Richard Maize: US Recession, Housing, Real Estate Crisis - Why Are Banks Criticized?

Richard Maize: US Recession, Housing, Real Estate Crisis - Why Are Banks Criticized?

Richard Maize advises consumers in confronting the recession to take responsibility for their actions and to stop blaming the banks. "US banks are only guilty of one thing," says Maize. "Helping Americans to realize their dreams and achieving a better quality of life."

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 30, 2010

Responding to the fact that more Americans face losing their homes to foreclosure, Richard Maize, one of the world's most successful businessmen and a respected philanthropist speaks up in defense of the banks.

"About 2.6 million homes have been repossessed by the banks since the recession began. Between January and September more than 800,000 homes were seized," says Maize.

"According to CBS News, if this pace continues, more than 1,000,000 homes throughout the US will be repossessed this year," a sad record states Maize. But then asks: "who's to blame?"

"Mr. Taylor has a nice family," says Richard Maize.

"He has a wife of 15 years and 3 kids all of school age. In 2006, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had found the house of their dreams within the area and approximate price rage they were looking for. This could have been anywhere from Los Angeles, Chicago or New York to Detroit, Houston or Atlanta."

"They consulted with a mortgage broker that the real estate agent recommended to them. A mortgage broker who was very competent with many years of experience. He went over the available programs that the lenders offered. Very attractive to the borrower. Mrs. Taylor really wanted the house for her kids and would enjoy the great school system for the neighborhood. Mr. Taylor was willing to work the grave shift on a few days a week to continue their life style and pay for this new higher expense."

Richard Maize, who became the leading mortgage banker in the US, continues: "The Taylors, like millions of other families in America, borrowed the 10% down payment and got into the house of their dreams. Both the mortgage broker and real estate agent reassured Mr. Taylor reminding him that the real estate market is hot and will most likely continue increasing so that not only will they be living in their dream house but will be accumulating additional wealth as well. The Taylors purchased the house and were elated. They were so grateful, they sent fresh baked cookies to the lender and all of the brokers that were involved."

"Let's zero in on what the bank did so far; they helped the Taylors get into the house they desperately wanted," says Maize. "The kids got into the fine school system and the Taylors met a group of new friends from the neighborhood. The bank did exactly was asked of them. The Bank loaned the Taylors the money to buy their house."

"The only thing they did they perhaps should not have done is offer borrowers like the Taylors with good credit a loan whereby if they didn't offer a "no income qualifying" loan, their income would likely not qualify the Taylors to purchase the home. Is this act really predatory lending?"

Richard Maize says: "Now let's go fast forward".

"The economy crashes affecting almost every industry from automotive, real estate and food to travel, steel and construction. Mr. Taylor loses his second employment position which makes this very difficult for him to continue their obligation to the bank to make their home mortgage payments. On top of that, the value of the real estate property is now lower than the loan balance."

"What do the Taylors do now?" asks Maize. "They have a tremendous amount of pressure. They go to a lawyer who calls "bloody murder" of either a technical issue with the loan documents or that the bank had no business loaning money to borrowers who really did not have the means to make the payments for a long period of time and the lenders should take the majority of the downfall because they in fact made this bank real estate loan."

"The lender will now either discount the amount owed and take a sizable loss or have to take back their collateral in a foreclosure sale which now is being halted by the government so that the banks will take bigger losses by not converting their bad paper into a saleable asset."

Richard Maize adds: "Was this really a high risk investment for the lender that was making a low risk return of about 5%? The banks, from Bank of America Corp. J. P. Morgan Chase & Company and Citigroup to Wachovia Corp., Wells Fargo & Company and HSBC North America Inc. were and are being blamed for simply doing what was asked of them by US consumers and the real estate community as a whole.'

In conclusion, Maize reflects on what the banks should have avoided.

Maize says: "Not to have allowed borrowers to buy a house with no money down, not to have permitted the borrower to borrow money without being qualified, the banks should have worked with people as if they are living and breathing rather than as a number in order to meet the numbers for the month. This transaction is likely the biggest and most of their lives. and they should have helped the prospective borrower by using the bankers (or mortgage broker's) expertise and guidance as to what they can afford and what type of program would best suit them."

Richard Maize states what borrowers need to do.

"Take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming the banks. US banks are only guilty of one thing - helping Americans to realize their dreams and achieving a better quality of life."

Richard Maize adds: "The banks shouldn't be blamed for the foreclosures. At the same time I am not suggesting that the banks callously turn their backs on the homeowners who really want to keep their homes. These are good people, honest hard working borrowers that are also victims of the economic crash. The banks and the borrowers are both victims and should try to help one another other. The banks could help the borrower by providing relief in the payments and the borrowers could help the banks by paying the loan back at an agreed and reasonable date."

The Rochelle and Richard Maize Foundation is a philanthropic organization that supports and contributes volunteer and financial resources to causes locally in the community and worldwide by supporting meaningful programs focusing on art, culture, family services and health care that work to help people live more fulfilling lives.

Richard Maize has generously supported organizations and causes both locally and worldwide including the American Cancer Society, Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services, Hurricane Katrina, Los Angeles Police Foundation, humanitarian causes in Israel and Haiti, and the Cedars Sinai Board of Governors.

Richard Maize and his wife, Rochelle Maize, are longtime benefactors of the American Cancer Society, among many other organizations, and Richard Maize has been recognized for his efforts on behalf of more than a dozen charitable groups and community projects.

The Rochelle and Richard Maize Foundation supports an extraordinary number of foundations, organizations, and non-profit groups. The Rochelle and Richard Maize Foundation is a philanthropic organization that supports and contributes volunteer and financial resources to community and global causes by supporting programs focusing on art, culture, family services, and healthcare. The Rochelle and Richard Maize Foundation's efforts also help people with cancer and those who care for them lead live more fulfilling lives.

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StollerUSA's Bio-Forge Received Green Excellence Award from Frost & Sullivan

StollerUSA's Bio-Forge Received Green Excellence Award from Frost & Sullivan

StollerUSA's Bio-Forge® has been awarded the Frost & Sullivan, North America Agricultural Sciences Green Excellence of the Year Award. The Frost & Sullivan award is presented annually to the company that demonstrates excellence in product advancement and technologies within their industry. An antioxidant with growth-enhancing co-factors, Bio-Forge works with the plant's natural ability to overcome toxins and increase resistance to insects and diseases. It is a groundbreaking technology that has been proven through university studies to significantly increase the yields of food, feed and biofuel producing crops by helping plants overcome stresses and return to normal activity. Bio-Forge makes crops and plants stronger and better able to live through a number of stressful conditions including weather extremes, poor soil, high plant populations, disease, insect damage and herbicide drift. For more information on StollerUSA and Bio-Forge, visit www. StollerUSA. com.

Houston, TX (PRWEB) July 1, 2008

StollerUSA's Bio-Forge has been awarded the Frost & Sullivan, North America Agricultural Sciences Green Excellence of the Year Award. The Frost & Sullivan award is presented annually to the company that demonstrates excellence in product advancement and technologies within their industry.

"We are honored that Frost & Sullivan has acknowledged and awarded Bio-Forge," said Jerry Stoller (http://www. stollerusa. com/aboutUs. html), president of StollerUSA. "Bio-Forge is one of many products in our Crop Health Therapy (http://www. stollerusa. com/mediaCenter/11-04.html) line that is having great success with repairing damaged plants and crops throughout the country. As the environment and economy becomes less stable, Bio-Forge will become key to maintaining crop growth and lowering costs. "

StollerUSA's Bio-Forge is an antioxidant with growth-enhancing co-factors that works with the plant's natural ability to overcome toxins and increase resistance to insects and diseases. It is a groundbreaking technology that has been proven through university studies to significantly increase the yields of food, feed and biofuel producing crops by helping plants overcome stresses and return to normal activity. Bio-Forge makes crops and plants stronger and better able to live through a number of stressful conditions including weather extremes, poor soil, high plant populations, disease, insect damage and herbicide drift.

Frost & Sullivan undergoes a strict and thorough analysis of the companies chosen to receive the Green Excellence Award. First, a pool of products is extensively researched and then the products are compared against particular criteria.

The background research for the products consists of a team of analysts who track new product launches, product spending, development and features. The information is collected in detailed interviews, meticulous secondary research and technology research. Lastly, all products are then compared by their level of innovation and customer satisfaction.

After the products have been researched they are measured against five specific criteria. The criteria range from the significance of the product to the value added services the product provides. The product that meets one or more of the criteria is awarded.

"Bio-Forge has proven it has a sustainable competitive advantage," said Miriam Nagel, research analysts at Frost & Sullivan. "Crop yields can be increased and also can be made more secure with Bio-Forge in spite of extremes of climate that are occurring with Global Warming issues."

StollerUSA's Bio-Forge also has been declared a winner in numerous university studies. While various crops benefit from Bio-Forge, the University of Illinois found a 6.8-bushel-per-acre yield increase in soybeans in one test field where Bio-Forge was sprayed. When applied with drip irrigation, a Texas A&M plot showed an increase of 27.3 bushels per acre. A corn test conducted by North Carolina State University showed a 32-bushel-per-acre yield increase when Bio-Forge was applied. And for cotton growers, a University of Arkansas test revealed an increase of 233 pounds of lint per acre with a sprayed application of Bio-Forge. With drip irrigation, Texas A&M researchers found yield increases of as much as 444 pounds per acre.

In agribusiness for more than 40 years, StollerUSA markets a full line of products to help farmers increase crop yield and quality. StollerUSA, headquartered in Houston, is actively researching and developing micronutrients and other products in more than 50 countries.

For more information on Frost & Sullivan's Best Practices Award program, visit www. awards. frost. com.


