Though Joining Late... Pakistan Gains Visible Presence in Long-Term Tsunami Relief Works, Scientist of the Year Launches a Gigantic Mission

Though Joining Late... Pakistan Gains Visible Presence in Long-Term Tsunami Relief Works, Scientist of the Year Launches a Gigantic Mission

World renowned epidemiologist Prof. Dr. Aurangzeb Hafi has voluntarily conducted an extensive research in Tsunami Affected coastal areas and has given alarming details.

(PRWEB) September 3, 2005

In ramification of the century’s most devastating disaster ‘Tsunami’, various coordinated efforts are being made by the Governments of the affected countries with technical inputs from international organizational and institutional platforms, including UN, UNICEF, WHO, WFP and several other agencies.

Amongst other institutions, Helen Keller Intl. and Sir Aurangzeb Intl. are the two, which are principally focusing upon the likelihood of different types of physical and mental disabilities in Tsunami affected areas.

Several fact-finding surveys have been conducted during the last 8 months of the aftermath of Tsunami, however the credit goes to an independent Pakistani researcher for conducting the ‘First’ Epidemiological fact-finding and need analysis survey for the likelihood of different types of abnormalities in newly born and unborn babies.[1]

The survey, known as the Tsunami ‘Child Retardation Risk Assessment’ [CRRA] was primarily devised to detect, examine and gauge the risk of child retardation in the children below 5 years as well as in the unborn babies, in the post disaster situation. It also covered the essential analysis of drinking water and its contaminations, after the crucially poisonous water being absorbed by the soil.[2]

All of the research work during CRRA & CRRM, which, actually requires a number of institutional superfluity, has been executed almost single-handedly by the splendid researcher of Pakistan.

Pof. Dr. Aurangzeb Hafi is the first South Asian, whose name has been inscribed in the Roll of Honor in The Sovereign Royal Order of The Knights of Peace and Justice, and has been honored and knighted in the category of 'de jure'.[3] He was also one of the six researchers short-listed out of 1376 scientists belonging to 900 universities of 60 countries, and was declared as Man of the Year in Interdisciplinary Sciences.[4]

On completion of the first epidemiological survey, Dr. Hafi has given an alert alarm for a vulnerable risk increase of child retardation in newly-born and unborn babies. He has emphasized upon the need of immediate action to be taken by the World Health Organization and UNICEF for this specific issue.[5]

To bring the situation under control, some special immune enhancing and nutritional supplements should be developed and should be exclusively formulated, by focusing upon, and according to the specified needs of the post disaster situation, he mentioned.

The findings of [CRRA] survey along with the elucidated suggestions made by the researcher, have been made available to conscientious international agencies for further actions to be taken upon. The TsunamiÂ’s CRRA Survey has provided a core nucleus, on which response coordination can be built. It has provided important and major issues to be raised up and dealt with.[6]

On humanitarian basis, he is willing to extend his services voluntarily, and ready to cooperate with governmental and non governmental organizations to help the victims of Tsunami, he added.[7]

Dr Hafi told that the extensive research project was a joint venture of two non governmental platforms namely MAVSO Intl. and English Biscuit Manufacturers ( Pvt ) Limited of Pakistan as a contribution from Pakistanis, for the Tsunami victims. EBM is bearing all of his expenses of lodging-boarding and air-traveling, while MAVSO Intl. is responsible for the instrumentations and equipmentations regarding the project, he told. 

To a question, he said that he is rendering his research services merely on humanitarian basis and not paid by any local or international agency.

The officials of CSGU have reportedly confirmed that he has also voluntarily declined the remunerations for his services, offered by Sri Lanka, saying that the money of his wages should be spent upon poor retardad children of the Tsunami camps.

“All services rendered by me should be considered as a sympathetic and humanitarian ‘token’ from my country…Pakistan, and not only from my own individual self “, stated the task executer researcher Prof. Aurangzeb Hafi.

Prof. Hafi has designed a well-practicable program to address the impeded setback of the specific matter.

Now a days he is on board to embark upon tracking the next phase of his project, i. e. Tsunami ‘Child Retardation Risk Management’ [CRRM]. In this phase of the project, he has also planned to provide the maximum possible quantity of the recommended nutritional supplements in Aceh, Sumatra, and Sri Lanka in an earliest possible timeframe and seeks for philanthropic help by local, regional and international institutions, donors and organizational platforms.[7]

  The esteemed contributions of The Tsunami 'Child Retardation Risk Assessment & Management' Projects have fetched a prudently benevolent laurel, with a justly respectable visibility of Pakistan at an international echelon.


  1. TDIS Relief Works Monitoring Services.

  2. Haveeru Daily, Daily News, SAMN.

  3. PR Leap News-Desk

  4. London Observer, Times of Oman, SARID,

  Copenhagen Business, The Peninsula Qatar.

  5. South Asian Media Network. 

  6. Tsunami Projects Weekly Circular.

  7. UNICEF Official Newsletter.


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