provided by local communities.

“These prevention programs create positive change not only in individual families but also in the communities they serve,” Sharp noted. “While they take a variety of approaches to strengthening families and promoting healthy child development, they share success in galvanizing community partners to help meet children’s needs. That’s what community-based child abuse and neglect prevention is all about.”

WCPCAN is the Washington State recipient of federal funds through the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) program. The CBCAP program supports individual state efforts to create and operate statewide networks of community-based, family centered, prevention focused family resource and support programs, which strengthen families and reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect.

Beyond providing funding, WCPCAN also helps programs to measure the impact of the services they are offering and offers other resources aimed at ensuring their long term success.

“Ending child abuse and neglect is a long term proposition,” Sharp says. “We have an investment in these programs being around over the long haul.”

WCPCAN is an office of the Governor established through citizen advocacy in 1982. The programs funded during this grant cycle bring to almost 200 the number funded since that time.

WCPCAN is pleased to recognize the following organizations and projects as recipients of the 2005-2006 grant:

First Year Programs – Grants up to $50,000

Brigid Collins Family Support Center: Integrated Services for Families of Young Children with Developmental Disabilities and Behavioral Emotional Problems 

Http://www. brigidcollins. org (http://www. brigidcollins. org)  

A parent education and home visiting program targeting families with young children with developmental disabilities and behavioral emotional problems. Program participants will receive Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and home visits. PCIT sessions will use a concrete skill-based approach to teach parents and children new and appropriate ways to relate.

Whatcom County

Central WA Comprehensive Mental Health: Strong Families – Familias Fuertes http://www. cwcmh. org/ (http://www. cwcmh. org/)  

Parent education class series for parents and caregivers in early recovery from alcohol or other drugs. Classes focus on empowering families to develop support networks, access community resources and increase healthy interactions with their children. Each 13-session parent education program utilizes the culturally sensitive, interactive curriculum, Strengthening Multiethnic Families and Communities.

Yakima County

ChildrenÂ’s Advocacy Center of Grays Harbor County: Grays Harbor Parent-Child Education Program 

A parent education program providing two class series utilizing the Nurturing Parenting Curriculum for families with children aged birth to five. Project outcomes are to teach parents to respond appropriately to the basic needs of their children and to increase their knowledge of the usual steps in their childÂ’s development and how to recognize special needs.

Grays Harbor County

South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency (SPIPA): Intertribal Positive Indian Parenting Program 

Http://www. spipa. org (http://www. spipa. org)  

Program will provide Positive Indian Parenting to Native American parents from the five tribes served by the SPIPA consortium. Class sessions include elements addressing substance abuse, child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. Sessions will be offered to each of the five tribes where traditional Native American child rearing practices are introduced as a means to help todayÂ’s Native American parents approach their children in a positive and culturally knowledgeable manner. Mason, Thurston, Lewis, Kitsap, Grays Harbor Counties

Thurston County Public Health and Social Services: Nurse-Family Partnership Home Visiting http://www. co. thurston. wa. us/health/welcome. html (http://www. co. thurston. wa. us/health/welcome. html)  

This home visiting program serves low-income, young first time mothers beginning mid-pregnancy and continuing through babyÂ’s second birthday. Nurse home visitors, sometimes with a social worker, will make 50 visits between 60 and 90 minutes during they two and a half years a typical family is enrolled. The curriculum covered includes personal health, environmental health, quality care giving, maternal life development and family support. Thurston County

Young Children and Family Programs of the Palouse (YCFP): Home Based Parent Education http://www. ycfprograms. org/ (http://www. ycfprograms. org/)  

Program provides on-going home visiting services to families with young children on a weekly to monthly basis depending on family need and interest. Two formats of service provision: Parents As Teachers (PAT) and High Risk Parent Education (HRPE) will serve families. The goal of this program is to increase parental knowledge of child developmental and non-punitive discipline and guidance skills.

Whitman County

Second Year Programs – Grants up to $35,000

Abused Deaf WomenÂ’s Advocacy Services: Positive Parenting Program

Web: http://www. adwas. org/ (http://www. adwas. org/)  

Program will provide four parenting class series, eight workshops on parenting topics, and one-on-one mentoring to deaf parents with children aged birth to five and older. Program is targeted to increase parentsÂ’ responsive social support network.

King, Pierce, Snohomish Counties

Child Care Action Council: A Continuum of Family Support to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect in Ethnic Communities 

Http://www. ccacwa. org/ (http://www. ccacwa. org/)

Program will work with communities of color and faith-based organizations to build a continuum of support to prevent child abuse and neglect among ethnic minority families and families in crisis in Thurston County. The program will make use of emergency child care for families in crisis, parent education and support, home visitation and leadership training with the support of community partners and volunteers.

Thurston County

Martin Luther King Jr. Family Outreach Center: Welcome to the Circle 

Project will design and develop an innovative, culturally sensitive, child abuse and neglect prevention program to educate parents and adolescents on the importance of attachment, reduce their anxiety about seeking intervention, introduce techniques to increase attachment security through family sessions, and provide a culturally appropriate modification of the Circle of Security protocol. Brief four-six session groups will provide experiential video-based education to low-income families at the MLKJ Center and to teenagers using the YFA Connections Crisis Residential Center.