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New Audio Program Offers Help to Victims of Unemployment

New Audio Program Offers Help to Victims of Unemployment

As each day brings news of further redundancies and lay-offs across the country many thousands of people are for the first time facing not only the serious financial implications of becoming jobless but the devastating emotional impact too. Many will feel confused and depressed, and struggle to pick up the pieces and move on quickly in a positive way.

Cheshire, England (PRWEB) April 22, 2009

Now a ground-breaking and new self-help program has been developed especially to help those who have either lost their jobs or who are facing imminent redundancy. Called 'Laid Off, Move On' the program has being launched by Healthy Audio (www. healthyaudio. com), a specialist hypnotherapy company based in Warrington, Cheshire, England.

The programme has been developed by Michael Mahoney, a professional clinical hypnotherapist and the managing director of Healthy Audio, based at the Guardian medical centre in the town. Mahoney is internationally respected for his leading work with irritable bowel syndrome victims through his IBS Audio Program 100, as well as additional therapeutic programmes for many other health and related conditions such as breast cancer.

Over 17 months in development 'Laid Off, Move On' is an audio program which uses professional therapy processes and guided visual imagery to assist individuals in coping with the emotional impact of losing a job. The program sessions are especially effective for intense feelings of panic and hopelessness because the listener does not have to actively "think" through their problems. This treatment method automatically aims to provide the needed guidance and emotional balance for the listener to move on with their life.

Few people immediately realise when someone's inner resources collapse the energies needed to cope to develop new skills or to look for employment may become so compromised that physical illness can set in.

It is highly unlikely that a person in need of emotional therapy because of unemployment is going to go out and get that therapy. With traditional treatment fees upwards of £60+ ($90+) per session most people won't even bother. This readily available CD or MP3 download program however brings invaluable help to just these people most in need.

The Laid Off, Move On program is being offered at the competitive price of just £38.75 ($56.20 approx) and comprises six therapy sessions based on techniques which have been successfully used in the clinical setting with Mahoney's private patients. There is also a bonus ambient music track for self relaxation. Available as an MP3 download or on CDs (including a listening schedule) this program is both comprehensive and cost-effective.

Confidence and self esteem are often the first casualties of joblessness, along with changes in mood, which often result in anger, blame, guilt and many other damaging emotions. Weepiness, panic, despair and other emotions are also common and must be dealt with before the individual can effectively move on.

"Several things are important," explains Mahoney, "firstly, an obvious thing, but one that is worth repeating, is the fact that it is the job which no longer exists, not the individuals abilities. They still have their skills, knowledge, experience and much more, which they can offer to their loved ones and future employers. Secondly, understanding the emotions which joblessness brings is important. If we are aware of the emotions we should expect during these times and understand how the mind and body connection works, we can learn to use them in a positive way. Each thought creates a physical and emotional response; we can learn to understand and control these thoughts, and allow them to work for us."

Mahoney points out, "All this is needed if the individual is to recover more quickly, and to become really focused on job search, thereby helping themselves contribute to their own healing and future prospects. This in turn can result in a new employee being a much more balanced individual, emotionally and physically, for the new employer to hire, leading to cost savings in the induction stages of the new employment."

In addition, Mahoney adds that, "This new audio recording has been given a 'Gateway Product' status." Upon purchase, further deep discounts which are not publicly available directly through the HealthyAudio. com website will be given on three other programs designed to address these especially related areas: Confidence & Self Esteem, Emotional Renewal 110, and also the Anxiety Audio Program 120.

For 10 years Mahoney has been quietly supporting those with medical, developmental, emotional and other conditions through his recordings, and has given hands-on support through his practice since 1986.

For further details of the Laid Off, Move On programme or to place an order visit the company's website at www. healthyaudio. com).

About Healthy Audio Limited:

Healthy Audio Limited has a strong background in producing self help audio programs. Starting in 1998 with the release of the highly acclaimed IBS Audio Program 100 developed specifically for sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome a common digestive disorder affecting one in four of the population. Managing Director Michael Mahoney has been in practice since 1986, and is based at Guardian Medical Centre, Warrington, Cheshire England.

Healthy Audio Limited now have 17 self help / self development audio programs covering a diverse range of conditions. Michael has received Three Innovation and Research Awards for his work, in IBS and Emotional Recovery After Breast Cancer.

For more than 10 years Healthy Audio Limited have bene helping people in distress.


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ColorAlchemy Hosts YouTube Mini-workshop Video About How Light and the Color Green Instantly Helps Balance Mind, Body, and Spirit

ColorAlchemy Hosts YouTube Mini-workshop Video About How Light and the Color Green Instantly Helps Balance Mind, Body, and Spirit

YouTube video explains the science of how each color of the rainbow has life-enhancing benefits. Green is featured as the color to deepen love and help people achieve mental, physical, and spiritual balance.

Lanham, MD (Vocus) August 28, 2009

ColorAlchemy hosts YouTube mini-workshop video about how light and the color green instantly helps balance mind, body, and spirit. Rooted in Newtonian and quantum science, ancient spiritual and healing traditions, and clinical studies, color therapy provides time-tested results for mind, body, and spirit wellness (http://www. pr-promopro. com/Media/Ideas/spirit. php). The award-winning book ColorAlchemy (http://www. coloralchemy. com/), by Jami Lin teaches people how to harness a daily color to make improvements in their lives.

"Green increases joy and trust for deeper heart-filled relationships."

"Following the sequence and simplicity of a rainbow, linking the essential, seven attributes of all human need and desire is as easy as remembering the days of the week." "No professional color therapy (http://www. coloralchemy. com/) required, just simple-to-incorporate habits. By merely thinking about the color of day and its respective attributes, the ultimate goal becomes automatic. The mind instantly calls upon the color attribute that is needed, and with its conditioned benefits, favorably shifts any circumstance."

Practicing is ColorAlchemy is easy; integrate color in the conscious mind by strengthening red attributes such as vitality on Monday. Tuesday, creatively incorporate more orange for pleasure. Command yellow on Wednesday for confidence. Trust green on Thursday for deepening love. Focus on blue on Friday for clarity. Connect with indigo on Saturday for awaking intuition and find inner peace with violet on Sunday for spiritual connection. "Automatically, the 7 Days and 7 Colors easily convert into 7 Triumphs."

Green represents the heart chakra, which as its name suggests, is located around the heart. Associated body parts include the spinal column, chest, heart, upper back, skin, circulatory system, arms, hands, and thymus gland.

When green color is out of balance, so is life in general. The balance between give and take in relationships is out of proportion, as the person forgets to love herself. She may be incapable of truly both giving and receiving love. Other signs of a lack of green color are possessiveness, neediness, and anxiety. She may be self-sacrificing and have a tendency to portray herself as a martyr. She may also display a lack of emotion, and become obsessed with material possessions.

Physical manifestations of an imbalance in the heart chakra include cardiovascular problems, including heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, and breast cancer. Common physical addictions are to nicotine and marijuana.

Green is the unifying color as it balances both lower and upper chakras as well as all body function. When the heart chakra is open, one is able to self-heal as well as being a healer to others. Green color brings about feelings of caring, love, trust, compassion, forgiveness, balance, and harmony.

Relief can be brought to these areas by breathing in the color green. With eyes closed, meditate for two minutes on the color green, or on green objects, while taking deep breaths. Envision a healing green ray of light entering your body. Activate the power of green by breathing in violet and breathing out green.

Use healing hands to touch affected parts of the body while focusing on that green color and practicing color breathing.

Surround in the power of green by wearing green clothing, adding a green pillow or throw, changing a cell phone background or computer screen saver, or using green dishes at meals and snacks. Store vitamins or pills in green containers.

Excessive green brings about the jealousy and anger of a martyr complex. It can also cause circulatory problems. An emotional roller coaster can take over, causing the person to focus on taking love and affection without returning the compassionate favor. Blue is the complimentary color for an overabundance for green. Inhale the blue and exhale the excess green.

People healthy in the heart chakra tend to have balanced energy and profound sense of calm. As green is also the color of nature, people will also experience growth and regeneration.

For more mind, body, and spirit benefits with color, visit Jami Lin (http://www. jamilin. com/) at ColorAlchemy. com (http://www. coloralchemy. com/).

About us

Jami Lin's (JamiLin. com) new, award-winning ColorAlchemy book (ColorAlchemy. com) is heralded as "advanced thinking for infinite possibilities." She is a 30-year veteran of interior design using home as a tool for emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Her expertise evolved into Feng Shui (http://www. feng-shui-interior-design. com/) (Feng-Shui-Interior-Design. com), international recognition as a master with six best-selling books, an online home-study certification program, and PBS-TV pilot. Color is her trademark.

Jami's media section (http://www. jamilin. com/media/index. php) provides the press with valuable, tailor-made content using color therapy, Feng Shui, design, and youth-enhancing wellness in: Lifestyle/General Interest, Family/Children, Business Success, Home/Garden, Health: Body, Mind, Energy Medicine, Youth-Enhancing Secrets, and Human Spirit/Awareness.

Jami Lin is available for interviews.

Photographs available on request.

Media contact:

Joy Starr


ColorAlchemy. com

Written by:  

Andrea Coventry 


Montessoriwriter. today. com/where-to-read-me


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Drugs4Real Featured In National Town Meeting Program

Drugs4Real Featured In National Town Meeting Program

Online prevention program highlighted in SAMHSA sponsored event.

Inflexxion, Newton, MA (PRWEB) April 17, 2008

Drugs4Real, a free online prevention and education program, was highlighted at an April 2nd town-hall meeting co-sponsored by the federal government and Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (CMCA) in Plymouth, MA. Drugs4Real. com teaches early adolescents about the influence of alcohol and other drugs and strengthens their commitment to avoid taking these substances. This meeting was a part of a nationwide series of town hall meetings focused on the problem of underage drinking and was broadcast live on WATD-FM 95.9.

