Waterfront Media Announces the Launch of GenoTypeDiet. com: Companion site to New York Times Bestselling "Eat Right for Your Type" author Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo's revolutionary new diet

Waterfront Media Announces the Launch of GenoTypeDiet. com: Companion site to New York Times Bestselling "Eat Right for Your Type" author Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo's revolutionary new diet

Waterfront Media (www. waterfrontmedia. com), the largest privately held online health company and operator of the second largest online health property, Everyday Health, announces the launch of GenoTypeDiet Online (www. GenoTypeDiet. com). The site complements the new book The GenoType Diet(TM): Change Your Genetic Destiny to Live the Longest, Fullest, and Healthiest Life Possible (December 2007) by New York Times bestselling author and eminent naturopathic physician Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. Dr. D'Adamo's Eat Right for Your Type, along with additional books in his "Blood Type Diet" series, has been a publishing franchise for more than 10 years. The new Web site is designed to help members live to their full "genetic potential," in order to boost energy and prevent disease by following the right diet and exercise plan.

BROOKLYN, N. Y. (PRWEB) December 26, 2007

 A nationally renowned doctor, Dr. D'Adamo has helped millions of people lose weight and attain better health by eating a specific diet based on their blood type. He has now expanded his cutting-edge research by developing a revolutionary new eating plan using individuals' genetic information. Through statistical analyses of how genes, physical traits, and their vulnerability to different disorders cluster together, Dr. D'Adamo has identified six GenoTypes that all 7.5 billion of us on the planet fit into: The Hunter, The Gatherer, The Teacher, The Explorer, The Warrior, and The Nomad. The GenoType Diet Online offers members a unique system to determine their GenoType, and then provides 16 tools, including trackers, calculators, and progress monitors to help with weight loss and nutrition. The heart of the online program is the custom meal plans and exercise regimens, specific to each member's GenoType, which are unavailable in the book or anywhere else online. The site features also message boards to facilitate meeting others following the program for support and for building a community of like-minded people who are dedicated to bettering their lives.

"I am impressed by Waterfront Media's dedication to maintaining the highest quality standards," said Dr. D'Adamo. "Their history and expertise with creating unique sites and novel tools, such as the GenoType Calculator and diet tracker, to help members truly experience my GenoType program online is incomparable, and I am glad for this opportunity to partner together."

"We are pleased to work with an expert like Dr. D'Adamo and to bring The GenoType Diet book and program to life via the Web," said Waterfront Media CEO and Co-Founder, Ben Wolin. "Healthy living is about finding the best choices - and we at Waterfront Media have prided ourselves on giving our more than 20 million consumers the best in personalized and interactive tools on more than 20 sites at Everyday Health."

Waterfront Media enables advertisers and sponsors to align their brands with experts that consumers can trust on Everyday Health, including its flagship site EverydayHealth. com. Advertisers reach the most relevant members of their target audiences--consumers who are focused, highly motivated, and prepared to make a life change, and therefore, are consistently engaged. Please visit www. GenoTypeDiet. com for more information.

About Waterfront Media and Everyday Health

Through its network of health, diet, fitness and pregnancy Web sites, including its flagship EverydayHealth. com, Waterfront Media enables consumers to live healthier lives every day. Waterfront Media is the largest privately held online health company and operates Everyday Health, which attracts over 12 million unique users per month. For more information, please visit www. waterfrontmedia. com.

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