If You Desire an Attractive, Lean, Fat Free Physique, I Have Some Discomforting News for You

If You Desire an Attractive, Lean, Fat Free Physique, I Have Some Discomforting News for You...

It's amazing yet true - even though the fitness industry is booming, it's a documented fact that more than half of American adults are unable to lose excess fat, in spite of their exercise and diet efforts. In fact, federal officials recently declared obesity a national epidemic, with more than 60 percent of American adults overweight and 30 percent considered obese, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. (A similar percentage can be applied to most developed, modern, western societies.) But how can this be - when we are literally bombarded with health and fitness marketing, and diet and healthy eating plans every single day?

Newton, MA (PRWEB) July 2, 2004

Let's take a look at some facts which can help explain this disturbing situation:

FACT: Deception in weight loss adverts promise unachievable goals

"Ads for billions of dollars of diet products and services sold each year often include false, misleading and exaggerated claims that promise rapid, effortless weight loss and unachievable goals, according to a government report." (see Weight Loss Deception article in the Washington Post)

FACT: The diet industry plans, & relies on your failure to survive

"Dieting is a business with enormous financial interest in making sure it continues, even those companies that appear to help are not." (see Diet Industry Relies on Your Failure article from the BBC)

FACT: Most info about supplements is written by those who sell them

"It is almost impossible to find independent and unbiased information about weight loss and diet supplements anywhere. Almost without exception, all published information regarding these supplements is written by the companies who manufacture and sell them." - Will Brink, Industry Author, Researcher & Consultant, Sports Supplementation Expert.

The sad truth is this: It is simply NOT in the "diet and fitness industry's" best interests to supply you with useful information and effective fat loss products. Yet until you know how to properly plan a fat loss diet, and until you know which diet and weight loss supplements actually do work, you are likely to continue "spinning your wheels" whilst the diet and fitness industry gets richer and richer selling you products that simply do not work.

But don't despair. Good news is at hand....

Finally, a genuine nutrition and diet supplement expert, Will Brink, blows the lid on the diet supplement industry's outright lies and marketing spin, and gives his honest, brutal, and 100% unbiased opinion on which supplements actually work...and tells you exactly how to plan your food intake and exercise program to lose fat quickly and permanently...in his excellent publication "Diet Supplements Revealed" (see website http://www. aboutsupplements. com (http://www. aboutsupplements. com) for full information).

If you'd like to discover the most effective way to lose fat, and learn the best kept secrets of the diet and weight loss supplement manufacturers, diet authors and nutritional gurus; then his ebook contains probably the most important, unbiased information you will ever read.

Here's a quick look at what you'll learn:

Learn the insider secrets to buying diet supplements that work - Lose fat faster by learning exactly which diet supplements actually do help you burn of the fat quickly, effectively and safely.

See how to save a fortune by knowing those diet supplements which are a complete waste of money - This is the information that the supplement companies don't want you to know because it will cost them a colossal amount of money in lost profits. (Information includes full reviews of the following supplements, Chromium, Chitosan, Carnitine, CLA, and many more...)

Learn precisely how to make an effective fat loss diet which will work for you - See the actual diet plan that Will Brink's "personal consultation clients" pay a small fortune to learn. (Will coaches many high profile clients to get into great shape, and now you too can benefit from the exact same info.)

Learn which diet and weight loss supplements are worthless for losing fat but have such strong health benefits that you may want to try them anyway. Health is required for effective fat loss and knowing the truths about these supplements can help your fat loss enormously

See the "10 Golden Laws of Fat Loss" and learn why some experts have got it all wrong. Learn the absolute specifics - once and for all - about what, when and how often you should eat to lose fat. Once you know this you can boost your metabolism and lose fat easily - even while you sleep. This is not hype, it is a physiological fact.

Discover which form of exercise is more effective for long term fat loss, weight training or aerobics (the answer may surprise you), and see a detailed training program which details exactly how to exercise for maximum fat loss.

Although you will find many websites, and indeed offline publications, who claim to offer legitimate, independent advice on diet supplements and fat loss, the reality is that most information out there is written by people whose real objective is to actually sell (mainly worthless) supplements; and their opinions simply cannot be blindly trusted without first doing your own research.

What you need is completely independent, proven advice, (proven both scientifically and in real world situations), written by a genuine and unbiased expert. That's what makes Will Brink's Diet Supplements Revealed so unique.

See more information here: http://www. aboutsupplements. com (http://www. aboutsupplements. com)

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