Spokane County

Parent Trust for WA Children: Strengthening Fragile Families Initiative http://www. parenttrust. org/ (http://www. parenttrust. org/)

This program will utilize home visiting services and ongoing parent support to serve Spanish-speaking Latino families and fathers in Yakima County. This initiative combines three programs designed to increase non-punitive discipline and guidance skills: Intensive Parent Training and Support (ITPS), the Support Group Network and the Family Help Line.

Yakima County

Wonderland Developmental Center: Strong Parents – Strong Families

Http://www. wdcbirthtothree. org/ (http://www. wdcbirthtothree. org/)

An education and support program for families with children aged birth-to-three with disabilities. The program will provide bi-weekly parent-education support groups to increase familiesÂ’ ability to nurture and attach utilizing the Promoting First Relationships curriculum. Parents will learn about their childÂ’s development and needs, positive discipline, communication skills and gain knowledge of resources. Methods include group instruction and discussion, peer parent support, individual parent coaching, videotaping, resource referrals and home visits.

King County

Third Year Programs – Grants up to $20,000

ChildrenÂ’s Home Society of Washington, Northwest Region: The Fathering Project 

Http://www. chs-wa. org/2_northwest. htm (http://www. chs-wa. org/2_northwest. htm)

The Fathering Project is a model for father involvement in the center and home based services and family support services of the agency. The program works toward the goal of increasing fathers’ nurturing and attachment behaviors. Employing a model termed “One on One” each staff member develops specifically tailored engagement methods, information and supports designed and implemented to meet the unique needs of men as parents.

King County

ChildrenÂ’s Home Society of Washington, Southeast Region: Parent Aide Program http://www. chs-wa. org/2_southeast. htm (http://www. chs-wa. org/2_southeast. htm)  

The Parent-Aide Program is a volunteer parent mentoring program targeting low-income and Hispanic families at high risk of child abuse and neglect in Walla Walla. The long-term outcome is to increase responsive social networks for families. Volunteers provide weekly mentoring support through home visiting services for 30 families including approximately 60 children.

Walla Walla County

Friends of Youth: The PAT (Parents as Teachers) Healthy Start Project

Http://www. friendsofyouth. org/ (http://www. friendsofyouth. org/)  

PAT is an empirically founded best practice approach specifically designed to strengthen the social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, and brain development of the children of young families. Enhanced Healthy Start provides home visiting services utilizing the PAT Born to Learn curriculum to parents age 22 or younger who are parenting their first newborn. Services continue to age three of the child.

King County

Kindering Center/WA State Fathers Network (WSFN): Strengthening Families through Enhanced Father Involvement Project 

Http://www. fathersnetwork. org (http://www. fathersnetwork. org)  

This project will serve fathers, significant male figures and families raising children with developmental disabilities or long-term health care needs. Project outcomes are to increase the responsive social support network to underserved populations and to increase stress management skills for fathers of children with special needs. Fathers programs will be established in Inner-city Seattle, Wenatchee, Moses Lake/Othello/Colfax/Pullman, Bellingham, Grays Harbor Co. and Tri-Cities

King County

Mary Bridge ChildrenÂ’s Hospital & Health Center: Parenting Partnership Program 

Http://www. multicare. org/ (http://www. multicare. org/)

An abuse prevention program designed to meet the unique needs of medically fragile neonates living in socially disenfranchised households. Through three years of weekly home visits, videotaped parent/child interactions and monthly group sessions, parents learn how to provide the consistent, predictable care medically fragile infants require.

Pierce County

Refugee WomenÂ’s Alliance (ReWA): Multicultural Refugee & Immigrant Family Project http://www. rewa. org/ (http://www. rewa. org/)  

Project will serve multiethnic, low income refugee and immigrant parents and their children with services focusing on an assets-based approach to provide culturally and linguistically accessible information about non-punitive disciplinary methods, the U. S. education system and community resources. Three six-week workshops will be offered as well as home visits to high-need parents.

King County


The Washington Council for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (WCPCAN) was established in 1982 by the Washington State Legislature to serve as a resource to the state of Washington on child abuse and neglect prevention. Its mission is to provide leadership to and a statewide focus on the prevention of child abuse and neglect, and to encourage and support effective community prevention efforts. Prevention programs funded by WCPCAN provide parenting and life skills classes, support groups, services for families with children who have special needs, crisis nursery care, home visitation and referral to community resources. Additional support for these programs is provided through sales of the Washington State Heirloom Birth Certificate, an official birth document signed by the Governor and State Registrar and issued through the Department of Health. More than half of the purchase price benefits the community-based programs that help to prevent child abuse and neglect in Washington. More information about WCPCAN is available at www. wcpcan. wa. gov.

WCPCAN-funded programs are located in and will serve the following counties: Grays Harbor, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, Snohomish, Spokane, Thurston, Walla Walla, Whatcom, Whitman, and Yakima.

A full listing of programs and activities will be available at http://www. wcpcan. wa. gov (http://www. wcpcan. wa. gov).

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