The first town hall meeting in this series was held on March 24 in Riverton, Wyoming, and was attended by acting U. S. Surgeon General Steven K. Galson, Wyoming's first lady Nancy Freudenthal, and U. S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo). This series of meetings is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Federal Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking, and state and local leaders.

The April 2nd meeting entitled, "Addressing Underage Drinking in America's Hometown" featured a tour of the Drugs4Real online program as well as a presentation on the efficacy of the program. Other speakers included: Captain Botieri of the Plymouth Police, K. Megan Skelding, M. A., clinical director of High Point, a mental health and substance abuse center, and Jennifer Pinto, director of the Plymouth Youth Development Collaborative.

"Participants at Plymouth's Town Hall Meeting gained new knowledge and skills on how to prevent and respond to underage drinking. The Drugs4Real. com presentation and K. Megan Skelding's speech sparked positive feedback from the audience. The forum was truly successful in starting a community-wide dialogue about the issues of underage drinking in Plymouth," said Linda Rudnick, Community Organizer, CMCA Plymouth.

Developed with grant funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the Drugs4Real program covers four main content areas: drug basics, tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana. A fifth area, Media Watch, focuses on building media literacy and adolescents' awareness of the messages advertisers use to influence attitudes and perceptions about drugs. Drugs4Real was developed and tested by a team of research scientists, graphic designers, and interactive developers. More information can be obtained by contacting sschott @ inflexxion. com.

More information about the town hall meetings -- which will be held in all 50 states -- can be found online at www. stopalcoholabuse. gov or by calling 1-877-SAMHSA7.

About Inflexxion, Inc.

Inflexxion® Inc., (www. inflexxion. com), founded in 1989, creates behavioral health solutions for prevention, education, and disease management using engaging interactive technologies. Inflexxion develops clinically tested programs for health issues such as substance abuse and addiction, student health, pain management, and others. These innovative programs help health professionals and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies deliver quality care to diverse populations. Inflexxion is based in Newton, MA.


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SlideShare and HD Online Meeting Provider Fuze Meeting Launch "Tell A Story" with $5,000 Grand Prize

SlideShare and HD Online Meeting Provider Fuze Meeting Launch "Tell A Story" with $5,000 Grand Prize

Winners will be selected by online celebrities Pete Cashmore, Ann Handley, Tony Hseih, Om Malik, and Don Tapscott

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) May 27, 2009

SlideShare. net, the world's largest community for sharing presentations, today launched The Tell A Story contest (http://www. slideshare. net/contest/fuze-tell-a-story-contest) sponsored by Fuze Meeting. The contest boasts a Grand Prize of $5,000 and an impressive panel of judges that include business leaders, journalists, and social media celebrities.

The Tell a Story Contest challenges everyone who creates presentations to tell a story about any topic they choose, in 30 slides or less. The Grand Prize is $5000. Additionally, there are four prizes for Best Design, Best Story Telling Ability, Most Popular, and Best Use of MultiMedia.

To participate in the challenge, contestants can upload their presentation files to SlideShare. net, and people from across the world will vote for their favorites. Judges will choose the winners from among the top voted presentations. Contest entries can be uploaded until June 15th, 2009, and results will be announced on June 23rd, 2009. Judges include:

Don Tapscott: Don Tapscott is the author or co-author of 13 widely read books, including Wikinomics, the best selling management book in the United States in 2007. Pete Cashmore: Pete Cashmore is CEO of Mashable, Pete was selected as a Top 25 Forbes Web Celeb in 2007, while Mashable was chosen as a must-read site by both Fast Company and PC Magazine. Tony Hseih: Tony is the CEO of Zappos and has grown gross merchandise sales from $1.6M in 2000 to over $1 billion in 2008 by focusing relentlessly on customer service. Ann Handley: Ann Handley is the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs and the MarketingProfs Daily Fix. Om Malik: Om Malik is Founder and Senior Writer of gigaom. com. He has more than 15 years of experience as a journalist covering technology and business news including critical roles at Red Herring, Forbes. com, and Business 2.0. SlideShare contests have received thousands of entries and voters from previous contests that included judges such as Guy Kawasaki and Nancy Duarte.

This "Tell A Story" contest invites entries from all content categories on SlideShare including Business, Design, Tech, Education, Health, Entertainment, and more. The focus is on storytelling whether it's a story about your life experiences, something you love, or the story of your brand or product.

"We are excited to launch this contest and love giving the SlideShare community a new platform to express themselves in all categories. We will anxiously await the variety of entries and votes we anticipate receiving," said Rashmi Sinha, CEO, SlideShare.

"The Fuze Meeting team is delighted to be a part of this fun contest. Our users tend to communicate visually thanks to our HD online meeting features and we look forward to watching people get creative with this topic," said Patrick Moran, VP Marketing, Fuze Meeting.

About Slideshare

SlideShare is a business media site for sharing presentations, documents and pdfs. Individuals & organizations upload presentations and documents to SlideShare to share ideas, connect with others, and generate leads for their businesses. Anyone can find presentations on topics that interest them. They can also download, or embed presentations into their own blogs & websites.

Www. SlideShare. net

Www. FuzeMeeting. com


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Making 2008 Money Resolutions? John Amorison, Esq., an Attorney Specializing in Credit Repair Knows What The #1 and #2 Resolutions Should Be

Making 2008 Money Resolutions? John Amorison, Esq., an Attorney Specializing in Credit Repair Knows What The #1 and #2 Resolutions Should Be

With the New Year approaching, almost everyone is making health and wealth resolutions and promises about how this year will be better than the last, especially with everyone being concerned about the state of the economy. John Amorison, Esq., a Woodbury, New Jersey attorney knows what your number one and number two financial resolutions should be in 2009.

Woodbridge, NJ (PRWEB) January 5, 2009

With the New Year approaching, almost everyone is making health and wealth resolutions and promises about how this year will be better than the last, especially with everyone being concerned about the state of the economy.. John Amorison, Esq., a Woodbury, New Jersey attorney knows what your number one and number two financial resolutions should be in 2009.

Resolution #1: Get Credit Repair Obsessed."

Resolution #2: Consider mortgage modification.

Resolution #1: Get Credit Repair Obsessed: "By doing so, it can actually save a lot of money on monthly credit card payments, loans and more," says John Amorison, who has been interviewed by noted financial columnist Liz Pulliam Weston, been a guest on WDEL's Delaware Stories and EverydayWealth Radio - and in a story on www. bankrate. com.

Each year, obtain a free copy of the credit report. Amorison then helps consumers to repair credit problems. He knows that most consumers don't even realize that negative items on credit reports can be removed after six years. "By simply removing these old items, it will raise the credit score substantially, thereby lowering rates and payment amounts," says Amorison. Plus, by having a high credit score it provides the consumer with options as well as a sense of pride. So there are more good reasons to focus on repairing credit.

John Amorison, Esq., can help to remove outdated issues and mistakes from credit reports and explains to clients what this means to their credit score, interest rates on maturing ARM loans and home equity lines of credit. Fixing credit in a short period of time is very doable. Unfortunately, most consumers simply don't have the time to deal with creditors, writing letters and trying to get a credit report fixed. Attorneys that specialize in credit repair CAN help to do all of the legwork. After obtaining a copy of a credit report and reviewing the credit score and mistakes.

Resolution #2: Consider mortgage modification: If you have a high-interest adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) and are getting close to defaulting on your mortgage, Amorison urges you to consider "mortgage modification." Believe it or not, your bank doesn't want you to foreclose, so contact an attorney, like Amorison, who specializes in mortgage modification. By working with an attorney who specializes in this field, you can work out a payment plan arrangement with your bank and help to save your home!

Amorison says to contact an attorney like him who specializes in credit repair and mortgage modification. Save your home and watch your credit score improve.

John has been interviewed with MSNMoney, Bankrate. com, and is a contributor to Geezeo. com. John is booking a January press tour Now. For more information on John, visit his website at http://www. amorisonlaw. com/ (http://www. amorisonlaw. com/).


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InBoxer Announces SMB Reseller Package For Email Archiving, Discovery, Compliance, and Email Notification

InBoxer Announces SMB Reseller Package For Email Archiving, Discovery, Compliance, and Email Notification

VARs and System Integrators Can Design the Exact System They Need to Support Customer Requirements.

Concord, Mass. (PRWEB) May 21, 2007

InBoxer, Inc. announced today that resellers, systems integrators, and OEMs for messaging and security products can deploy exactly the systems they need for email archiving, data leak detection, compliance, and the electronic discovery requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The InBoxer Anti-Risk Virtual Appliance offers all of the industry-leading features and capabilities of the InBoxer Anti-Risk Appliance in an easily customizable package.

Unlike most competitive products which come as a hardware/software bundle, the InBoxer Anti-Risk Virtual Appliance enables resellers to add value by building exactly the customer configurations they need. Some of the benefits include the following:

Resellers can design and support a hardware configuration using the vendors they trust and the products they know. Resellers can keep the hardware margin without sharing it with InBoxer. Their hardware purchases will help meet their revenue commitments and volume discount goals with existing hardware vendors. Resellers can sell additional storage components to meet the customer needs.

Other channel customization opportunities come from installation, tuning the sensitivity of the system, and adding business specific information, such as customer names and lists of confidential documents.

"Our clients are impressed with the InBoxer Anti-Risk Virtual Appliance as soon as they see it demonstrated. It offers industry-leading capabilities that enable our clients to quickly respond to legal requests and to find email messages that other systems miss. As a virtual appliance, NetTeks can create custom solutions that solve critical business issues for our clients using the hardware vendors and storage systems we know and support," said Ethan Simmons, co-founder of Boston-based IT solutions provider and InBoxer reseller, NetTeks Technology Consultants Inc.

