Todays Escapes Encourages Members to Stay Work-Free While on Vacation

Todays Escapes Encourages Members to Stay Work-Free While on Vacation

AP9 TodaysEscapes says all work and no play is no good -- Take time off.

Norwalk, Conn. (PRWEB) June 13, 2008

Todays Escapes (http://www. todaysescapes. com) (SM), a travel discount membership program by Adaptive Marketing LLC (http://www. adaptivemarketing. com/ap9/todays-escapes. asp), knows what a grind work can be. And that's why it's crucial to recharge and refresh with some time off, whenever possible.

The proverb, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," has been around for a few thousand years, thanks to an Egyptian sage named Ptahhotep (believed to be the saying's original author, written in about 2400 B. C.). More than 4,000 years later, that friendly advice still applies. In fact, according to a 2007 survey conducted by Robert Half International, a professional staffing and consulting organization, 51 percent of executives said employees are more productive after a vacation than before one.

So the majority of bosses out there think taking time away from work (and staying work-free while on vacation) plays a big part in long-term business success. That's why AP9 TodaysEscapes (http://www. todaysescapes-program. com/TodaysEscapes_ResourceCenter. html) suggests leaving all those work-related worries back at the office: 

-- Time has come today. Just like the Los Angeles-based soul group The Chambers Brothers sang back in 1968, " … time has come today. Can't put it off another day …," the same goes for a much-needed vacation. Just remember to consider what the group/division at work is likely to focus on during a possible vacation time. Make sure all the bases are covered before skipping town for a while; nothing will break up vacation fun faster than the sound of a work-related phone call.

-- Cover me. As with most things in life, the "business merry-go-round" rarely -- if ever -- stops. That's why it's important to make sure a trusted colleague is on the case before getaway time. Consider setting up a meeting with the person covering to make sure everything is set.

-- Let it go. Yes, Todays Escapes (http://www. emediawire. com/releases/ap9/todaysescapes/emw489698.htm) understands that it can be tough to leave office matters behind, but try letting go. Get that trustworthy person to cover, leave the laptop and/or BlackBerry at home, and try to relax. Limit any out-of-office participation to the bare essentials; there'll be plenty of work to do post-vacation.

-- Create a recipe for relaxation. The ability to leave office life behind while on vacation depends heavily on preparation. If things are usually very busy, go in early and stay late, long before the vacation is scheduled to begin. Knowing that everything is in order (with plenty of time to spare) will make those first few moments away from the job what they're meant to be -- time off. 

Todays Escapes understands that today's work environment demands hard work. That's why taking time off is so important. And as for those other travel needs and vacation ideas down the road, look no further than AP9 TodaysEscapes (http://ap9consumergateway. typepad. com/ap9_weblog/2006/09/ap9_todays_esca. html).

About Todays Escapes:

AP9 TodaysEscapes is a leading membership discount program offered by Adaptive Marketing LLC. Headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., Adaptive Marketing is a category leader in membership programs, bringing value direct to consumers through an array of benefits in healthcare, discounts, security, personal property and personals. Members may access their benefits at TodaysEscapes. com. With broad online and offline distribution capabilities, Adaptive Marketing offers its corporate client partners effective tools to enhance market presence, strengthen customer affinity and generate additional value through programs such as Todays Escapes.


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