InBoxer's reseller program offers three tiers of participation - Referral, Gold and Platinum - for value-added resellers, systems integrators, and OEMs. Resellers help clients with email archiving and retention, legal discovery, compliance, and policy management notifications. Each InBoxer Anti-Risk Virtual Appliance can handle between 1 and 5000 email users.

The InBoxer Anti-Risk Virtual Appliance requires the free EMC VMWare Server, VMware ESX Server, or Microsoft Virtual PC on a recent model Linux or Windows system. Email from Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Notes / Domino, Kerio, and other email systems are automatically copied and stored in their original format. InBoxer never alters the original email message, as required by discovery rules. InBoxer applies more than 70 tests to each message and finds potential violations of a broad range of compliance issues, including Sarbanes-Oxley, hostile work environment (harassment), privacy, identity theft laws, HIPAA violations, and more.

The InBoxer Anti-Risk Virtual Appliance is available immediately. Retail pricing starts at $99 per month and 99 cents per user per month. Reseller discounts and annual pricing plans are available.

About InBoxer

InBoxer, Inc. (http://www. inboxer. com (http://www. inboxer. com)) helps organizations manage email risks. The company's award-winning InBoxer Anti-Spam Filter and the InBoxer Anti-Risk Appliance use industry-leading sophisticated language technologies and advanced techniques to analyze entire messages, not just key words and phrases, to achieve high accuracy. Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Concord, Mass., InBoxer's customers across six continents include Fortune 100 companies, state and local governments, health care institutions, small businesses, and consumers. The CEO's Blog "Death By Email" may be found at http://www. deathbyemail. com (http://www. deathbyemail. com).

All companies and products listed herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


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Cardiac Patients Across Rural America Risk Losing Access to Nearby Care as Federal Agency Considers Cuts this Week

Cardiac Patients Across Rural America Risk Losing Access to Nearby Care as Federal Agency Considers Cuts this Week

Disproportionate impact to rural areas if Medicare rule includes proposed cuts to cardiac tests -- The clock is ticking for tens of thousands of heart patients in rural America as a looming federal government decision that is only days away could take away their access to quality cardiac care.

Ann Arbor, MI (PRWEB) October 26, 2009

The clock is ticking for tens of thousands of heart patients in rural America as a looming federal government decision that is only days away could take away their access to quality cardiac care.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (http://www. cms. hhs. gov/) (CMS) is expected to finalize regulations as early as Friday, Oct. 30, 2009, that could cause the outright closure of many rural cardiac clinics, forcing many Americans living outside city centers to travel great distances to get the care they need and deserve.

"We're down to the wire here and hope that our collective voice is being heard as we urge Washington to protect our patients," said Matthew Phillips, a cardiologist in Austin, Texas. Phillips operates rural clinics in Central Texas where he would need to significantly reduce services and the availability of cardiologists if Medicare's final rule that goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2010, which includes proposed cuts to imaging tests needed to diagnose and treat heart disease.

Phillips, a founding member of the Guarding Hearts Alliance (http://guardingheartsalliance. org/), a group of 23,000 cardiologists fighting Washington over proposed Medicare cutbacks that ultimately would restrict access to cardiac care, is not alone. Hundreds of practices could be affected.

The cardiac care cutbacks are based on highly questionable data gathered in 2006 via a statistically invalid survey that used data from only 55 cardiologists--the equivalent of only one quarter of 1 percent of the nation's cardiologists. The proposed Medicare rule was released in July, and if finalized in its current form by the Nov. 1 deadline it would take an act of Congress to overturn the regulations.

This means many cardiologists, especially those who already run rural outreach clinics at a fiscal loss, may have to stop providing diagnostic testing in outlying areas; and in some cases may be forced to close rural offices completely. Patients then may need to obtain diagnostic tests at hospitals, resulting in many rural patients facing long-distance travel, out-of-pocket costs that are as much as five times higher than in-office co-pays and wait times for tests and test results that will take days, not hours as currently is the case when obtained in the cardiologist's office.

"These draconian Medicare cuts will have a real impact on the rural population's access to health care," said Dr. Bruce Murphy, a cardiologist with Little Rock Cardiology Clinic, which has 33 satellite offices serving rural communities. "If the cutbacks are passed, we may not be able to continue to provide diagnostic echocardiography services on-site at those locations. This means that, for example, our patients in Camden, Ark., will have to drive four hours round-trip to Little Rock to obtain these critical imaging tests. Some patients won't be able or willing to do that, which puts their heart health at serious risk."

Patients concerned about being lost in this debate should sign up to join the fight at www. GuardingHeartsAlliance. org to let lawmakers know that severe cuts to Medicare reimbursement could have significantly adverse effects on the nation's 80 million patients who suffer from heart disease.

Media interested in speaking to a cardiologist and patients about the measure should contact Margo Burrage at 734.878.2108.

About the Guarding Hearts Alliance

The Guarding Hearts Alliance is a partnership representing more than 23,000 cardiologists across the country, all of whom are strongly in favor of Medicare regulations and health care reform initiatives that put patients first in preserving access to quality cardiac care. Administered through the Cardiology Advocacy Alliance, this group is vitally concerned about potential changes that could inadvertently endanger patient lives. Such issues as imaging equipment utilization and reimbursement fee schedules might sound like they would generate simple shifts in business practices, but they represent a potential threat - access to lifesaving technology that serves the range of rural Medicare recipients to privately insured urban residences alike.

For more information, visit www. GuardingHeartsAlliance. org.


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Heaven Sent Recipes for Lent: Fish Dishes That Make Fridays Fun

Heaven Sent Recipes for Lent: Fish Dishes That Make Fridays Fun

Generations have grown up eating fried fish on Fridays, but now health and weight concerns are re-shaping the ways cooks (and their families) are approaching the bounty of the rivers and oceans.

Saint Louis, MO (PRWEB) February 26, 2010

Busy cooks looking for fresh Lenten seafood ideas will enjoy these healthy and authentic recipes instead of the usual fried fish fare.

“We understand cooks are on the lookout for healthy and different ways to celebrate the season without the usual deep-fried menu of fish and French fries,” says Chef Joe Cottage, Mrs. Wages(TM) Test Kitchens. “We’ll confess: the secret to their great taste is in the Mrs. Wages premixed and premeasured all natural Guacamole, Fruit & Cilantro, Jalapeno and Chipotle & Garlic seasoning mixes.

“Cooks consider these pre-mixed seasonings a blessing because they are not only easy but will spice up Lenten meals.”

The Scallop & Tomato Stew (http://e-presscenter. com/mrswages/2010/02/scallop-and-tomato-stew/) features a guacamole seasoning that gives the stew a cilantro and jalapeno flavor. “It blends well with the tomatoes and the softer sweetness of scallop,” adds Chef Cottage.

Swiss Chard Wrapped Salmon with Oranges and Chipotle Salsa (http://e-presscenter. com/mrswages/2010/02/swiss-chard-wrapped-salmon-with-oranges-and-chipotle-salsa/) features sweet and spicy salsa and complements the salmon perfectly, as well as poultry that can be served as an appetizer with pita chips. The smoky chipotle and heat level of Mrs. Wages Chipotle & Garlic Salsa seasoning is a unique flavor to contrast the oranges.

Shrimp Civeché Soft Tacos (http://e-presscenter. com/mrswages/2010/02/shrimp-ceviche-soft-tacos/) feature fresh citrus fruits including lime, orange and grapefruit along with Mrs. Wages Fruit and Cilantro salsa mix. Says Chef Cottage, “The acids from the citrus fruit ‘cooks’ the shrimp in a marinade overnight – firming its flesh and turning it opaque. The fruit and cilantro salsa mix complements the citrus flavor and shrimp – a great alternative to traditional shrimp dishes.”

Photography and Images

Hi-resolution stock photography of salmon, shrimp and shellfish are available from the Mrs. Wages Online Press Room (http://e-presscenter. com/mrswages/). Hi-resolution. jpg files of the Mrs. Wages logo can be found in the Images section of the Mrs. Wages Online Press Room.

About Mrs. Wages

Mrs. Wages is a division of Precision Foods Inc. Mrs. Wages believes it should be easy for every cook to create and preserve great food with a homemade taste. We offer a variety of salsa, dip, salad dressing, sauce, fruit preservers and pectin as well as unique home-canning mixes for the home and food service categories. For more information and recipes, visit http://www. mrswages. com (http://www. mrswages. com)

Precision Foods, Inc., is a dry blending and packaging food company specializing in providing finished products for customers in the foodservice, industrial and consumer products industries. Visit our corporate web site at: http://www. precisionfoods. com (http://www. precisionfoods. com)


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Camp Shane Appears on Provocative Tyra Show, Which Asks: 'Are Parents to Blame for Their Children's Obesity?'

Camp Shane Appears on Provocative Tyra Show, Which Asks: 'Are Parents to Blame for Their Children's Obesity?'

Camp Shane, the renowned weight loss camp, and its Founder and Director David Ettenberg, were recently asked to appear on The Tyra Show, which asked the question: "Are Parents to Blame for Their Children's Obesity? Camp Shane gave advice to four obese children and their families and awarded each child a full scholarship to attend Camp Shane for the summer.

Ferndale, NY (PRWEB) May 28, 2009

Camp Shane, the renowned summer weight loss camp for boys, girls and teens, was recently contacted by The Tyra Show. The show asked that Camp Shane provide scholarships to four obese children and that its Founder and Director, David Ettenberg, a recognized expert on children's weight loss and camping, appear on the show.

The show, which aired recently, asks the provocative question: Are parents to blame for their children's obesity? The program features four children ages 10 - 13, and their parents, and asks some difficult but important questions about the parents' role in their children becoming obese. The children had a range of health issues caused by their obesity, including diabetes and sleep apnea. They were all unhappy about themselves but didn't know how to get control of their eating habits.

Pediatrician and parenting expert, Dr. Alanna Levine, told the parents that children aren't born knowing how to eat three healthy meals a day and they must learn to say no to overeating and teach their children how to eat healthfully. "Your child won't hate you; he'll realize you're saying no out of love."

David Ettenberg appears on the show as a weight loss camp expert offering hope to parents: "We've seen over 15,000 children and there are solutions, including more nutritional education for parents and sending children to weight loss camp. Camp Shane gives children the chance to start over in a caring community and the kick start they need to lose weight, get fit and gain the knowledge they need to stay on track and healthy," says Ettenberg.

Tyra surprised the children with the news that David Ettenberg and Camp Shane was giving each of the children a full scholarship to attend Camp Shane's children's weight loss program for the entire summer. The children and their parents were ecstatic.

Dr. Levine applauded the Camp: "Camp Shane is going to help kids learn how [to make the right choices] and [when the children come home] it is the parents' responsibility to make sure that they can continue to do every single day what they learn at Camp Shane. The parents need to have changed the household completely. The rules are all different, the cabinets are stocked differently, and the restaurants that they go out to eat in are different. It's a lifelong battle."

Following the show, viewers flooded the website with comments thanking The Tyra Show for addressing this difficult topic and praising Camp Shane for commiting to help these children and sharing stories of how Camp Shane helped some of them.

Through an overriding commitment to care, parents have entrusted Camp Shane to fight childhood obesity since 1968. By providing fun and educational activities about healthy living choices, Camp Shane empowers children with the knowledge they need to completely re-shape their lives.

In addition to children's weight loss camps in New York and Arizona, Camp Shane offers a variety of programs targeting young adults ages 18 to 25 and a weight loss spa program for adults: (weight loss spa) http://www. shanedietresorts. com (http://www. shanedietresorts. com).

"At Camp Shane, we're not a 'fat camp, diet or boot camp.' Instead of focusing solely on dieting, Camp Shane is an exciting and educational program that helps teach children realistic and achievable ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Every child at Camp Shane is treated as part of our family, and our dedication has helped us become one of the most recognizable youth weight loss camp facilities in the country." says David Ettenberg, Owner/Director of Camp Shane. (overweight children)(http://www. campshane. com (http://www. campshane. com)).

Although it is a premier youth weight loss facility, Camp Shane maintains competitive mid-range pricing to ensure its services are available to all children who need to lose weight. Additional information about Camp Shane, including an enrollment form and request for a complimentary brochure and DVD can be found at http://www. campshane. com/fees/fees. asp (http://www. campshane. com/fees/fees. asp).

About Camp Shane: Since 1968, Camp Shane, (weight loss camp)(http://campshane. com (http://campshane. com)) a premier youth fitness camp and weight loss camp facility, has been dedicated to fighting obesity in children and teens. Camp Shane offers two weight loss camps, including its new Arizona facility featuring healthy menus, nutrition education, self-esteem building and traditional fun activities, as well as a unique horsemanship program.


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FREE shipping available when you shop on our site!

FREE shipping available when you shop on our site!

Innovative Medical Supply's website (www. imedsupply. net) is here to save you time and money on a variety of products!

(PRWEB) August 26, 2003

www. imedsupply. net provides high quality, affordable Medical, Health & Beauty products for everyone! We also have special products to help with many types of medical conditions. Check out our site today and see what we can provide to you for less! FREE shipping available on most orders!

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New Intimate Apparel Website Helps Women Achieve a Better and Healthier Body

New Intimate Apparel Website Helps Women Achieve a Better and Healthier Body

LegLuxe. com offers stylish legwear, activewear and shapewear designed to support, reenergize and revitalize the entire lower body. Made in Italy by famed hosiery designer Calzificio Pinelli.

New York, NY (PRWEB) December 31, 2005

LegLuxe. com has launched a new online store dedicated to fashionable support wear for women who want look and feel good. This new state-of-the-art website offers intimate apparel that is fashionable on the outside and is designed to instantly relieve health or appearance problems on the inside.

All products on display on LegLuxe. com are designed using special weaving techniques, providing tried and proven therapeutic benefits to the woman who wears them.

LegLuxe. com is the first ever website of its kind. “By partnering with Solidea, the popular Italian specialty hosiery brand, we were able to offer even to the most discriminating customer the best of both worlds” says Daniel Moffer of LegLuxe. com. “Solidea combines the perfect blend of the latest innovations in fashion and beauty along with medically proven forming, supporting and activating functions” he says.

The array of products on LegLuxe. com offers beauty, health and well-being solutions in three areas: Leg Health, Maternity and Cellulite

Leg Health

Most women experience leg fatigue or other leg health problems. This issue is compounded for women who are constantly on the go juggling kids, work, family and self interests.

Leg health problems can be costly and interfere with your life in many ways.

Your work life

Most women who work experience aching legs, tired or heavy feeling legs, tension in their legs, or swollen legs. It affects their job or work. Some even have to overlook new opportunities that may have required “too much” leg work even if it means more money.

Some women say their leg health has made them feel less self-assured or confident or has affected the number of workdays they missed. It sometimes even impacts their competence at work.

Your quality of life

Leg problems impact your lifestyle in many ways:

 ability to exercise.  thinking of yourself as being old  inability to go shopping  becoming more of a couch potato  inability to conduct your daily routine  inability to participate in social events, such as going dancing  spending leisure time with partners and children  not keeping up with your friends  and makes some thinking of themselves as being unhealthy

The graduated compression hosiery by LegLuxe. com revives damaged veins and valves, the primary cause of leg health problems. They stimulate upward blood flow. Blood pooling in the veins is virtually zapped so swelling is reduced. Spider and varicose veins are erased. Tired and achy legs are revitalized.

Graduated compression hosiery acts like a second layer of muscle. It bolsters the performance of the calf muscles and venous circulation. The graduated compression is strongest at the ankle and decreases over the length of the leg.

For complete leg health information, visit: http://legluxe. com/problems_solutions. php? problem=leghealth (http://legluxe. com/problems_solutions. php? problem=leghealth)


Loving your changing body during pregnancy is no longer a challenge. LegLuxe. com now offers an attractive solution to the single biggest cause for leg vein problems: pregnancy.

It is estimated that 20 to 40% of all pregnant woman develop venous problems. It may develop as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy, sometimes even before your first missed menstrual period. Vein disease is even sometimes the first sign of pregnancy!

Venous problems in pregnancy also cause great discomfort or pain in the lower body, including tired, achy and heavy legs or swollen ankles or feet.

These problems may disappear after pregnancy. However, left untreated, at least one half of women affected will have this condition permanently, according to medical studies.

Stretch marks and cellulite in pregnancy

Cellulite is a build up of fat deposits underneath the skin. It's usually visible on your thighs, hips and buttocks. Cellulite is very common in pregnancy. The reason? weight gain and hormone changes.

Pregnant women can now treat themselves to the gentle power of therapeutic supportwear from LegLuxe. com. Our exclusive chic will make them look beautiful outside while keeping their body cozy and healthy inside.

For complete pregnancy information, visit: http://legluxe. com/problems_solutions. php? problem=maternity (http://legluxe. com/problems_solutions. php? problem=maternity)


Often referred to as the "orange-peel" or "cottage-cheese" effect, cellulite plagues over 90% of women today. Resistant to diet and exercise, cellulite affects even young, thin women who are devoted followers of stringent exercise and nutritional regimens.

Although most recognized for its external appearance, cellulite formation actually begins at a cellular level. As fat cells enlarge, the cell membrane becomes distorted, losing shape and definition. Microcirculation is impaired, causing fluid retention and soft tissue toxin deposits; externally, the skin develops an unsightly and embarrassing dimpled appearance. Although advancing age, lifestyle habits, hormonal factors, and body types may predispose certain woman to cellulite and fat retention, all women are at risk.

The Micro-Massage Magic line of shapewear utilizes a patented “wave” mesh that stimulates micro-circulation by activating a delicate massage with regenerating compression. It then gradually drains fats and fluids from the affected vessels.

For complete cellulite information, visit: http://legluxe. com/problems_solutions. php? problem=cellulite (http://legluxe. com/problems_solutions. php? problem=cellulite)

About LegLuxe. com

To modern moms who are constantly on the go juggling kids, work, family and self interests, LegLuxe. com is the premier website for stylish intimate apparel that lets her indulge her longing for a comfortable, healthy and energetic body.

Our online store is intended to provide a rewarding self-service shopping experience and be fully supported by our expert personal service. Our customers’ complete satisfaction is our goal and we treat every order with the utmost care. Every order is unconditionally guaranteed and we will fully refund any purchase that does not meet the customers’ expectations.

Free Shipping! No Minimum order. All you have to do is ship to an address in the continental USA and select the Standard Shipping option at checkout.

All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Contact information (press members only):

Daniel Moffer

Director of Communication


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AHIP Statement on Health Care Reform Legislation

AHIP Statement on Health Care Reform Legislation

Ignagni: This legislation will drive up health care costs by adding billions in new health care taxes and encouraging people to wait until they are sick before getting insurance.

Washington, D. C. (Vocus) March 19, 2010

America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) President and CEO Karen Ignagni today released the following statement on proposed health care reform legislation:

“For health care reform to work, everyone needs to be covered and the growth in health care costs must be brought under control. Health care reform legislation that does not address underlying medical costs cannot be sustained. Unfortunately, this legislation will drive up health care costs by adding billions in new health care taxes and encouraging people to wait until they are sick before getting insurance.”

Areas of Concern within the Bill

Lack of Cost Containment:

Does Not Bend the Cost Curve – Health reform legislation that does not address underlying medical costs cannot be sustained. Unfortunately, this legislation lacks a system-wide approach that would actually bend the cost curve downward. Pilot Programs – The legislation takes a very timid and limited approach to addressing ways to control costs and improve quality. The legislation needs to take bolder steps by implementing throughout the entire health care system innovative payment and delivery system models that will help move the nation away from reliance on a fee-for-service payment structure and incentivize performance improvement across the board. IMAC – The legislation will not provide the comprehensive oversight needed because it would exempt Medicare payments for hospitals, physicians, and other key services from review during the first five years. Medical Malpractice Reform – The legislation needs to protect doctors who follow established best practices and implement safe, accountable care models based on the latest scientific evidence. Comparative Effectiveness – Comparative effectiveness research needs to look at both the clinical and cost effectiveness of tests, treatments, procedures, and prescription drugs so that patients and their doctors can make the most informed health care decisions.

Premium Tax:

The legislation imposes a new $70 billion premium tax that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has said will be passed on directly to patients. This will raise the cost of coverage for individuals, families, and employers.

Market Reforms:

Weak Coverage Requirement – The legislation will encourage people to wait to purchase coverage until they are sick, which unfairly penalizes those who currently have coverage. According to CBO, 23 million Americans will remain uninsured once this bill is fully implemented. Age Rating – The new age rating requirements will cause premiums to increase for people under the age of 30 by more than 50 percent.

Medicare Advantage:

Massive Medicare Advantage Cuts – The legislation imposes $130 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage that will cause massive disruption for the more than 10 million seniors enrolled in the program. If these cuts are enacted, millions of seniors in Medicare Advantage will lose their coverage, and millions more will face higher premiums and reduced benefits.

America’s Health Insurance Plans – Providing Health Benefits to More Than 200 Million Americans


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New Yorkers Will Be Feline Fine When The 2008 CFA-Iams Cat Championship Returns to Madison Square Garden October 18-19

New Yorkers Will Be Feline Fine When The 2008 CFA-Iams Cat Championship Returns to Madison Square Garden October 18-19

The 6th Annual CFA-Iams Cat Championship will showcase an exciting line-up of events at Madison Square Garden on October 18-19, 2008. The highly anticipated show is hosted by The Cat Fancier's Association (CFA) and sponsored by Iams.

New York, NY (PRWEB) October 13, 2008

One of the most prestigious cat shows (http://cfa-iams-cat-championship. org/welcome. html) is returning to New York City's Madison Square Garden for the 6th Annual CFA-Iams Cat Championship on October 18-19. Hosted by The Cat Fancier's Association (CFA) -- the world's largest registry of pedigreed cats, and sponsored by Iams, an exciting line-up of activities is set for the 2008-2009 season.

The highly anticipated show will spotlight hundreds of show cats (http://cfa-iams-cat-championship. org/breedshowA-B. html) representing the 40 pedigreed breeds recognized by CFA. Among the breeds that are expected to be at Madison Square Garden are Japanese Bobtail, American Curl, Maine Coon, Egyptian Mau, Ragdoll, Cornish Rex, Sphynx, Siamese, and Persian. Some of the highlights of the two day event include:

 Iams Trained Cats -- These fantastic felines, recognized for their appearances on popular TV shows and film will perform Olympic style feats -- these cats will be slam-dunking, strutting on a balance beam and kicking-off the show by lighting a torch!  Feline Agility Competition tournament -- A spectator favorite among past show attendees, this event challenges cats to navigate a series of tunnels and mazes in the fastest time possible.  Breed Showcase -- Joan Miller, one of CFA's leading feline authorities, showcases a presentation of the CFA breeds, sparkled with information on the beauty, personality, and history of the these cats, each represented by a specially-chosen feline delegate.  New York's Largest Feline Shopping Mall -- Lots of fun feline things for cats, and their doting owners, will be on display and available for purchase. Cat condos, 14K cat-themed jewelry, pet ID tags, interactive exercise toys, tastefully designed and colorful litter boxes and unique feeding bowls, art collectibles, grooming aids, cat carriers, cat trees, cat vitamins and feline supplements will be available for sale.  Ask the Vet -- Dr. Bernadine Cruz DVM. presents important information about keeping your cat healthy and answers your questions.  Adopt-A-Cat at the Garden -- The Mayor's Alliance of NYC Animals is hosting 16+ shelter and rescue organizations with dozens of cats and kittens seeking their new forever homes. This event has been directly responsible for more than 700 cats and kittens being placed with qualified adopters.

For more show information please visit www. cfa-Iams-cat-championship. org. Join the newest online network of cat enthusiasts on the Facebook group, "CFA-Iams Cat Championship Fans" to connect with other feline lovers. 

About P&G Pet Care

For more than 60 years, Procter & Gamble Pet Care (NYSE:PG), the maker of Iams and Eukanuba, has enhanced the well-being of dogs and cats by providing world-class quality foods and pet-care products. To learn more about Eukanuba® and Iams® Dog & Cat Foods or general pet care and nutrition information, call the Iams Consumer Care Center at (800) 446-3075. You can also visit us on the Web at http://www. iams. com (http://www. iams. com) or http://www. eukanuba. com (http://www. eukanuba. com).

About the CFA

Founded in 1906 as a non-profit association of member clubs, The Cat fanciers' Association, Inc. (CFA) is the world's largest registry of pedigreed cats. CFA's mission is to preserve the uniqueness and beauty of the pedigreed breeds of cats, and to enhance the well being of ALL cats. CFA promotes education, responsible car ownership and proper care to the owners of millions of cats worldwide.

The CFA, headquartered in Manasquan, New Jersey, administers rules for the management of cat shows and promotes the interest of breeders and exhibitors of pedigreed cats. CFA and its affiliates work nationally with local shelters, at a grassroots level, to help improve the problem of stray cats and abuse, and to encourage neuter/spay programs. CFA has been instrumental in the development of several international charitable organizations such as CFA Disaster Relief, The Winn Feline Foundation and cat rescue and re-homing groups. For more information about the Cat Fancier's Association, the pedigreed breeds of cats, or to find the nearest CFA cat show, visit www. cfa. org.


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RespiteMatch. com Launches Caregiver and Homebound Patient Support Service

RespiteMatch. com Launches Caregiver and Homebound Patient Support Service

New home healthcare site connects patients and home health professionals by skills and needs.

Rex, GA (PRWEB) December 14, 2004

Homebound Solutions LLC announces the launch of RespiteMatch. com, an online source for caregivers (http://www. respitematch. com) and homebound patients to connect for home healthcare (http://www. respitematch. com) services. RespiteMatch. com was born from the need to find a comprehensive source on the Internet for caregivers, nurses, LPNÂ’s, CNAÂ’s, mid-wives, physical therapists, occupational therapists, elder care and other home healthcare professionals to work in the residential setting.

RespiteMatch members, both caregivers and patients, create a very detailed health profile and then receive notification if their profile is added to another individualÂ’s MatchList at no charge. Of the wide selection of services and features, members have the ability to browse profiles for a possible match. Subscribers have full access to all of the RespiteMatch features and services including MatchList notification, all contact information, DMV checks, Credit History checks, Criminal History checks, Employment History checks, Reference Checks and Surety Bonds.

RespiteMatch has search capabilities unparalleled in the industry. Users have the ability to search by specific healthcare skills or needs, ensuring their unique health specifications are met. The RespiteMatch Plus service is available for those unable to make a successful match in their individual search. RespiteMatch allows both caregivers and patients to list specific healthcare skills, qualifications and experience in order to create the best and most suitable match.

About David Jayne, CEO of Homebound Solutions LLC

David Jayne is a 17-year survivor of ALS, more commonly known as Lou GehrigÂ’s disease. In his vast experience with the ups and downs of home healthcare and his personal search for qualified caregivers, he used all mediums, classified newspaper ads, referrals, nanny services and agencies, but rarely found appropriate candidates. Thus, RespiteMatch. com addresses the specific and unique needs of both homebound patients and those qualified to provide their care.

For more information, or to become a member, please visit www. respitematch. com.

Media Contact:

David Jayne

Www. RespiteMatch. com

Homebound Solutions LLC

P. O. Box 884

Rex, Georgia 30173


Info@RespiteMatch. com

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Unicare's newly appointed Premier Agent, Jeff Cline, of the Policy Store makes a difference when it comes to your health insurance

Unicare's newly appointed Premier Agent, Jeff Cline, of the Policy Store makes a difference when it comes to your health insurance

Unicare appoints Jeff Cline and www. PolicyStore. com as Premier Health Insurance agent. Call the Policy Store to find out why "Its always a great day at the Policy Store".

(PRWEB) July 19, 2004

Premier Appointment by Unicare allows the Policy Store staff to service its clients well, and thanks to a special program the Policy store now has the opportunity to offer quicker underwriting.

Www. Policystore. com has the ability to provide health insurance proposals quickly and efficiently with Unicare, blue cross, medicare supplements, etc. Service will be extended to many people like the self-employed, elderly, and also children only policies.

Www. policystore. com is a unique store that has a staff of customer service representatives that make the whole process of securing your family and yourself easier, and finding a customized policy that you and your family will be comfortable with and can afford. They can walk you through the whole application process making it painless.

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Unique Festivals Highlighting Herbs and Hops Heat Up Seattle's Eastside in June

Unique Festivals Highlighting Herbs and Hops Heat Up Seattle's Eastside in June

Visit the Amy's Skin Care booth at the Bastyr Food & Herb Festival this Saturday and the Washington Brewers Festival on Fathers' Day weekend for Summer Skin Care Tips

Kirkland, WA (PRWEB) June 2, 2010

Amy's Skin Care today announced booth presence at two unique festivals on Seattle's eastside in June.

This Saturday, June 5, 2010 marks Amy's Skin Care's fourth year participating in the 12th annual Bastyr University Herb and Food Fair, taking place from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. at the University's main campus in Kenmore. And on Fathers' Day weekend, Amy's Skin Care will be at the Washington Brewers Festival in nearby St. Edwards State Park.

Festival attendees are invited to stop by the Amy's Skin Care booth to experience Eminence Organics Skin Care products, such as Tropical Vanilla Sun Cream SPF 32, a zinc oxide UV ray blocker containing calming Shea Butter that's an excellent skin emollient and naturally occurring sun screen. Or treat over-exposure with Eminence Aloe Mint Hydrating Cream Gel moisturizer that calms irritated skin, alleviates the effects of UV radiation, nourishes, hydrates and softens while helping to extend your tan.

About Amy’s Skin Care – Licensed esthetician Amy Lamb’s holistic and organic spa provides customized facials in Kirkland, WA. Amy's Skin Care is an authorized distributor of Eminence Organic Skin Care and provides free shipping anywhere in the United States. Shop Amy's online store or learn more at: http://AmySkinCare. com (http://AmySkinCare. com). Or call 206-999-6336 to schedule an appointment or free product consultation. 

The 12th annual Bastyr University Herb and Food Fair will take place on Saturday, June 5, 2010 from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. at the University's main campus in Kenmore. The fair is free and open to the public. The theme of "nourishing the senses" theme includes an emphasis on the numerous ways herbs, nutrition and other natural modalities can support the health and wellness of our community. For more information see: http://www. bastyr. edu/news/news. asp? NewsID=1948 (http://www. bastyr. edu/news/news. asp? NewsID=1948)

Washington Brewers Festival is regional draw attracting tens of thousands of brew aficionados, music lovers and families to their annual Fathers' Day weekend event. The festival is a major fundraiser for the Washington Beer Commission, the first commission of its kind in the nation. Washington Beer is recognized internationally as being the highest quality thanks to the dynamic energy and creativity of the brewers and fresh ingredients available in our state. Established in July 2007 the Commission represents all 100+ breweries in Washington State and its mission is to ensure that more beer enjoyed in Washington state is made by its own craft brewers, using ingredients from our state’s agricultural industry. For more information see: http://www. washingtonbeer. com/wabf. htm (http://www. washingtonbeer. com/wabf. htm)


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Shoo! TAG, Chemical Free Pest Repellents, Now Available at PondWorld. com

Shoo! TAG, Chemical Free Pest Repellents, Now Available at PondWorld. com

Pond supply retailer, PondWorld. com, Now Carrying shoo! TAG chemical free pest repellents for people, dogs, cats, horses and cows.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) June 14, 2010

Online pond supply superstore Pond World announces the addition of a the shoo! TAG™ line of pest repellents (http://www. pondworld. com/pestrepellents. aspx). shoo! TAGs are chemical free and eco friendly and are available for people, dogs, cats, horses and cows and protect against a variety of biting insects.

Shoo! TAG utilizes Nature’s energetic principles in combination with physics, quantum physics and advanced computer software technology. The key to shoo! TAG is the three dimensional electromagnetic field embedded in the magnetic strip. When used as instructed, shoo! TAGs utilizes the power of the bio-energetic field which surrounds all living things to create a frequency barrier for up to four months.

Shoo! TAG's magnetic strip is encoded with beneficial frequencies and resonances and an electromagnetic charge bearing a polarized energy signature, which when introduced into the bio-energetic field of the wearer produces results.

Shoo! TAG is calibrated to specific animals and specific insects to repel targeted pests. This is possible because various insects and pests react to frequencies. These frequencies are introduced into the bio-energetic field of the wearer. These specific frequencies and resonances have proven to disturb targeted pests and create a barrier.

PondWorld. com is now carrying shoo! TAGs for people that protect against mosquitos, flies, chiggers and ticks. Pond World also carries shoo! TAGs to protects dogs and cats against fleas and ticks and for horses and cows to protect against mosquitos and flies.

For more information or to find out more about these products or other pond supplies (http://www. pondworld. com) from Pond World, call 1-(866) 897-2307or visit www. pondworld. com Customer Support is also available via Live Chat Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST.

About PondWorld. com

Pond World, LLC, through its website PondWorld. com, is a retailer of pond and lake supplies including water treatments, pumps, filters, maintenance supplies, kits, aerators, fountains and fish and plant supplies. PondWorld. com is focused on being a one-stop shop for all types of pond owners looking to build and maintain a clean and healthy pond or lake.

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Psychotherapy-Trained Miami Native Returns to Sales to Promote Corporate Wellness Via Premium EAP Programs

Psychotherapy-Trained Miami Native Returns to Sales to Promote Corporate Wellness Via Premium EAP Programs

James Alterman, MBA, puts Psychology Doctorate Title, PsyD, on Hold to Promote Corporate Wellness and Productivity for Premium EAP Firm. Melting His Business and Psychotherapy Training into a New Career Just Made Sense.

San Antonio, TX (PRWEB) September 25, 2005

What does a marketing MBA do who wants to pursue a "helping" career and stay in the business world at the same time. He promotes corporate wellness via the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) business. In fact, educated in political science, marketing and clinical psychology, James believes that keeping employee morale and productivity at the highest levels possible seems to be a noble goal. "It's like having my own individual corporate mission." For him, the EAP offered the best of both worlds, an opportunity to explain BOTH business and stress-related factors for improving individual performance in every company. If a company has an EAP already, he has a three-part goal: To show "We are better, let me prove it to you (via comparison to current services), and give me a chance" (by trying my product for at least a year).

After researching various firms to work for, he found that the best EAP service firms offer:  1) expanded programs like health risk-reduction coaching; 2) expert account managers who "partner" with Human Resources and CFOs for proactive professional productivity management and 3) provide useful information and consultation to address HR challenges. In addition, he found premium EAPs are innovative and can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in self-funded mental wellness risk pools when compared with years when these programs were not in effect. He is finding a considerable number of firms do not have gatekeeper services--which help protect the risk pool's assets from capricious use of psychiatric services that may not be necessary.

With a premium EAP, most problems are solved at that EAP level. Then, if more clinically complex assistance is required, i. e., long-term care beyond the scope of the EAP, a premium provider can still help. Case management and gatekeeper services eliminate wasted healthcare expenditures and ensure employees are directed to the best and most cost effective solution. "It's a case of the right provider being chosen the very first time! When you think it through, it's really like money in the bank."

For example, one particular type of firm, the "Freestanding EAP," has saved Fortune 500 firms significantly in operational expenses. This is accomplished by remaining independent from insurance firms and avoiding any conflict of interest regarding continuity of care and payment issues. "A freestanding EAP can measurably reduce overall benefit plan cost and simultaneously increase the quality of care to clients," says James Alterman, MA, MBA, the trained clinical psychotherapist and a national EAP marketing executive.

In contrast to vertically integrated EAPs, that often own the provider networks receiving their referrals, the "freestanding EAP" never collects payments from employees or from the insurance plan. That allows the free-standing service to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest. Regarding the overall savings achieved with a free standing service, some firms have demonstrated a 93 percent client resolution-rate at the EAP-level for those who come directly to the EAP for assistance. This means about 7 percent or fewer clients are referred into their insurance plan with significant cost savings. ROI with this kind of program is often 4 to 1 or greater when taking cost of disability, workers compensation, absenteeism and other hard expenditures into account. In addition, self-insured risk pool gatekeeper services have been shown to yield 23% savings from non-gatekeeper assisted risk pool benefits products.

James says he feels fortunate in his position as sales executive for a top nationally established, EAP organization that promotes mental and physical wellness with "customized care packages," as James describes them. He has always pursued firms that do not try to do too many things to the detriment of the goal of doing one thing extremely well. Therefore, he is happiest at a firm that specializes and shines as an EAP that enhances corporate wellness and productivity, and, that gives a strong ROI every year. His ideal firm has counselors with the ability to work with everything from substance-dependence to family-related challenges or emotionally difficult situations. For more details about this, he welcomes your call at (312) 238-9257 OR toll free, (866) 694-8781.

Jim emphasizes that innovation is key. This means your EAP should be continually analyzing and evaluating the needs of current and future client companies. He directs all of his marketing campaigns to the CFO or equivalent--because "these folks get it that people who have focus are more motivated to execute the corporate mission than those who are troubled. And, executing that mission should be the CFO's goal. And, in return for having a quality EAP, the bottom line improves.

Premium EAPs constantly "re-tool" and modify their offerings to meet customer needs and conform their services to an evolving market and ever changing workplace culture. Premium EAPs are not tied to huge insurance firms who may self-refer counseling services while failing to protect insurance investment by their client firms.

In contrast to so-called freestanding EAP product companies, who hide in the shadow of large insurance firms, James explained, "freestanding services provide professional account managers who manage the entire business and consultation relationship. Comprehensive, freestanding EAP services help with enhancing the quality of recruitment, retention, morale and productivity. All of this being achieved without a conflict of interest.

A prime directive, James reports, is to "keep employees productive" by offering a full range of consulting services for management and supervisors as well as counseling services. Managers are given expert consultation and support when faced with having to conduct employee interventions for productivity issues. In these cases the EAP consultant and the supervisor work together to solve problems.

Having the appropriate expertise to partner with VPs of Human Resources and Chief Financial Officers who hope to enhance the bottom line every fiscal year requires EAP partners with confirmed experience in the field or some sort of certification. "A firm with experienced or certified EAP consultants is the only way to go", Alterman says. "Firms that integrate EAP and insurance typically do not have super-experienced EAP consultants or Certified Employee Assistance Professionals (CEAPs) providing account management and consulting. This makes problem-solving less efficient and less effective," he explained.

Picture a situation where a work group member or leader begins to disrupt the workplace by churning through personal problems on the business phone at work. Negative emotions are expressed and work piles-up. Other employees "have to take up the slack." This condition can be demoralizing to the rest of the work team in short order. Problems like the one above, absenteeism, poor motivation or communication challenges are issues that can positively be impacted by a professional, freestanding EAP consultant.

A premium, freestanding EAP should be a "behavioral solution provider" and a "risk management tool." It protects a company's largest and most valuable investment, its people, while lowering risk and liability.

Full service programs impact cost on multiple levels, by delivering innovative services like health risk assessments (HRAs) and wellness coaching, highly effective counseling and account management with a personal touch. A sound investment: Ideally, savvy HR, Operations executives and CFOs will choose a high-quality, free-standing (architecturally clean), and innovative EAPs with a proven track record.

The highest quality, freestanding EAPs, have a sense of family and teamwork that should pervade the atmosphere and characterize the culture. This winds-up being "transferable technology" as it works to benefit both clients and their workplaces, alike. Alterman explains: "This is my goal for the EAP services firm that I work with. When it happens, it's so refreshing to feel true customer service running through the veins of your own organization. I like to use the latest technological, audio-visual and internet-based communications tools to enhance marketing and customer service to the max."

Alterman concludes: "We don't make products you can drive around the block. Our entire offering is person-to-person solutions underpinned by a caring attitude. Both people and organizations benefit." At 866-694-8781, you can reach Jim to give you a customized vision of a truly unique EAP experience to enhance the contribution of your most valuable asset, your people.


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Six on the Beach Volleyball Championships a Smash

Six on the Beach Volleyball Championships a Smash

The first annual Six on the Beach brought out the best volleyball players in San Diego. The six-on-six competition, held on October 7, 2006, featured local volleyball celebrities, including Steve Salmons, Bruk Vandeweghe, and former NBA star Jud Buechler.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) September 11, 2005

On October 7th, The South Mission Beach SportsPark played host to the first annual Digster Six on the Beach Volleyball Championships.

Stars such as Olympic Gold Medalist Steve Salmons, local hero and former NBA star Jud Buechler, along with former AVP star Bruk Vandeweghe all showed their domination at the net, but each failed to take their team to the finals in the rare six-on-six volleyball format.

In the Women's Open, it was two San Diego teams battling it out for the title. The "Red-Headed Sluts", led by AVP pro Beth van Fleet, knocked off the "Stud Finders."

In the Men's Open, "Moonlight Beach" knocked off La Migra and captain Jeff Waldal, to take home first place.

Most of the competitors eliminated in round robin competition and the playoffs stuck around until the end, taking sides and roaring after every point.

Teams decked themselves out in creative and outrageous costumes, including the "Red-Headed Sluts", "Speed Walkers", "NBA All-Stars", and "State Troopers."

The event, founded by Dave Behar, Chief Executive Athlete of the 1,000+ Channel ION Network, functions as a primary fundraiser for San Diego's famous South Mission Beach Sportspark, according to Laura Hendrickson, Tournament Director.

Behar claimed the event an overall success and an increased financial commitment for the expanded 2007 event and for years to come.

"This already successful event will continue to evolve into a true world class competition - at a world class venue - as well as enable the unique comraderie of the participants," said Behar.

"Both the ionNetwork and Digster are proud to be the primary investor and sponsor of the South Mission Beach SportsPark, athletic and kids health initiatives."

For additional information, visit http://www. sixonthebeach. com (http://www. sixonthebeach. com)

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Body Detoxification: One Vital Tool for Surviving Earth's Mysterious New Epidemics

Body Detoxification: One Vital Tool for Surviving Earth's Mysterious New Epidemics

From Avian Flu to Superbugs -- Hygiene, Common Sense, and Detoxification Programs are Powerful Weapons against Emerging Diseases, Say Flora Health Experts

Lynden, WA (PRWEB) April 20, 2005

Since the beginning of recorded history, mankind has been subjected to outbreaks of strange new diseases.

The Bubonic Plague of the 1300's killed one-third of Europe's population. A 1918 outbreak of "Spanish Flu" killed 25 million worldwide. And since the outbreak of HIV, 20 million lives have been lost and fifty million are now infected.

Lesser numbers have been killed or incapacitated, no less tragically, by sudden, inexplicable illnesses like SARS, Legionnaire's Disease, and Gulf War Syndrome.

How many will ultimately succumb to the Avian Flu, a pandemic-in-the-making which world health officials publicly predict could sweep the globe and kill up to 20 million men, women, and children? 

With outbreaks of new diseases seemingly occurring every year, one obvious question might be, “what can the average person do to improve his or her chances of ‘beating the bugsÂ’ and staying healthy”? 

The health experts at Flora Inc., (www. florahealth. com), one of North America's largest organic nutritional supplement makers, say the first line of defense against emerging diseases is simple hygiene.

Research shows many viruses can remain alive in droplets of saliva on plastic surfaces for several days, so washing one's hands after touching objects like handrails, shopping carts, and table tops can prevent transmission of the virus to yourself or others. A word of caution: Wash with regular soaps, as “antibacterial” soaps can turn bugs into "superbugs", germs which no longer can be killed with antibiotics.

Common sense is your second line of defense, say the Flora health experts. The World Health Organization (WHO) studied how the 2003 SARS epidemic was spread through air travel. In one case study, WHO reported 16 people became infected on one airplane --14 were sitting within two rows of a SARS carrier, and 2 were flight attendants.

Common sense should tell us itÂ’s not wise to allow people manifesting flu symptoms or respiratory illnesses to travel on crowded public transportation systems. Although detrimental to the health of all, itÂ’s politically incorrect to prohibit sneezing or coughing passengers from flying on airplanes – although this attitude could change during a major worldwide outbreak of influenza. 

FloraÂ’s health experts say the third tool in the battle against infectious disease is to build a strong immunity through diet and detoxification programs.

Strengthen your immunity by eating three meals a day, including five fruits and vegetables, and eliminate white sugar and caffeine. Eight to ten glasses of water are essential to help the body flush out toxins stored in the organs and cells. Daily outdoor exercise in a location where the air isn't polluted is also crucial.

Antioxidant supplements have also been found to help with body detoxification, and are a vital tool for building a functioning immune system. One of the most powerful organic antioxidants available comes in the form of a blended herb tea known as Flor-Essence (http://www. florahealth. com/flora/home/usa/products/R68090.asp). A study conducted by the University of British Columbia in Canada found that Flor-Essence tea destroyed 14 times more free radicals than did Vitamin C.

With a strong immune system, exposure to a disease won't automatically result in sickness, say the Flora health experts. And if you do become ill, with a healthy immune system, your recovery time should be shortened.

Those wanting more information about the Flor-Essence body detoxification plan can visit www. florahealth. com/flora/home/usa/products/R68090.asp (http://www. florahealth. com/flora/home/usa/products/R68090.asp )

About Flora, INC. (www. florahealth. com)

With U. S. headquarters in Lynden, Washington, CanadaÂ’s Flora, Inc. has been manufacturing and supplying quality herbal remedies since 1965.


Steve Town 


Floramedia@theprgroup. com

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Source: Flora, Inc.

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Caring From A Distance Expands Washington D. C. Web Directory to Include Low-Income Senior Resources

Caring From A Distance Expands Washington D. C. Web Directory to Include Low-Income Senior Resources

Free Access to At-a-Glance Resources for caregivers trying to help parents from afar.

Washington, D. C. (PRWEB) June 29, 2008

Caring from a Distance announces an update of programs serving older residents of Washington, D. C. available on the free, searchable, Metro DC Service Directory of the Caring from a Distance (CFAD) website, www. cfad. org.

The non-profit organization's pilot Metro D. C. comprehensive eldercare directory had added 200 programs special to Washington, D. C. residents. These are District of Columbia Office on Aging (DCOA) community-based programs for low-income or disabled DC residents that provide case management, literacy, congregate meals, respite, home care and other social services. The update also includes new information on other caregiver services, organizations and hospital-based health programs in the area.

The Washington, D. C. Area Agency on Aging, under the leadership of Dr. Clarence Brown, has responded to CFAD's quest to provide a comprehensive, local, at-a-glance, on-line directory so valuable for older adults in the community as well as their caregivers living around the corner or thousands of miles away.

In March, 2008, CNN's Health Reporter Elizabeth Cohen cited Caring from a Distance among "Great Websites when Aging Parents Need Help."

Http://www. cnn. com/2008/HEALTH/family/03/20/ep. family. care/index. html (http://www. cnn. com/2008/HEALTH/family/03/20/ep. family. care/index. html)

"Long distance caregiving is a national probem with local solutions," says Nora Jean Levin, CFAD's Executive DIrector. "Our goal is to lower the information access barrier and through area-wide partnerships become a portal for impartial, detailed information on the wide range of available eldercare family support."

About Caring from a Distance (CFAD)

Founded in 2002, CFAD is a not-for-profit organization based in Washington D. C. Its mission is to help long distance caregivers make well-informed and timely medical and social decisions, and to maximize the well-being of those they care for by connecting website visitors directly to the wide spectrum of information and the resources they may need. With a pilot program in Metro Washington, D. C., CFAD has adopted as its model a secure web-based application for nation-wide database searches, family-to-expert blogs, critical medical information storage and professional articles. The path-breaking Metro DC database includes information on over 2600 government, non-profit and for-profit programs.

CFAD has partnered with respected local organizations to produce this valuable resource. Our pilot partners are: The Jewish Council for the Aging's Senior HelpLine --- an established Washington area information and referral database maintained by a nonsectarian nonprofit devoted to serving seniors; and The Guide to Retirement Living --- a popular resource-rich publication geared to retirees.

CFAD is supported by foundation grants, on-line donations and many individuals.

USA. gov, the U. S. government's official web portal, now links to Caring from a Distance as a reliable resource. http://www. usa. gov/Citizen/Topics/Health/caregivers. shtml#vgn-long-distance-caregiving-vgn (http://www. usa. gov/Citizen/Topics/Health/caregivers. shtml#vgn-long-distance-caregiving-vgn)


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